I'll give you a free tip that might save your portfolio

DO NOT touch any shitcoin whose chart looks like this. If you already hold it, just sell and move on, otherwise you're in for a bad time once the next bull cycle starts.

Attached: bagholder's token.png (1021x378, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>next bull cycle starts
keep dreaming

This will happen to all of them.

Attached: DigiByte -DGB- price- charts- market cap- and other metrics - CoinMarketCap 8-5-2018 10-14-48 PM.png (1463x642, 60K)

pretty much almost all altcoins chart's look like this though

"pretty much" is the key phrase. Look for those that don't.

so what kind of charts should we be looking for with shitcoins? Why are these charts where the shitcoin price slowly grinds down over a few months a bad thing? Can you please explain a bit more of this

that's the chart of almost every alt to ever exist. they only ever get one, two, and if they're very luckly three chances to pump and exit, after that they fade off and all the speculators run off to the next alt leaving the bagholders behind.

looks like bitcoin’s chart...

So I have two bags that look like that. I’m really reluctant to see this low though. What if they recover?

This lol 90 percentile id shitcoins going to 0