What is the most beneficial language to learn besides english?

What is the most beneficial language to learn besides english?
obviously if you're a non-english speaker you learn english but what should english speakers learn that would give them the greatest benefit?

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Realistically there isnt a second best, it just depends on your personal interests.
If you go to a country where you don't speak the language, English is almost always the language you can expect some people to speak. The same doesn't work for any other language.


what do u want out of ur language? if u wanna be a fag then learn french. if you wanna larp, then japanese or german. if you wanna do business with china then mandarin.

Spanish and Mandarin

Of course Mandarin

Latin will open a mental door to navigate romance languages, second option would be spanish because of the amount of speakers and the amount of media produced in spanish, and will let you understand macaco, dago and surrender speech, if you choose the chilean variant, you will master all of them

you can do buisness with chinamen a bit better i guess

Chinese but less useful and everybody will think less fo you for being a weeb

lots of people i guess

Access to the shit half of europe

Like Russian except its even more violent and you can watch english shows with dubs and weird simpsons memes

the even shittier half of Africa

maybe useful if you're in tech or engineering and you're good enough to go over seas but not enough to get the upper tier American jobs

Why learn the lingua franca of India if the upper classes speak english anyway

for me its wanking instead

i was thinking mandarin would probably be best for any sort of business related activity
which is spoken by the most countries spanish or french?

German since it's probably the easiest language for an english speaker to learn

Spanish, you get access to most of lat and central America, it's even useful in the US
French is mostly spoken in irrelevant countries like my own

as always, the answer is: it depends!

Attached: An alternative approach to produce indicators of languages in the Internet, Daniel Pimienta, June 20 (960x580, 104K)

Learn your ancestors language, especially if it's an almost extinct language and teach to you kids.

>my ancestors language
ye olde english?

so you basically get access to subhuman countries.
German is your best bet if you want a good future.

I have to disagree with this approach. From experience, the Russian web is way more interesting and inaccessible from the anglophone perspective than the French web is, even if the French web is technically bigger.

The French web, for the most part, is just a translation of the English web, with the only OC being stuff that's almost strictly relevant to France (more specifically, French politics). Russian, one the other hand, is quite different.

So what I take from this thread is that I ought to learn German? Cool.


Mandarin desu its not even close. Too bad its hard as fuck

Oh also if you go there as an english teacher for half a year - a year you should pick up a decent amount if you take it seriously. Speaking isnt the problem, its mostly the writing thats a bitch

In no particular order: Spanish, Chinese, Russian, German, Arabic.

>German since it's probably the easiest language for an english speaker to learn
In general speakers of more isolating languages like English struggle with more inflected languages like German, even if they're related.

German and French but only in Europe. Spanish if in USA. There's nothing else really.

So you can insulti Nigerian scammers back?

There is no equivalent for English natives. Everyone else gets exposed to English almost from birth and will be familiar with the basics even if they go out of their way to not learn English.

Either pick a language with a high amount of native speakers that you like or may be of use, increasing its utility and ease of finding content/natives, or pick an obscure or dead language out of personal interest.

there's this for the United Kingdom:
but there's no heoretical framework or data to back up their metrics so take their results with a grain of salt

French, they want you to speak it for a fancier resume when getting accepted for postgraduate degrees.

Chink is a meme. Maybe if you want to do business with chinks, but why would you do that? Remember it's YOU who'll be dealing with chinks.

Maybe German, Russian or Spanish.
