Shill me your low cap gems to moon next year biz

shill me your low cap gems to moon next year biz

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Ambrosus, theres alot of fud around it but fundamentals havent changed a bit.


>2,412,169 mcap (though it was at over 6m before all alts crashed, so price is low. Good time to get in).
>outperformed top 900 cryptos in terms of market cap growth from January 1st-now.
>partnership with woodfine capital, cocobay danang, marine city, and a 4th unnamed developer
>approved for the central bank of russias crypto pilot program
>in talks with government officials from Vietnam, Russia, Myanmar, and China to develop countries infrastructure.
>in talks with a few top exchanges to list (not sure which ones, but they did recently turn down hitbtc)
>platform rolling out by the end of summer. Should be by the end of this month.

fuck of. DYOR fag.
i got 1 1000x gem but i won´t share it.

Rate3 will be focusing on three key areas: 1) settlements & clearance, 2) loans & credit, 3) securities.

>fucking low marketcap, under 7 millions
>has strong connections to Odyssey pumpndump mafia, CEO of rate3 is advisor on Odyssey & is good friends with Yi Shi.
>team is doing great @ technical & marketing
>great backing , over 10 crypto VC funds has invested

>partners: PayPal, IOST

>already trading in Bibox
>team sent 3700 ETH to bibox for market makers?? this will pump really much soon

I think this will be pushed to 100 millions marketcap soon.
Only brainlets aren't accumulating

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Dumped 50% last last month.

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Iot x

Hydro. 14mm mkcap, 10mm in volume. You know what this means

OST. In short, they allow businesses or individuals to mint their own token economy without having any blockchain developers or needing to know how to code. They are scalable, using ethereum side chains.

They are partnered with Unsplash (actual partnership, OST CEO sits on their board) to tokenize all of Unsplash photo activity.

Also the token is deflationary. When companies or people buy OST to mint their own token, they stake that OST which removes it from the circulating supply.

Price is so low because the team refuses to market until they have a fully working product. This is very under the radar. Check them out, there's a lot more to it

Attached: 1_M1462N_fUIWKIxYj3fPcOg.png (2000x4583, 1.02M)

Also huge supply..


Literally any project you see shilled on bi right now. It's a fire sale right now. If you've got fresh fiat you're golden.

it means chink exchange wash trading competition volume


Just about anything on the XLM platform, Stellarx is just around the corner.

TokenPay, integrated with banks, low supply


I already checked. Competition ended on July 26th. The current volume is actually the highest this token has ever had.

AST, look up novogratz if you don't know who it is


Asset Management platform + Crypto brokerage. You exchange GVT for Asset Management tokens that represent the NAV of the manager. The manager takes the GVT goes to market [crypto market, forex market (in the future, probably equities as well)], and manages the funds, ideally into a larger portfolio.

Basically hedge funds for poor people.

Seems like securities tokenization is getting noticed if there's already a chinese knockoff.

This right here. Some of the Stellar ICOs are quite interesting. I believe a couple are already up and running product wise.

The volume on coin market cap is wrong it’s less than $50k, check livecoinwatch

that's one fucked up pepe meme

It's eccentric intellectual pepe.

Dont listen to try hards

0xbtc nice price actually

I remember SLT and MOBI. What else is there?
Also NKN and UUU will probably pump hard.

delete this. I'm still accumulating.

Constellation (DAG). Nano 2.0. 1 500 BTC market cap. Testnet up and running.

Livecoinwatch doesn’t include all the markets, most notably bitmart since apparently all the volume is coming from their hydro/btc pair apparently

AMB. The Reddit fags are just beginning to discover the giant scam that is VEN, you think those fags will fall for that again in the coming bulllrun? No. AMB has ~30x just to get to a 1 billion cap which is a fraction of what it’s capable of


i've got 2 get rekt noob