To all my sky fellows

Yes. Today is the whitelist day. Are you my whitelisted neighbor??? Cause I'm running these sexy nodes like a Skyminer king.

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no email. Is it possible to be on the next month list? how can I find out about my status?

I have SKY, but not really sure what 'whitelist day' means. What am I missing?

Don't worry, if your nodes are working and are submitted, then you will be whitelisted on 5th next month.
Anytime soon it will be possible to even find information about your waiting time until you get whitlisted. This would be very useful.

I submitted mine at like midnight June 1st, have had pretty consistent uptime since then, but haven't heard anything. Any clue where I might be in the wait list?

here you go fren. go on GitHub for more info, u find everything there

>>The whitelist application ID (ID of first submitted application) represents your position in the queue.

mine came today and it covers July's uptime. I applied a few days before the end of May if that helps

Feels like ive become a member of something big and important. Haha. I'll remember the day that a friend convinved me to buy SKY as an important day.

Thanks, I didn't know they had that. Looks like I got some more waiting to do since the last whitelisted application was from 5/24.
Yeah, the github says the last whitelisted application date was 2018-05-24 23:40:27. That's what I get for waiting til the last minute, fuck!


Fren, if you have sky you must have heard about skywire project, pillon of skycoin ecosystem.
The goal is to start a new internet, P2P meshnet with the help of people because it is about giving back to them the control over internet.
People like I and hopefully you as well are interested in contributing to it. How??
With the help of Skyminers. Check OP's avatar.
That is a Skyminer. These Skyminers can be made by normal people. It's called DIY and it can have max 8 nodes.

Here is your answer: these nodes must work and be registered and of course, they need validation from Sky team. And that's it. The list with good working nodes acknowledged by devs is called 'the whitelist'. On 5th each month it's released.

Good luck if you think you want to do it

They're whitelisting DIY miners every month now instead of every week.

If you haven't built a miner. Build one.

Skycoin (bestcoin) is in testnet, which means all nodes have to be manually whitelisted. Whitelist day is the day they contact the new additions.

If you want to find out your application ID you should contact these people

@asxtree @MrHodlr @Paperstream /GitHub

Thank you. Ill be considering it.

feeling great mate, Im one of the 200 lucky bastards!!

How much did it cost you to build your own skyminer ?

>hashlets still think they are actual miners with their pi's

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I confirm this information. This system will happen during mainnet. There will be an account system through which you can spot your place and check how much bandwidth you provided.

As a matter of fact, the holders of skyminers are not mining anything. Don't confuse the traditional mining with this. Here the coin is pre-mined and the nodes are providing Bandwidth. It's called 'mining' because the skyminers are acting as a “miner” for processes involving Coin Hours. Nothing more

what info should I submit? almost finishing my diy, feeling a bit lost in this, can u pls guide me a bit? I don't have too much free time to move quickly so no time to read all that github info

This thread shows why I like SKY so much. Lots of info sharing and lots of development going on.

300 bucks. but i already had some parts, didn't have to buy all the ingredients


Name, Email address, City
Skycoin wallet address
Node quantity: no. of pis you're running in your miner
Node Hardware: Specify the hardware you're using + a note if you have merged more than 1 type of board in your miner
Node OS: The OS you're running on the pis
Node brief description: Describe your setup, the router you're using & the things that you will present on the pictures
Miner photos: At least three photos, each from a different perspective (each one max 3MB in size)
Your public keys

No diy nor skyminer of any kind but saw some complains about your rewards. what's that about!??

Also the Telegram account if there is one. It's needed anyway. Most of info is there. Real time chats and plenty of information

it costed me about $600, brand new pieces

>appearance of my shitcoin mining device is more important than what the shitcoin would actually be used for

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oooooooh, btw you can submit complains about rewards today until midnight

I am selling my whitelisted email account and private keys, you can just insert it in your skyminer and start mining. Any interest ?

Unironically shut mine down until I get an email, shit is ridiculous now.

I wouldn't do that ... i got my application mail 2 days ago, when did you apply?
Also if you want you can buy mine and start mining right now, just resubmit with your keys and you're in.
Basically I'll sell you mail E-Mail account which got whitelisted...

Can we actually do that??? Smells like a new biz for nerds

There is a limited budget and with time the rewards might get smaller, if the coin moon that shouldn't be a problem, also at some.point the incentives will be pooled out and everyone can earn from providing bandwidth

Yes it's possible

Observe, as the 2018 POWcuck attempts to stray outside it's natural habitat.