Let's talk about Monero. It's the only coin with actual use since it's truly anonymous if you use it correctly. The developers are constantly improving it, whereas BTC is getting progressively worse. BTC is not private whatsoever, every transaction is broadcasted to the public. You don't have to be a criminal to want privacy in your coins, would you post your every bank transaction online? Your account balances? No, that's insane. Monero is the future. It's right in front of your eyes, but you are too obsessed with shitcoins. Will this coin have a massive bullrun like BTC did? Or just steadily rise in price over time?

Attached: monero-logo.jpg (640x427, 71K)

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We will see monero $1k by 2020

It's under a lot of pressure because the gov hate it. Exchanges that haven't already listed it in the pre-crypto hype era are unlikely to list it. It's biggest use area, darknetmarkets, are either too lazy to implement properly on their sites or are run by feds who want everyone to use public btc. This limits their growth to niche corners of the Web. But the quality of the project will prevail long term. Unless something better comes along soon, which I haven't seen any signs of.

>BTC is getting progressively worse

Attached: 1508109647001.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Zk-starks are the future of scalability and privacy. Plus they are quantum proof.
I like monero but it's in no way the best bet in crypto.

>So enticing, in fact, that lead developer Riccardo Spagni, who has called zcash "a complete security farce" – seems willing to look past the rivalry toward a common goal. He describes zk-starks as "preferable" and told CoinDesk that monero will be looking to integrate the tech if and when it's usable.
It does look like XMR would implement it if it actually turns out to be useful. But we're talking about an already functioning, proven anonymous currency vs. something that isn't more than an untested idea.

>10x in 2 years
>not even outperforming a simple rental property
>the future of currency

idk man

Have you tried a LN wallet? BTC is a literal joke.

>not knowing the difference between 10x and 10%

Holy fuck learn maths.

What property will 10x in 2 years? That's a 200k house turning into a 2m house in 2 years. We are all laughing at you.

Probably the third most useful coin after BTC and ETH

I only got 3 XMR ATM though, bought at the wrong time

I'm waiting for this shit to bottom out, then my life savings are going in

Smart guy.

Just wait until the darknet markets boom again this is bound to boom.

LN is in it's infancy

Kek me too.
> cash out 8x on XMR.
> miss the gains
> prepare all disposable fiat to go all in
> december 2017
> dumpening.pwjk
> tfw avoided the lifelong JUST by a few days. Though I'm all in monero as soon this fuckery bottoms out.

What I like with monero is that any tech is welcome if it improves privacy / scalability. Sidechain mimblewimble was a very hot topic on irc last winter. Kovri is in alpha now.

I am an XMR maximalist. If you'd take time to understand the laws of how currency works, and how to determine a currency's value, you'd realize that the XMR usecase is such that, when it attains 60% penetration into the Dark Web, it'll be worth $20,000 a coin. I'm not saying this to shill, but as a simple fact. It is currently undervalued by an order of magnitude and has only gotten to this depressed level because of a market oversaturated with shitcoins and carwash tokens. If serious crypto people are not DCAing this every week, they're making a huge mistake. I think the chances that it'll hit $35 are quite likely. I'm sitting on 100k fiat waiting for that moment.

How long do you think until it bottoms out?

Since everything is still tied to BTC in one way or another, everything is just following BTC's lead. When the final capitulation happens (around $900), it's my belief that two things will happen:
1) hundreds/thousands of shitcoins will be purged
2) the survivors will be disentangled from BTC
I think we're going to continue this slow bleed for another 9 months to year and a half, though.

>typing on a keyboard bought with XMR at its peak

Attached: file.png (645x773, 983K)

My calculations are based only on XMR's usecase on the Dark Web. If it were to establish itself as a currency for the wider world of illegal arms trades, money laundering, prostitution, drug cartels, etc. Well... the $20,000 becomes quite seriously $200,000, $2,000,000, $20,000,000 quite easily. I realize this sounds insane, but XMR seems to be the perfect coin to take the role of The World's Black Market Currency. And the mind should boggle at that possibility.

The risk, of course, is that some combination of State actors finds a way to break XMR. If that happens, it's worthless. So it remains a speculative investment. But it has such a headstart, and such a sound foundation, that it, for me, for the moment, exists as the pinnacle of the technology. The only thing to NOT be afraid of is the idea that a governmental "ban" would somehow be "bad" for XMR. The opposite is the case.

You honestly think BTC will drop under 1k?

I agree with you in principle. Monero has the best chance to become the new digital gold/Swiss bank of the future, not bitcoin. It will never be used for everyday transactions but it doesn't really need to be for it to blow up in price.

Monero is however seriously at risk as it is. The current hashrate could be fucked with if TPTB desired. It's just not high enough. Hopefully Monero stays under the radar for a while.

Does monero have any competition?

If you dig around at the other privacy coins, you'll find huge holes in all of them. Shady premines, optional privacy, etc. XMR is the purest of the bunch at the moment. Another could theoretically come along, but head starts count in this space.

True, monero has huge first mover advantage.

BTC store of value
ETH customization, dapps, fast transactions
XMR privacy
DOGE cheap transactions

Everything else is speculative