>Tfw qt working with you in walmart is an ascort on the side and does 120 dollars for half an hour.
What do? I am too scared to ask her.
Also it's not fare when women can do this on the side for ezpz money while men can't.
>Tfw qt working with you in walmart is an ascort on the side and does 120 dollars for half an hour.
What do? I am too scared to ask her.
Also it's not fare when women can do this on the side for ezpz money while men can't.
So she's an Autralian car?
How about you talk to her and become friends with her so she'll let you fuck for free you fucking incel
Learn English Nigger
that brapper is too heavy for you
What a disgusting whale
2/10 would not bang
>implying being an escort would be worth it
No amount of soap can wash that stain from your soul.
Man the harpoons!
>that fucking mole
>can barely speak the language coherently
Can’t imagine why you have to work at a Wal-Mart, user
Lol people think women are hard to understand. Be nice to them and they will fuck you, of course without being a pussy, if you disagree with them on politics or anything else tell them. I guess I might not understand people's plight because I'm attractive but I am a manlet so a tall dude with an average face should get puss.
Not OP, but that's exactly what I did.
Not recommended.
Knew a 8/10 escort, attracted by me not being swung by her beauty (which really was just an autism)
couldn't even kiss her thinking about all those dicks and cum. It's disgusting senpai
I feel the same amount money. Dropped out of college after my first year, started a business, bought my first house within a year, retired by 30. People always complain about their jobs but this shits easy, just start a business. Cant understand the plight of the poor.
120$ for a half hour? jesus fucking Christ no wonder this country is going to shit with guys lining up to pay those prices. I hope aids ruins your life faggot.
pics/website you faggot
How did you make money with a business? Can you explain how you handled competition?
Letting some ugly piece of shit like you do whatever he wants to your body is not "ezpz money"
He's larping, obviously
I ran a site that was kind of protected from competition because it was an industry rampant with fraud. So any new competitor would show up, get massive amounts of fraud, have to close down within a year. I just layered every known anti-fraud mechanism I could find. Before that I just competed by spending more time on it than others, sometimes you dont have to be better than the competition if the space is big enough. Otherwise if you have to compete, a competitive advantage is necessary. Theres studys where its not good enough to be like 5% cheaper, 10% faster. To get customers to switch you need a big advantage, or cater to a diff market, or have barriers to entry and become entrenched.
what goes through someones mind that they type shit like this out
Nice larp
is that your idea of a "qt"? digusting
It's a slippery slope user, take it from me please. I know I'm a fucking nobody but so are you. Don't do it, not even once.
if u wan eat like a kang, it gonna cost you 100k link every 3 months with that fine upper class chef queen cooking yo high class meals.
no. if anything report her to ice.
or some other agency.