DO NOT touch any shitcoin whose chart looks like this. If you already hold it, just sell and move on, otherwise you're in for a bad time once the next bull cycle starts.
I'll give you a free tip that might save your portfolio
Other urls found in this thread:
>next bull cycle starts
keep dreaming
This will happen to all of them.
pretty much almost all altcoins chart's look like this though
"pretty much" is the key phrase. Look for those that don't.
so what kind of charts should we be looking for with shitcoins? Why are these charts where the shitcoin price slowly grinds down over a few months a bad thing? Can you please explain a bit more of this
that's the chart of almost every alt to ever exist. they only ever get one, two, and if they're very luckly three chances to pump and exit, after that they fade off and all the speculators run off to the next alt leaving the bagholders behind.
looks like bitcoin’s chart...
So I have two bags that look like that. I’m really reluctant to see this low though. What if they recover?
This lol 90 percentile id shitcoins going to 0
Yeah, sell at the absolute bottom, great idea bro.
Here's another example.
It's easy, really. All these shitcoins were massively (artificially) pumped during the bull run and the subsequent dump left a lot of bagholders in its wake (huge selling pressure). No whale will ever want to pump them, because there would be no profit from doing so.
>so what kind of charts should we be looking for with shitcoins?
Ideally look for those that hit the market this year. At the very least, you don't want anything that had a huge pump and dump in Dec/Jan. I won't shill you anything, just look around cmc.
See, this is the absolute state of a bagholder Take his advice at your own peril.
Yes, pretty much. The whales have already exited on and are accumulating the next wave of shitcoins.
looked at every coin in the top 300 and every single one has this chart. aside from a few obvious scams
nice just sold 100k Ark thanks for the heads up you've saved me
>looked at every coin in the top 300
Either you didn't
>obvious scams
or your idea of what constitutes an obvious scam is wrong.
Good luck. I'm not here to convince or spoonfeed you. Dyor or not, don't care.
You're one year late.
he's actually right. Shitcoins that have already pumped and dumped and left a bunch of bagholders are not going to pump well. Learned it from last year's bull market experience
REQ, NANO, COSS - doesn't matter. All trash.
better now than later. thanks again you're a lifesaver!
all shitcoins eventually get justed. the key is to fuck off with profits before that
Ah, the good old ironic shitposting of a deluded Arkie - bagholder of a shitcoin that's sitting lower than last April. The final (You), no need to derail the thread further.
this, most of them are shitcoins that already had their day, now it's over and most will never pump that high again. The next bullrun will have a fresh new set of shitcoins primed and ready to pump
The whole crypto looks like that bro
Stop listening to this fag, charts dont matter, they are driven by the general sentiment that crypto is a scam, what matters is a working product
>working product
>absolute bottom
Do they not teach the number zero in your country?
shill me one im desperate, down $10k need to put my remaining money into something.
so youre saying to buy LINK?
that shit was over $4 now it is 60cents.
I'm sorry, not the point of the thread. You have to do your own research. If you're not able to, just buy BTC or ETH.
If a particular coin had decent rallies even in this fierce bear market, instead of an uninterrupted downward slope, I would consider it a bullish indicator.
>is a scam, what matters is a working product
Show me proof of the latter on what you are bagholding, I'll wait.
OP has a good point and I learned that the hard way a while ago.
does this look bad?
ETH literally perfect for everything day trading swing trading or simply holding
No, not particularly. Doesn't look great either, but if you think the fundamentals are strong enough, I'd say go for it. Didn't check what coin btw.
yea but it wont make back the $10k i lost.
DCA, day trade, swing trade. you were retarded enough to hold all the way down now you have to work hard to get it back
is this different enough?
lets dump some charts to help u guys figure this out
doesnt matter what it looks like, all alts follow the exact same pre-hype, hype, disillusionment, abandonment cycle. the only exceptions are when they become dominant like ethereum, and by that point they're usually too large to see huge gains you normally get from shitcoins
excited for this one
I work for a highly regarded Japanese Tech Conglomerate, all the VPs in my division that are in crypto think this is actually gonna become the Jap currency
honestly I've never even heard of this coin wtf
Qtum looks most like OPs chart, I'd maybe stay away
What about the hack? Is he dumping? What are his addresses?
might aswell just say every single asian coin
XLM had that minor bump that OP spoke of, might be interesting to get in
nah because I'm a die-hard Tron-guy after Justin Sun bought Bittorrent
Not really. Though ICX might pull off another hype pump, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Looks good, until you realize that you might 5x your sats at best. But the risk might be small enough.
Looks much worse, all the the while the upside potential is equally shit.
Bitbean-tier pump and dump chart.
No comment.
Looks dead to me.
Can you stop spamming these china hustles now?
Looks good.
The NEO chart is different because around the end of January/Early Februaryish people were still kind of bullish but looking for where to throw money and because of some conference it was still pumping. I got out of most (like 90%) of my position in March and the rest on that 20% pump a few weeks ago. It's going lower but it might survive the suck.
Maybe but it has a lot of retards holding it and it has always been a lot of smoke. Weren't they originally talking about bike sharing or some shit but now bought or something?
I'm pretty sure a Venn Diagram between this and ripple would blend together hard because the November/December money bought it in the cents/few dollars range and pray it will go up to bitcoin prices.
None of these are my bag other than TRX, just wanted to keep the thread alive because I came to a similar conclusion a month ago
How about ZRX?
Here’s your free tip for today guys
Is that 0x? One of my biggest regrets of last year was being a lazy shit and not registering on Binance and buying that before December when Jow Forums was shilling it the summer and fall before.
If you want to 3-5x your sats during the next bull run, then by all means. I'm not interested in top 100 shitcoins (besides the obvious blue chips, ETH and BTC).
3-5x is plenty for me at this point, so hopefully it works out.
I really don't want to shill because that shit is stupid and I'm only here today since I just finished a screenplay and wanted a break
But they're working with Obike and OFO for bike sharing and then Bit-torrent is supposed to be to decentralize content creation by paying seeders in TRX to host their content for a fraction of the cost of these major tech companies.
it's just supposed to be an entertainment coin with ambitions of decentralizing the internet, but all of these things are trading cards anyway so it doesn't even matter.
Last i heard they partnered with a bouncy castle company.
No, it's a top 10 coin. This is 0x
Go ahead, sell retards. Buy high sell low, that's what you do best.
This is what bagholding dead shitcoins unironically does to you
Doesn't this mean the coin has had a full retracement at this point, and most of the bagholders capitulated? It should be easier to pump now because there aren't many holders left
Buy coins like QTUM, they've come down a lot.
Zilliqa, AE, Decred. ADA, SC, BTS these are solid coins that will net you gains.
Tezos is another one if you believe in it, can be a big suprise on the next bullrun
>look for those that hit the market this year
subtle holo shill
what about this senpai
bought in march and still holding
OP, I really would appreciate your opinion on this one.
Too much of a decline for the next bullrun?
I'm still holding sia coin I bought at 600 sats.
Do you think it will rise again? Pls be honest.
My shitcoin just achieved smart contracts today. See you from my lambo niggers.
i think that is the exact chart OP is talking about.
wtf why did you do that
C'mon dude we all make mistakes, it was my first foray into crypto. Though I see sia going to 50 sats and not recovering for a long time, wondering to liquidate and go into Link.
Bike sharing has not worked out well where it has been tried and, while the bittorrent protocol is useful as fuck, I stopped using μTorrent not long after BiTtorrent bought them out because they turned it to shit.
I'm just really not seeing a way to make money with either and slapping a blockchain on it.
you just described bitcoin
Hey OP lets say I wanted to buy something like that but not at those prices, it should bottom out eventually. What is a good time to buy (assuming I believe the project has a future)?
Also not sure if you zoomed out enough on that one, can't tell where's the actual long term support because it seems like it'll soon fully retrace to before the start of that pump.
holy fuck, then I accept, that I just lost all my money. Fuckinh hell, those China Hustles.
I hope they die in pain ffs
How’s this chart looking?
Literally what OPs chart looks like
Get into stuff that hasn't pumped retardly like mft or dock.
mft and dock are absolute shitcoins
No, that's not true, and examples I gave (ARK and DGB) strongly support that notion.
I don't particularly like Holo.
Looks very manipulated, for better or for worse.
It's dead, sorry.
You don't get what I wrote. It's not about finding the bottom. Those coins won't perform in a bull market.
China hustles can make you a lot of money, as long as you don't buy the top like a retard. There is a couple in top 200 and 300 respectively that I'm quite optimistic about (sub 10% portfolio allocation of course). Look for those that seem legit, haven't pumped yet and are under the radar.
Why don't you like holo?
you are wrong, if we have another alt season like the last one there will enough fomo from normies again to pump all those shitcoins, it's only a matter of hype, there is no reason why it should be different this time.
Just a hunch, haven't done a proper DD on it. I'd consider entering a small position at 5, maybe 6 sats, purely because of the pump and dump potential.
This retarded captcha is killing me. Fuck you hiroshimoot, not paying you a cent.
How does this chart look?
So "you're here" shows that we're shortly before a run?
hurr durr
This is unironically how antshares chart looked like before it went parabolic.
This is one time where do the exact opposite of what Jow Forums says actually applies.
I feel like at worst it will get hyped and pump to half a bil marketcap. It's so shillable and unique, regardless of whether the tech lives up to hype to any extent
what about this bad boy
Why wouldn't they perform?
Look at any older coin that survived 2014, not only did they recover but found new satoshi ATHs multiple times higher than the previous ones (NEM, XRP...)
You just gotta pick something that isn't an outright scam and could have a future/good use case/partnerships.
You're making a good point.
OP is a total crock. The problem with his assumptions is that he acts like someone who can foresee the future. But no one can do that. The chance of those coins not pumping is as high as the chance of those coins pumping.
Not sure what to make of it. If you think the fundamentals are strong then that's your answer.
Then go load up on some REQ and NANO. I bet buying at these prices feels like stealing.
I smell curry from it. But as I said, it has pump and dump potential for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if it performs well in a bull market.
Two words: survivor bias
I bet you also think TA is a meme.