How long can the USD be propped up?

I feel worried. The recent stock market bubble and continued housing bubble, along with supression of precious metal prices and oil seem like something big is happening soon.
its no secret china and russia have taken advantage and been buying up gold at a heavy discount for years ahile the USA supresses the price to keep the USD in demand.
The stock market is andirect way to have demand for USD. This bubble seems weird.

How long can it genuinely go on for? Years? Decades??

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The only thing that will take it down is if Israel doesn't need us anymore.

the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

Its like it is to big to fall. But China and Russia are still buying if that means anything? They are doing it to BTC as well now imo.

i have a fear that if i ever 'make it' and never have to work again, something will happen to all economies in the world that will destroy my wealth and render my whole life pointless

it not like America am trying for prop up USD
we trying crash it actually

it China who propping up USD
Gold am worthless

Yep. Im not that impatient. Id like to see a return. But it is a fear of mine. Is making it what i vision it to be by holding real money? (Gold, btc). Or will it just be not starving. Because everyone unprepared will be fucked.
Then China are prepared, perhapa with a gold backed yuan when the time is right. Maybe business as usual, just USA economy in ruins kinda like China was in the 40s-1990s. It doesnt have to be catastrophic doomsday.
Its just an attempt to keep the ponzi going as long as they can

to me the logical outcome of the numerous factors that could unwind economies around the world such as :
>weaning off QE
>raising interest rates
>trade war
>increasing social tension in europe but also the rest of the world
>individual nation events such as brexit

could cause a global depression for absolutely years for the simple fact that we cannot just rely on QE, low interest rates and government bailouts forever.

It worries me a lot and motivates me to try to get my hands on hard assets such as property, land to grow food on etc.

Im not a prepper or anything like that but it's something I think about a lot and I hope it never comes to pass

not to mention actual war between superpowers

collapse begins in the second year of the second trump term

oldrock go down bitrock go up

It could be that way, but also consiser that maybe paper money just gets knocked down to its “true value”. Which is not nothing. Real money raises to its true un deflated value( metal and bitcoin).

So it could just be a recession. Not quite the same circumstances as we have had before. China, Russia, usa are not stupid. They will all retain their currencies, and if ppl starve its useless to aquire gold for power.
Maybe it will just be a hedge. Net value retained. Most ppl are retarded and wont see a gold parabolic as the paper money value reduction, they just see gold going up higher, and stocks falling.

Well now I'm confused. Most cryptophaggots argue that USD is constantly losing its value, while you're worried how its maintaining it

And to elaborate on that. Most ppl in society dont see gold as a currency which it is. That is why. If gold goes up, its like a stock to them. They don’t understand money.

So it could just be that the powerful ellite know that paper money has to pop a bit soon. So they buy real money to retain their net value, while plebs just think “oh gold gone up, but 1,000 usd is always 1,000 usd.

Everything is overbought and the USD is becoming worthless but if you're bag holding is correct, nobody really knows how long it will hold out for.

as awful as this grammar is its half correct, China now has a ridiculous incentive to keep the USD powerful and worth a lot because they own so much US debt, which the USA was trying to make an international trading currency all on its own. US Debt is actually more valuable than US Dollars in more than a few ways to foreign governments.

Here's how I see it going down OP (if the US economy really is to fail):
>Russia, China, and Iran are looking to dump the USD for another international currency
>they all save up precious metals and crypto until trumps second term
>trump gets re-elected
>goes all out pissing off Europe
>Merkel decides that she doesn't want to trade for Russian oil in USD either
>Once this happens China sells of US debt for less than its worth to whatever nations willing to pay that have dollars lying around (all the nations we give gibs to every year)
>they lose money on the dollar deals they made but this causes the dollar to crash
>precious metals and crypto skyrocket in price as they are now international currencies that don't have the US government controlling it

This won't absolutely crash the US economy, but it will feel like it as we'll go from #1 to #5 in terms of GDP very quickly, the initial crash could send us to #7 for a while. As slide as sounds, it may not be that far off.

Pic somewhat related.

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I am worried because i dont know the scenario which plays out. Some people are full on doomsday destruction of society, but i think thats silly. Its just a way for plebs to get fucked after ponzi bursts on fiat. Then fist slowly rises again when debt is wiped and process happens again for next cycle while real money like gold and btc decreases till the next “reset”.

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And the great shake out of retails from
Gold and bitcoin is so retails dont benefit from the quick parabolic of these when fiat pops. While those who know sell at the top to plebs. But its too late already because fiat ponzi debt has been wipes and it can only gain value from there till the next pop

awwww silly you, yep ponzy civilizations just reset, its a click of a mouse

you might wake up when you child is vomiting stomach acid

Explain? I am being simplistic. Sure. There will be a period where adjustments happen and ppl get fucked. Like 2008.
But i font believe in a destructive force on society making us go back lawless helplessness. We have progressed way too much. The contingency is already in place by powerful ppl.

where does stocks come into it for crypto? we are already seeing companies like bitmain getting a listing on stock exchanges. is this just a way for idiots to feel like they are taking part in BTC without actually benefit from holding it?

no goys! buy the stock market version of bitcoin!

I'm not living in a place called "Libertaria"

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I'm not living in a place called "Libertaria"

Also why does New England get to keep the name USA? Especially when everybody already calls them New England?

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Get rid of Libertaria, there is no reason it wouldn't be part of another nation (no distinct cultural difference). MidWestern alliance would stretch from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains. East of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixie would be USA. New England (if not it's own nation) would never agree to be ruled by New York, so the capital would probably be Philadelphia. Cascadia would probably control everything from the Cascades to the Rockies unless the Mormons got in the way. CSA would invade New Havana & New Orleans if they were allied with the North.

>collapse begins in the second year of the second trump term
>the jew failed at rigging the election and getting Shrillery in office
>billions in investments and kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation wasted
>US does not lose sovereignty as the jew opens all borders to free immigration, sealing the death of another white nation by flooding it with a hundred million more fast-breeding browns
>all of which who would have been given access to welfare and voting rights to vote for more Democrats
>Trump keeps a dead nation on life support for six years, desperately trying to prevent the inevitable collapse despite its mathematical hopelessness
>survives two more assassination attempts - the second attempt by another deranged liberal, the third one of Soro's professional assets
>jewmedia is burned to the ground as (((CNN))) interviews the attempted shooter, who was coincidentally released the next day
>the corruption of the (((globalists))) can no longer be concealed
>the jew finally Sampson Options the entire world economy under their banking cartel as a fuck-you to the goyim

I thought the market and USD would be completely fucked by now. As soon as the doomsdayers stop preaching the end times so heavily Id say thats a good time to exit all markets and USD and load up on BTC and metals.

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