Why do Europeans have no ambition?

Europeans are content with wagecucking for 50 years while Americans dream, why is this Jow Forums?

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We wagecuck, you dream

Wagecucking forever you asshole

>want to buy index funds and stocks
>50% tax on profit 33% on dividends
>want to start a business
>need entrepreneurship license and half of my profits are taxed, I cannot fire anyone that I hire unless they go through 6 months of training after which I must find them a new place to work at if I want them fired
oh no noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Dem bitscorn gonna make me millionare.

also I do not like the idea that rich people should share their wealth cause I am sure that I will be millionare in the future myself.

Because they have LE FREE HELTCARE
or so they tell themselves.

wtf are you talking about?
there are no licenses and if you want to fire a person its up to the contract but you never have to find them a new place of work

where do you live

im in germany
if you want to run something you dont need a license unless its some regulated shit.

It's the same in the UK

Peter Thiel explains it well in this video.

Unfortunatly the news report is in kraut language

What? I work 9-4:30, free healthcare, 28 holiday days a year, earning £42,000, life is comfy

Failing social security is gonna make me a millionaire, when hyperinflation hits and your retirement plans collapse I'll sell you my bitcorns at $500k each

ofcourse its not true
thats just some amerimutt talking out of his ass about something he doesnt know shit about

Because wage cucking is a million times better than in the US where you dumb fucks get about 2 hrs holiday a year and have to work 90hr weeks


he doesnt explain anything except saying people dont want to work but rather party and implying that privacy protection laws stop startups from doing buisness(which he doesnt explain how)

It explains the mindset of Europeans and also to look at the bigger picture in context with OP's post.

Europeans lack ambition. We are constantly taught in schools to always work in teams and to never go out own way. They push socialism down our throats and tell us that in order to succeed we need to work together with others or we will fail and be excluded from society. Europeans don't want to innovate and create tech giants like Facebook, Microsoft, Google etc. because we are constantly taught to get a stable career at dinosaur-firms like Daimler, ThyssenKrupp, Bosch etc.

>mindset of Europeans
you must be retarded if you think berlin(which he is talking about) says anything about europe or germany for that matter. if you dont know why that is you are poorly educated and should read some history books.


Taxes are too high, so there's not a lot of inventive (for businesses and individuals) to make more money if it all goes to the state.

Our political structure kinda promotes this too. In the UK, our "conservative" party is probably closer to your democrats on the political spectrum, and our "labour" party is full-on communist.

>free healthcare

How the fuck is it free when you're paying for it with taxes you absolute mongoloid.

No wonder europoors are so cucked.

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This + theres no real incentive to innovate or work hard to accomplish something when your basicaly set for life through hand helding from the state no matter how much you fuck up. And even if you kinda make it most of your assets will go towards feeding mohammad's 9 children or stacys abortion so whats the point. Crypto is legit the only way to make it big in europe now unless you have 170IQ and can come up with something truly unique and amazing

>imagine being this cucked

>be me
>not wagecuck
>op and UShitholeA is retarded

I rather not continue this senseless discussion. You obviously are the one who does not know what he talks about and also particually the one who should start reading books about that. Zero to One should be a good start for you

if your homeless and don't pay taxes you still get healthcare
if you're in a lower income tax bracket you're paying disproportionately less for healthcare than a private alternative
the nation pays overall less for health care because it isn't getting ass fucked by insurance lobbies

somehow millions of americans convinced to vote against their own bottom line

Because there are lots of people like A janitor on the west coast makes more than this. Yet this delusional fag thinks his life is "comfy".

What are you talking about? Most european countries have a higher percentage of people self-employed than the US.

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Americans are the kings of wagecucking.

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Braces won’t pay for themselves


Hahahah...haha....*breathes in*...HAAAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAA

>there are no licenses
>First of all, it is important to know whether you are going to work on a self-employed (gewerblich) or freelance (freiberuflich) basis. Freelancers need to register with the tax office (Finanzamt). If you want to register as a self-employed entrepreneur, you will need to contact your local trade office (Gewerbeamt).
>Old-age provisions. In some “liberal professions”, self-employed people are obliged to contribute to public pension funds


Isn't Europe Sharia?
Muslim migration hates wagecucking, what you saying is a bit contradictory

...yeah bbut... its spppics and nnnogs... and... mmhmm...

We wagecuck knowing its over.

You wagecuck while coping with muh american dream.

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Everyone dreams you dumb idiot.
In US you have to work even harder. Sometimes even three jobs at the same time. Yeah, so much for your dream.

>Implying the government can negotiate well

Is this thread somehow implying that the "American way" where work is your purpose in life necessarily leads to a more fulfilling way. Moving to the french countryside and eating whine and cheese till the end of your days isn't really a bad dream. I'm an Academic and I don't even want to stop working, but having to pay for education like you have it in America is a Neanderthal society in my eyes - the free universitie's in central Europe are just as good as the American ones - look at the graduates.

fucking this is the reason
For skilled individual, the work in UK is not attractive anymore.
We send you masses of gypsies, single moms and failed wagecucks. No wonder the taxes go up to 50%.
We need to get rid of this waste, and you are welcoming the with open arms. My sides.
UK is such sad place to live.

>implying you can negotiate well between 3 parties
>also people insurance companies can't profit off of can get fucked

And this is why Europe lacks America in economy, technology. This is what's meant by "lacking a drive". Yes, sitting in a farm in southern France eating cheese and drinking wine may be comfortable, but exactly how is it contributing the advancement of your country, or more broadly the human race? Honestly I see more drive for success from third worlders these days than most Europeans.

If all the cavemen were comfortable picking berries off bushes (why try to cultivate fields, that's so much hard work), where would we be shitposting right now?

>And this is why Europe lacks America in economy, technology
that's more because the US profited off of the war while everybody else had to rebuild
also if you have the ambition to start a global company you move to America and start it there since that's where the majority of the infrastructure and networks for such operations already are.

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I see this COPE from muricans almost every day here? Why? You think anyone gives a fuck you are cuckiest wagecuck around? You want a medal or something? Here you go, the number 1 wagecuck in the world! Now can we move onto something more interesting? I'd rather see more crypto threads desu.

I agree, for example Germany is not the best place to found a company. I feel like they prefer the old ones to stay, and don't want new entrepreneurs take a risk to build something new. It's not like we lack on ideas and motivation.

> Sergey Brin
> Russia


because we fucking have normal healthcare, normal working hours, and normal time off protected by law instead of the murrican 5-10 days of shitty paid leave lmao

if i were murican i wouldn't want to wagecuck either. EU is comfy af tho.

The US economy is one giant ponzi after another
>We are now officially in a tech bubble larger than March of 2000

What kind of socialist shithole do u come from?

Europeans tend to be primarily anti-american just like how women are anti-male

A sick, deep-seated envy and insecurity complex

That makes literally no sense. These threads are always started by americucks. It's always muricucks going "EU is mediocre, no drive, socialist" etc etc. Every single time the OP is clearly a murican. Clearly coping for the fact murica is hell for everyone else except the 1%.

not only that, they also much more than the good european countries

"the american dream" is a scam literally designed to get people to wagecuck and OP fell for it

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It's quite ironical because it's actually the opposite especially judging by the reason why this thread was created. Moreover, you don't see Europeans desperately trying to convince everyone that the USA should balkanize, whereas literally every single American here and especially on Jow Forums is anti-EU and has a wet dream of its dissolution.

If America is so great, then why does Trump have to make it great again? Explain plz

Europe is all about trading away the opprotunity to make millions in exchange for guaranteed 6 weeks of vacation, 40 hour work week, health insurance and paternity leave.

But us europeans have no problems using american products and enjoying american culture. What we feel about your deplorable healthcare and work conditions isn't hatred, it's pity

>you, an american with $100k annual income at best
>an entire fucking country

oh boy i wonder which of these has more weight in negotiating terms.

of course, it's the temporarily inconvenienced american millionare!

makes sense, really. historically, since the dawn of the american empire there hasn't been a country objectively better to live in until the EU showed up.

everything that makes the EU a better place clashes with the interests that, and the cucked neets on this board just eat up their propaganda, never even bothering to question anything.

ITT: americucks who have never left their continent

We're already living in paradise. So dream on.

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>look at the graduates
None of know who the fuck those graduates are

If European academia is so good why is Europe turning into an Islamic caliphate with daily terror attacks?

Germanys basic gestalt:
>you are taught to work for X instead of starting your own business
>you are not taught to invest into X
>people are renting instead of buying property to live in
>if you decide to open your business have fun with all the regulations and weird tax laws that force you to hire an accountant just for your taxes
>general high tax
>muuh free healthcare is shit
>meanwhile 2mio people on guberment program
>its time to save europe through fiscal policy again and put your country to the point where state bonds have negative interest
>public transit system / infrastructure turns into shit

Seriously, acting like a fucking retard to this bureaucratic nightmare and having 100% freetime and no obligation + making money illegally is where its at.

> This is what's meant by "lacking a drive". Yes, sitting in a farm in southern France eating cheese and drinking wine may be comfortable, but exactly how is it contributing the advancement of your country, or more broadly the human race?
What do you mean by "advancement" exactly? Do you have a clear vision what that is? Capitalism raising all boats? And that leads to job fulfillment of the masses?
Or nobody having to work and doing what they like? Like the socialist revolvers?
People coming to terms with themselves IS advancement. People being at ease and eating cheese is not halting progress, it's an end goal.
The resistance to the latter is the current waste of resources and the population explosion in the non-west. But muh business founding and competition can't be an end goal for everybody.
Unless you have a realistic go at muh Elon Musk kind of ideology or want to relax back into muh Petersonian traditionalism, there's no point in going even more in the capitalist direction.

Oh nononono...

>Oooh say can you seeee

we are an old society and have never had to been sold the "land of the free" meme. all people who chased that left and were immigrants hundreds of years ago to usa.

for thousands of years Europe has had a culture of surviving and establishment. that is why

You mean they don't view themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires and logically see that people call it "the 1%" because it's in the fucking title and so they decide to consolidate laws around working a decent job, with pooled societal benefits, and a greater degree of time off?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sounds horrible for anyone with a perpetually butthurt massive ego that isn't content with their life. THE HORROR. WOW. What a clearly illogical approach euro citizens are making with no clear logical backing behind it.

50% of Americans will be in the 20% within their lifetime. Getting in the economic elite doesn’t mean you’ll stay there. America has the highest level of social mobility in any nation.

The stupid American dream was maybe a thing 50 years ago. Today all that is left is the rich getting richer. Why even bother. Let me eat my cheese and chill.

*top 20%

Yeah, I'm in it. I'm a 28 year old American. I'm in the top 20% after I was on euro style benefits like food stamps for years. What the fuck is your point, Sherlock? It wasn't due to some special snowflake system, it was because I went to school, and put my ass into debt to do it while eurofucks get it for practically free.

You're not addressing my post. Being in the top 20% is STILL typically wagecucking. You're still a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Just overworked in a system that encourage debt and risktaking to take decently sized, long-term assets. Hellooooo? Earth to special snowflake.

>America has the highest level of social mobility in any nation.
want to try backing that up?

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The USA is capitalism INCARNATE.
The USA exist to feed the get pigs in the top by slaving the rest 99% of the population.

The USA is literally a pyramid scheme since the dollar wasn't backed by gold any more.

Making your own living is better than having a politician hand you everything on a platter. You can actually respect yourself and you live in a system where you can be self employed.

A euro neet leech will die without gibs because they have no skills, you will not.

>wants to get rich
>mad that other people get rich
lmao crabs in a bucket much?

Yeah that would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that creating my own business means that I have to go EVEN DEEPER into debt for Mr. Noseburg and is a hope and a prayer.

I'm not anti-self employment, but you realize that if you had a declined barrier to entry, that would make self-employment easier...right? If I could simply join a pool for healthcare with society, then I wouldn't have to self-fund myself, nor my employees' healthcare. Or how about, as I just highlighted, the average American NOT be saddled in debt ALREADY BEFORE starting a business right out of college?

Is this getting through to you? I think these stats will cut through reality even more than this personal anecdote you're hearing FROM someone that successfully underwent "social mobility". I'm not a lazy nor a dumb fuck. Stop being closed minded dude. The euros are making a logical, societal level decision. That's all I'm saying. Each system has it's pros and cons, you're the one preaching ours to the point of having this weird ego-tied superiority complex to it....I'm just devil advocating/showing that it isn't as black and white as you're making it.

Yeah that would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that creating my own business means that I have to go EVEN DEEPER into debt for Mr. Noseburg and is a hope and a prayer.

I'm not anti-self employment, but you realize that if you had a declined barrier to entry, that would make self-employment easier...right? If I could simply join a pool for healthcare with society, then I wouldn't have to self-fund myself, nor my employees' healthcare. Or how about, as I just highlighted, the average American NOT be saddled in debt ALREADY BEFORE starting a business right out of college?

Is this getting through to you? I think these stats will cut through reality even more than this personal anecdote you're hearing FROM someone that successfully underwent "social mobility". I'm not a lazy nor a dumb fuck. Stop being closed minded dude. The euros are making a logical, societal level decision. That's all I'm saying. Each system has it's pros and cons, you're the one preaching ours to the point of having this weird ego-tied superiority complex to it....I'm just devil advocating/showing that it isn't as black and white as you're making it.


Bullshit comparison, us has high levels of income inequality but so what? As long has the average joe has what they need who cares how much bezos has?


>If that’s true, how does Denmark rank number-one among all rich countries in social mobility? It’s all about what happens after wages: The country’s high taxes on the rich and income transfers to the poor “compress” economic inequality within each generation: When the rungs on the economic ladder are closer together, it’s easier to move a little bit up (or down) over the course of a generation.

Okay so they achieve this stat by stealing from the productive class and redistributing it to neets. And when you get a slight pay raise in their shitty retail job hurrah you’re slightly closer to the productive class because their savings are being held down


Average debt is ~40k. Median income is 50k. Do a coding boot camp instead for 3 months and make 60-80k right away. Do a digital marketing course and make 40k right away.

Or instead of college go the trade route — no Debt. Trade professions can actually bank in the us. There’s plenty of opportunity.

If your business isn’t shit you can get vc funding. Plenty of small saas business only cost you a laptop, electricity, and hosting fees. You don’t need to go into debt for that.

>As long has the average joe has what they need who cares how much bezos has?

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You're not reading anything dude. You're making shit up to fit your zoomer narrative. I'm an AMERICAN. You're fucking comparing average statistics with the MEDIAN. The typical person is in a large amount of debt with annual income barely covering it even according to your figures. That's a system ENCOURAGING WAGEKEKING AND NOT SELF EMPLOYMENT. HELLO???

Your bullshit isn't working. Coding is getting dilluted af and will accelerate over time as more and more pajeets enter the market. I already have a fucking STEM Grad School degree. My dad already did your non-debt, blue collar route. His body is broken and battered in his 50s. Startups are reaching all-time low levels in the U.S. Your ideological, bootstrap garbage is not working here dude. How old are you?

that poverty rate is fake. The left has managed to push RELATIVE poverty as 'poverty', which means a millionaire living in a village of billionaire is considered poor.
That chart is showing income inequality, not actual poverty.

Why are you still here then. Just drop out of society, move to the uk, and convert to Islam.

Literally just as bad as SJWs. COPE

Why are you still here? I genuinely want to know. You have a us passport that lets you go practically anywhere in the world. You’re educated, good history of employment, and presumably white.

If it’s sooooo bad here and soooooo good in Europe, why not just move? It’s your life after all, you only get 1.

One more thing, a question btw: are you a postwall roastie? Because you're sounding like one getting overwhelmed by logic and going REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at ignoring each of your points being refuted.

But, you know, to this one random point that you're fixating your total attention now on as your bunker hill: Yeah, funny you mention that. I'm actually considering doing that. I've got a smart asian chick that recognizes the same shit that you're logically concluding in this thread. So, why not take this shithole for what it's worth and go to greener pastures? This country is gonna get chinked in the coming decades anyway, We'll just get into a chill, homogenized, euro country with our high skill-set, and we'll leave you temporarily embarrassed millionaires to bask in the glory of perpetually bootstrapping as American firms get bought out/consolidated as time goes on.

I can tell you this: we're not the only members of the "mobile 20%" that'll be enjoying this degree of mobility. You're not the only member that I've had this convo with. Enjoy the decline!

>each of your points being refuted

I stopped reading when you didn’t understand why you’re supposed to use the median to compare groups versus the mean.

Best of luck dude.

Yep, typical roastie logic. Fixating on some bullshit and bouncing. You're the one who was making a fucking statistical comparison that actually worked against you dipshit. Hell, your entire thread did. B-b-best of luck to you too, you butthurt faggot.

>Why do Europeans have no ambition?
I love threads that begin with bold and inaccurate assumptions about groups of human beings.

Anyway, European countries have a history of being class-based when compared to the US and some emerging economies. Being class-based means you are less likely to move upward the social ladder. If you're born in a working-class neighborhood, you're convinced from an early age that you will be there forever.

Of course, today things are different, having a nobility title doesn't matter as much and capitalism allows for more mobility. Still, it takes a while for culture to change.

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>unless its some regulated shit.
now show me shit that isn't regulated

pro-tip, you cant. pic confirms it.

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As a European, I'm very very sad that we ever discovered the Americas, and that we communicate with the rest of the world.

Wow I've never seen an OP in such denial over getting rekt. Top fucking kek

French here
I have a good salary for doing what I like (programming). 2hours lunch break, can start at 10am. Can leave at 5pm if I want. 40+ days available for holidays. Hi America?

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>the 56% mindset

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