July 19th. Adelyn Zhou's last tweet

>July 19th. Adelyn Zhou's last tweet
>July 24th. Launch of new site, Chain.Link
>Rory said marketing will be done before main net launch
>Thomas confirms reputation will be outsourced.
>Dreamforce 2018. Apparently announcing a block-chain solution.
>Sergey owns cryptlets.com

Attached: sergey cube.jpg (720x960, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So we gonna make it fren?


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>Thomas confirms reputation will be outsourced.

Yeah, wat?

>Thomas confirms reputation will be outsourced.
gonna need a source on this OP

what is tiger mom up to? I need to know

Attached: thomas.png (955x668, 79K)

Man, the level of delusion isn't good, marines. There are no ties to Salesforce. The mainnet is far from ready. We are not going to dreamforce.

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so when do you see the main net?

I love how you guys spend time studying every technical thing to try to find some way to shake peoples faith in the project. And of course you just do that because it’s, like, your hobby, and there aren’t any other motives, like say trying to drive down the price.

Or there’s the concern troll “well I have big bags myself, I’m just trying to warn you”. It’s transparently ridiculous that anyone would give a fuck about Link unless they planned to profit from it.

Why can't you guys and girls wait until they start announcing shit? If you wanna sell then sell no one cares.

Im glad we have such friends in anonymous

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She's recovering in a psych ward.

>3rd party reputation providers
where the fuck were you guys jesus

Late but still made it

Attached: 1532901428818.jpg (600x465, 89K)

next year


Attached: guardians of the chainlink.jpg (2048x1582, 316K)

>There are no ties to Salesforce
wrong, Salesforce is a member in the Blockchain in Transport Alliance and they work together with IC3.

Attached: 1529804713080.jpg (498x573, 49K)

And how many blockchain projects work with ic3?

Attached: ic3.png (703x374, 66K)

>Dreamforce 2018. Apparently announcing a block-chain solution.
>a block-chain solution

Insider here

stop pretending like you know what you're talking about. The team still has to write the entire reputation contract, the reputation will still be available onchain, without it those 3d reputation providers wouldn't have anything to provide. It's an addition, not a replacement

the absolute state of the recent link "experts"

Attached: CHINKY.png (721x730, 225K)

Where is Salesforce in this picture



Attached: 1478924078245.png (657x527, 440K)

You were asking how many blockchain projects were working with IC3. In that picture is 1, arguably 2 blockchain projects.

Salesforce logo used to be on smartcontract.com but I can't seem to find it anymore.
I'm sure a Jow Forumsbro has an old screenshot to back me up.

Attached: chainlink cubes.png (1091x1110, 1.7M)