I'm fucking done with the white race. Seriously fuck these fat country drunken slobs. They are literally the most filthy degenerate pig swine race in existence. They drink on every weekend and wonder why they're poor. They get fat and don't take care of their bodies. They love their stupid fucking guns and war vs muh terrorists and are the most disgusting mind manipulated shithole race I have ever come into contact with.
Pic related is where I'm moving to. The philippines. The women are actually feminine, they take care of their bodies, they don't smoke and become fat pig swine like the whites. Fuck America and fuck trying to get into w relationship with a white feminist Jew kike woman.
Also being robbed/shook down for a "loan" by every neighbor/relative of the wife/gf's. Having things constantly vandalized/stolen. Or possibly ratted out as a drug using foreigner and killed. It's basically Mexico of Asia but even worse. Trash everywhere, no one can drive worth a shit, etc.