I have literally never seen such a large amount of scams in my life compared to when I got into crypto. In this fucked market there are literally MORE scams than there are legitimate projects.
because of this. i have developed an instinct. Never trust pajeets. Never trust chinks. In fact, never trust anyone apart from white people. literally every other coin that is not european or american is a scam.
crypto has unironically made me a racist. but not for political reasons. its because if i am not racist i will literally lose all of my fucking money to chinks and pajeets. i swear to god. 12 months ago, i was a fucking norman. would happily intergate with the rest of society's persons regardless of their ethnicity.
you’re right but most euro projects are unironically scams too
Wyatt Martin
Funny when Bitconnect, Centra and Confido failed no one brought out the race card. You're unironically a racist.
Eli Gray
its amazing almost 100% of coins are scams like what am going on
Jackson Parker
yes of course there are western scams. but only about 70-80% of western projects are scams so there is still 20-30% of good stuff.
wheras 99% of non-western projects are scams. name on single legitimate chink coin.
Cooper Fisher
Bitcoin. There.
Evan Torres
I don't know who created BCC or CTR but the biggest shills for these were niggers. CFD lead "developer" was a turkroach
Joseph Stewart
Bitconnect WAS a chink scam you stupid fuck.
Luke Murphy
Only 4-5 project in whole crypto space are for real the rest are scams and money grabs, bitcoin, monero and dash are legit currencies and ambrosus is the only token that has any chance to succeed and doesnt have a team of scamsters.
Cooper Anderson
Don't forget Australia! Cunt
Jayden Adams
Name one Chinese team member of Bitconnect.
Matthew Howard
OMG was one of the best performant token in 2017 It has made a lot of people become millionaire
Owen Martinez
>never trust chinks As an app developer who is watching his entire app portfolio get copied by 1 chink developer one app at a time, I endorse this post.
Samuel Scott
Jesus christ you don't get it. Every project on the market has scammers involved. 100%. If any coin succeeds in being more positive than negative to the world it will be by accident.
Eli Morales
pray that you never find out about the jews and ZOG bluepilled nomie friend
these are the only coins thaat are not scammed. literally one of them didnt exist before the bull run. I dont even own link btw. Stellar is possible legit too, we are yet to realize.
Bentley Perry
No, because you're too much of a brainlet to do your own due diligence. There is endless information that suggests they were based out of Southeast Asia. I'm not here to hold your hand.
there are two great unregulated market spaces: fitness and crypto.
despite what people often think, regulation is actually a good thing when done properly.
Blake Diaz
I have finally realised after all this time in crypto that the only LEGIT project that is still undervalued is Chainlink. Everything else is either a scam or extremely overvalued to the point that if you're lucky you'll have to wait 3-5 years to see any legit supply/demand return.
WOW a whole 3 to 5 years?! I'm 12 years old and don't have that kind of patience
Julian Hernandez
the only legit project is 0x. the problem is that it is based on a scam blockchain known as ethereum
Joseph Ross
A whole 3-5 years to start getting investment back not 1000% moons. XRP is valued at $16b while it's not actually being used by anyone(only tests atm). ETH $40b while it's best dapps are ponzi games. You see where I'm going with this? Chainlink actually has a small marketcap and actual usecase coupled with a team fully focused on development and serious adoption. 3-5 years with Chainlink compared to XRP or ETH will show you how undervalued LINK really is atm.