Bros, how easy is it to learn Spanish as a native English speaker...

Bros, how easy is it to learn Spanish as a native English speaker? I was thinking about learning Japanese first but then realized how fucking useless it would be besides watching weeb shit.

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As far as learning a new language goes, really easy. Grammar is virtually identical to English so all you have to learn is vocabulary and you'll be gold. Conjugation can get messy tho.

Spanish phonetic system is simpler and there are many letter-sound correlations with few ambiguities unlike in English

How is Spanish more useful than Japanese? Spanish has more speakers but is only spoken in shithole latin american countries. Why bother?

Yeah but he needs it to speak with his grandparents, which ranks pretty high as a reason to learn a language.

it'll be a tough journey not gonna lie

>tomate - tomato
>toma te - drink tea
>toma te - "drink the"
Seriously, Spain?

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south american spanish is ugly sounding, learn spanish from spaniards, you'll be a lot more elegant.

>toma te - "drink the"

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How so chief? Aside from some weird verb conjugations Spanish should be a breeze.

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To put it in Solomonic terms: mastering a language in is in itself a very difficult endeavor but some languages are easier than others. Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn for an English speaker, relatively speaking, but that still means that mastering it will be difficult. You get it?


Of course he gets it. What is this question?
Everyone on 4chinks is of immense intelligence and intellectual prowess.

>toma te la medicina
That's what I was alluding to.

>Europe is chic

That's the least "elegant" mindset possible.

>toma te la medicina

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tómate la medicina*

I am surprised I understood some a bit of what they were saying (started Spanish, know French). It's a good point that there are different words used in each country, much more so than American English vs Britdog English. Still wouldn't be terribly difficult to learn

Thanks Chile.
That's what I meant.

Right, because those shitholes surely don't mean more business oportunities unlike japs whose anime is the only thing they have left.

Escribiré esto en mi lengua porque en este hilo sólo hay panchitos y CHIs

Unless you're in the h*ntai or Sex robot business, there's no reason to learn Japanese

>hurr what are accents, tilde, and well defined rules for accentuation.

Toma Té

Where the fuck does "drink the" come from? That would be Tómalo. Fucking brainlett mutt.

You tried.

Other native romance speakers excluded, foreigners cannot speak spanish without making a mess of the grammar or sounding funny. That's just how it is.

So much for "the Spanish is easy".

You're ignorant as fuck.

Prostitutes from Spanish-speaking countries tend to be cheaper than from Japan. Economics 101, bro.

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why even bother to learn anything else other than english for that matter
japs are the only ones who produce an even more cancerous media than goblinos

and you are Turkish, that evens it out


Bitch do you have any idea how much money Jap translators make? They make way more than spic shit. Learning an European language except English is retarded in 2019. Learn Mandarin or Japanese and maybe Korean.

French: Growing population in Africa, bunch of islands around the world and Quebec
Spanish: Basically all of South America sans Brazil, Philippines
Portuguese: Brazil (5th largest country by population)
Really gets the noggin' joggin

>South America, Philippines
All of this places are shitholes. They are not growing. I mean they are a bit but they will never be strong. Spanish is common in the west. You can find Spanish speakers pretty much everywhere. They are not really ''precious'' Japanese on the other hand is not like that. It's insanely hard for a westerner to master it but if you do. You will make way more than a Spanish speaker or any other European language speaker. Why do everybody think Japan is weak anyway? You know which country Boston Dynamics belongs to? Japan. They have a lot of important brands. What the fuck can you do as Spanish translator anyway? You want to be cartel translator? You wanna sell drugs?

>do you have any idea how much money Jap translators make?
why the fuck would I care mehmet
I'd make 5 times more money in the us but still can't be bothered

>Learn Mandarin or Japanese
I even rather the usa than deal with a literal orwelian shithole, jap culture is shit also

I know what kind of work you are talking about my Mexican friend. You're right!

Whatever my Gypsy friend, have fun with a decaying Japan while the rest of the world moves on

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t. 5% of german population despite being a continent away

Well, have fun with rising latin america then.
I consider it cleaning. We sent a good deal of our peasants to Germany in the 60s. Mexicans on the other hand do a lot of fucked up shit to get into US even today. Not comparable.

Thanks Turk bro

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Careful with you"r'e language there. For a second I got the ridiculous idea that you wanted to insult us Spanish speakers, whew I'm 100% sure it was just a misunderstanting.

Nothing personal. I like the sound of Spanish and all but you can't deny the fact that Spanish speakers tend to be from poor countries. That makes your language less important. Also there are huge of amount of Spanish speakers in the west. If you learn Spanish, you will be the guy who happens to speak Spanish. You won't be special because it's a common language. Japanese is not like that.