You wake up tomorrow and there is $1,000,000 in your bank account. How do you allocate it?

You wake up tomorrow and there is $1,000,000 in your bank account. How do you allocate it?

I'll start:

$500,000 US equities
$300,000 non-US equities
$150,000 various bonds (gov, corporate, convertible)
$45,000 precious metals (gold/silver/plat)
$4,970 Bitcoin
$30 Altcoins

Attached: 1525394906675.jpg (2106x2048, 237K)

literally 1,000,000 lottery tickets. you cant lose

100% crypto

I stop projecting and get to work (not wagecucking but actual work)

Attached: lambo.png (1000x400, 370K)

$999,990 Altcoins
$10 Tendies

Attached: comfy_pepe.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Facial surgeries and leg lengthening to become at least a 6.5/10 and start living a normal life

The rest will be invested to start a business like opening a restaurant/bar/provision store.

Attached: 5D3B94DD-A3BA-42B7-874A-C7C71995E16A.jpg (640x640, 110K)

Leg lengthening?
Thot begone to Reddit or 9gag you piece of shit

I'd pay 1,000,000 people a dollar each to suck me off.

What are equities

Stock, moron.

buy a few guns and ammo.
buy bitcorn

Id probably just go move to a random place and live a neet life

$1,000,000 in LINK.

>not paying 500000 in taxes
OP cannot make it even in his fantasies


Manlets will do anything to cope

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Attached: 29B2F439-24B3-472D-80AF-3D0DF326AD7A.jpg (233x267, 34K)

250k in DAG
250k in HOT
250k in RHOC
250k in ZIL

All in chainlink

just leave it in my bank account, 3% interest on my savings account would be plenty for me

>3% interest on my savings account
Where are you banking with? Holy shit. The banks rub themselves raw advertizing "high yield 0.7%" here.

All in Bitcoin, but unironically

$500k for a house
$200k for my dream car
$100k on expensive escorts and porn
$150k for crypto
$50k in savings

you fucking idiot
if you're dumb enough to buy into the aesthetics meme then you're not going to be happy even if you did get them

200k bitcoin
100k altcoins
live off the rest for the rest of my life

250,000 all in on link
250,000 on property
250,000 on deposit
200000 in stocks, bonds, pms, art and antiques
50,000 on holiday appartment

100k Guro / Vore commisions
100k FUN
100k BTC / XRP

Rest pay off medical debt x.x

I would start a business. You never have to wagecuck anymore and you do something interesting with your life.
Some profitable businesses include bars (if well located), bowlings, concert venues, casinos. Might as well start a construction company. (Either actual construction or material manufacturing/resale)

Transitioning costs 700K?

2 chicks at the same time

>$200,000 house
>$20,000 car
>$780,000 military industrial complex stock

Attached: black budget contractors.jpg (1744x1648, 246K)


200k US equity
100k Foreign equity
50k inflation-protected security
50k short-term equity

100k bitcoin
50k eth
50k altcoins

25k gold
25k altmetals

50k car
35k/year rental
15k consumer whore crap

250k cash (waiting for the big stock market correction)

Ally is like 1.6% right now

rare horses

what are those things on the floor?

Those are watermelons.

any market valued in dollars are going to tank cause debt crisis

google peter schiff

schiff has been wrong for 10 years lmao

unironically 100% in link

I would buy lottery ticket instead.

pay off my parents mortgage of whats left, (100k), neet it up and day trade.

I'd probably start flipping properties with that kind of money.

At least one of those is going is pull a 50x

Are you retarded?

>pay off my parents mortgage of whats left, (100k), neet it up and day trade.

Stop giving boomers money. That is money you need to start your life.

Or get cucked out of your future by people who planned your enslavement from birth.

Same as you except no precious metals or crypto, only 100k in bonds