ITT: Jow Forums is nice to each other

say something nice to your fellow Jow Forums-ness men

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You can get it if you really want

gobblegobble frens

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pajeets have good food

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you guys am cuties

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Very nice to see my OC reposted fren.


i luv u goys, no homo

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im gonna be successful with my business :)

i got some people who are interested in it im pretty happy about it and wake up in the morning eager to work on it.

got the niche idea from Jow Forums luv u guys

find ur passion~**~8*~*

hope this is real user. dont give up and dont let a bitch sidetrack you.

You won't make it. But I will, and you can live vicariously through me. You're welcome.

I hope all of your bags moon

thanks user, we're all going to make it

Jow Forums is the best board on Jow Forums. Best Anons, deepest lore, and funniest memes.

So happy to see that the Pajeet of Needful Gains has embraced HOLO.

no doubt in my mind desu

You guys made me rediscover my love of books

Even though I've lost money gambling on meme coins with you it's still been a blast

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2017 was the greatest year of my life. nothing will ever beat riding light speed rockets to the moon and memeing with my brahs.

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Go all in on Chainlink, I think, love user.


Shorters are based

From me to you, wishing you love and happiness ~~~~~~*~~*~*~*~~~*~~~~~~~~~

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If we die, we will at least die historic on the fury road.

I want everyone here to know that when I call you a faggot or a retard I am also trying to help educate you about blatant chink scams. I actually do want all of us to make it but I can't convince everyone to dump their VEN or ICX. Everyone here needs to get redpilled about this.

You all make wagecucking tolerable and losing money to crypto less painful.
I hope we can all race lambos on the moon one day.

Good times will surely come again, user

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keep the negativity out of here please

Look, you might not "make it" with your pleb tier Chainlink holdings. But you will make a solid chunk of money. And if you keep your eyes on crypto then you will be able to put that chunk onto the next big thing. LINK is the stepping stone to being someone who is putting serious money (5 figures) on single coins. If you already have 5 figures in LINK then don't worry, you'll be fine.

Thank you anons. You helped me when I reached a low point in my life. You gave me hope and a nice kick in the ass to knock me out of the snowflake mentality. You helped make me stronger in the face of adversity. You taught me that DYOR is not a meme, it’s a fact of life. Now I laugh when people poke fun at me, because I know I could always get roasted 100x worse on Jow Forums. My wit that I developed here often causes my opponents in life to shriek into cowards. We’re all in this together.

Thank you. Much love.

Oh and

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fuck off pajeet

henlo fren, hoep u hav gainful gainz

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