What's the point in even working hard to make money when you have to waste your youth for it...

What's the point in even working hard to make money when you have to waste your youth for it? I want to be rich in my youth now. Not when i'm 60.

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There's no point to anything.

This. You have to forge your own path in life.

No, you have to be born rich.

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and lose it all, most importantly

>your youth
What does this even mean? you can do all your "youthful" things within 2 years on a low budget

>people thinking "youth" means 20s
Real youth is from age 5 to 15. Anything past then all the peers in your age group have been corrupted.

not quite op. the dynamic has shifted.

now you have to work your entire youth to pay for old people who outnumber you, wile getting nothing in return.

>you can do all your "youthful" things within 2 years on a low budget
What do you mean?

Hello Jow Forums

That's why you must put all your faith in crypto lest you will forever be a wagie cuck.

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the point is the next you to be able to do that

you actually have to pay for us neets, elders, refugees, single mothers and of course the owners. hope you have a good day keep slaving.

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no, you would keep making money

if braindead mongs like the jenners keep making money, imagine how easy it is

just have to sit on your ass and reciev dividends

stop coping

we are actually in the same circumstance as french revolution.

>poor paying for the elite to continue their lavish lifestyle (this time its paying for refugees and the disproportionately old population)
>have to be born into wealth to have a nice life
>Spend every single cent to have a roof in a shoebox and basic food.
>ultra rich get richer
>ultra rich increasingly showing off to plebs(social media this time) and lobbying us to create a worshiping of them for their wealth, and its working.

soon something will break.

What do YOU mean??

lol stay mad you faggot ass commie

desu if you are on Jow Forums your life is probably shit and you should just kill yourself

Stop watching super stimulating movies with generally unachievable things happening in them. Learn to justify your life in real terms, and do something real. Risk alot. What the fuck do you have to lose anyway if you're poor as shit. Don't go into any more than 10k debt at a time and you can have alot of fun. Fucking do it.

You think if you were born rich you'd be any happier? Probably not. The only reason you're depressed is you think the grass is greener on the other side. And it is. Either you waste your youth being "youthful", or you decide on achievable goals and grind away at them. Eventually you'll have something to show for your efforts.

Pick one or both and fucking do it. You can be successful in your late 20s to 30s if you find the right info and invest properly. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get angry enough to do something. Fail. And do it again until you make it. Be a FUCKING MAN GOD DAMNIT.

ehhh. im no commie. its just the way it works. i like capitalism the most, but im smart enough to realise that it cant last forever and everything has to go in a cycle. sadly, we may not get to enjoy the best parts of capitalism like our parents and grant parents did, maybe our great grandchildren and their kids well enjoy it the same way our parents did.

we will have to have the shitty commie shit inbetween till it resets

what specifically can you do when you're young that you can't do when you're 40. It's reasonable to be at least so rich that you can spend a non significant part of your wealth on stupid luxury items when you're 40 given that you didn't "enjoy your youth".

People fuck up the largest part of their life by "enjoying their youth" instead of working hard when you're investment potential is at it's peak. What about enjoying your life and not giving a flying fuck about your youth?

shit, that rouge "you're" is supposed to be a "their"

the only way to enjoy life as sub-rich is being born good looking

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>what specifically can you do when you're young that you can't do when you're 40

having hair, free time, shoot massive loads, have epic libido and hardons, high energy, not be seen as a boomer that doesnt fit in, etc

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I'm a boomer and could pick up younger girls any time. I like being married though. So I dont. If I wanted to drop everything and date, screw, whatever, I could. Don't want to. I'm more fit than ever and have more free time. Be a successful 30 something.

You can only enjoy youth if you are either from a wealthy family, you are bluepilled or have redpilled friends. The worst is when you are poor and somehow got redpilled. Thank god I'm not so poor.

Then why do fortunes only last 3 generations on average?

You sound like the one who's trying to cope. I know just by the way you type you're from /r9gay/

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That happens when you don't teach your kids about finance and life.

Keep backpedaling.

No back pedaling there. It's cause and effect. Stop being an idiot and learn something about making money. Teach it to your children if you have them. If you don't ever learn how to survive by making money grow, don't burden the rest of us with your unlearned retarded commie children. Commies are manufactured by weakling parents who don't have the skills to build wealth, and can't pass those skills on the their kids. Don't be a weak ass fag.

that's enough to last a lifetime of awesomeness

who cares about having kids? on a long enough timeline everyone fucks up

even if rothchilds will (google heat death of the universe)

Read your post, because I know you didn't when you first typed it. You ever heard the saying about a horse and water? Ever wonder why trustfund babies almost ALWAYS end up ruining their own lives despite having the absolute best upbringings and the odds grossly stacked in their favor? Now I know what kind of beast you are. You're /pol9k/ the most vile spawn Jow Forums has ever produced.

It won't even take the heat death of the universe. The Rothschilds have no male heirs. They had a nice run while it lasted, though.

Congratulations op, you've discovered a soul. Now try to fill that need with meaning.

Or whores.

Show your face and I'll judge whether you have hope.

I'm not talking about trust fundies. I'm talking about normal people regardless of color teaching their children how to be successful and independent, and how not to blame their problems on the rich. People asking "what's the point" is the product of a nihilistic and unproductive world outlook. You don't like that I called you a weak fag on an anonymous site full of shitlords? Go queef somewhere else. If you weren't such a god damn pussy you'd be working toward making your world, and everyone else's world a better place. Learn something other than feeling sorry for yourself and grow a big sack. This question comes up everyday here and I'm trying to kill needless nihilism. Wake up, and find something to do. /pol is full of anti semitism and racism yeah. I don't agree with any of that and I don't frequent their forum unless I want a laugh. But my point is, generational wealth is not guaranteed and trust funds aren't the best way to provide for your children. That being said, there is some percentage of fundies that keep their money and there's a reason for that. If you do what they do, then maybe your kids will keep and grow their wealth too. Gay fag

The point of being intelligent is to study in a field that challenges you. Then you get a job that is challenging and rewarding so you enjoy it. I hope you realised this in HS champ

Im okay with gay people too. The thought of dicks penetrating assholes is always hilarious. Most gays I know don't care about the word fag anyway and freely use it because it's funny. Dont be so sensitive. Fag



I did not know we had so many jews here

I just landed my job as as a structural engineer (stress testing/inspecting) on an oil rig in the Arafura Sea. Yeah man my 350k for 6 months work a year is retarded. Have fun enjoying your life.

The worst part is living at the time of the reset. Law and order would break down. People would be killing each other. It would be like having the LA riots happening in every major city.

Have fun dying.

If you can't justify the risk, can you justify the reward? This is why you are a poor weenie user.

When i think of all the "youthful shit" that i really wanna do all i can think of is going to like 5 cities in Europe and fucking a few hotties and maybe make some new friends while im there. All in all it wouldn't cost me more than $10-15k which i have but would rather keep it invested.

"Commie" How much Faux news you watching? We have more than enough money to pay for the poor and old people. Just tax the fucking churches and close the over sees loop holes or corporate tax shelters, everything can stay exactly as is and most of the shit will fix itself. Anyone making in income of over 400,000 a year either needs to pay a bit more or chill the fuck out with making money. Its not a tough problem to fix...but this human nature of I need to get EVERYTHING and MAKE all the money is like a game of fucking "Snake" on the only nokia phones.

Then keep it invested, take out a loan, do all the shit, and pay it off.

Confirmed you don't know wtf is going on. Read the wealth of nations, learn to invest, and stop thinking you know best how to spend other people's money. Churches do what they do. I don't care as long as they're not fucking my kids. And they won't because I don't go to church. Why the hate for churches anyway? They'll die on their own.

the main reason is to pay for boomers to retire, then when they're done taking your money they will remove the public pension and let you rot.

you're welcome