Fomo'd in at 10 sats

fomo'd in at 10 sats
how dumb am I ?

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>fomoing into a worthless token
Holochain has no native currency, it’s a “roll your own currency” crypto-accounting platform.

the absolute state of biz.


idk what to do. No sellers are appearing

op just lost 10% of his investment.

thanks for the buy signal

Just HODL for a while and you'll be fine. Shit's going to be well above 10 sats in a few months. Be comfy.

HOT is an okay gamble longer term but why would you FOMO in on a 20% pump and why would you buy in sats

I did to. This train is too primed to take off. I was fudding it like alot of other to get it low but it just won't go down

You’re retarded to buy now, wait for the whales to sell off this pump or else you will get dumped on

lol RIP op
pathetic loser!!

This been at 7 and 8 sats for a week and no1 gave a fuck and now all the retards decide to buy after it pumps

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Welcome to Jow Forums

im so fucking glad this pumped, just got rid of my bags

Don't feel sad OP. I bought high but it went down also. Waited for some weeks after setting sell order, then suddenly it pumps.

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But you made a mistake there anyway. Shou;d've seen the RSI is overbought.

Oh no I bought btc at 30 bucks and now its dumped to 20.

Rsi my ass. Holo is clearly building up to a whale bullrun. No ta gonna help u when that happens.

Yeah it recovering in sats again is so bullish

>That 25 year old boomer with no degree that investopedia makes believe that technical analysis is not a pseudoacience

By the way most of faggots who tell you not to buy now are retards that sold at 11 sats with hopes of it going down to 9

This is correct.

You'll be OK. Holo compared to the others (Hashgraph, dfinity and Tezos) should be worth much higher than it's marketcap. Koreans will pump this to Alpha Centauri.

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>This been at 7 and 8 sats for a week and no1 gave a fuck and now all the retards decide to buy after it pumps
Been buyin all week and will keep buying. HOLO gonna lead the next alt season.

Unironically this

you can tell this was made by a pajeet

If Holofuel was deflationary then it would inhibit the development and growth of dapps because People just don't like to spend stuff they think will increase in price. This is why they are allowing unlimited inflation. Most people think Holo is POW like bitcoin, deflationary, and likely to moon from mere hundredths of a cent to thousands. Also, they think its called Holo cause u will be able to see visually your account balance in 3d holograms.

It's not inflationary, it's tied to the value of computing power in the network. I get that it took you five years to understand bitcoin but this isn't comparable. You need to spend another five years on this you brainlet.

But holofuel is the reserve currency of the platform...

koreans wont do shit you fucking pajeet. the korean pump meme died last winter. nobody gives a shit. not even bithumb does and im pretty sure this shitcoin wont be listed on there but on some obscure small junk exchange.

less than thhose fomoing at 11 sats

Koreans bought nearly 2 billion hot in the first 20 minutes not nearly bad being a pretty small exchange, when hot hits upbit or bithumb it will moon mark my words.

Moon to what 0.008 USD?

But in 5 years, Holo won't even exist anymore.

What will happen?

you will be dumped on double down when it hits 6 satoshi

Unironically this, just look at what happened after binance listing, it went down over the course of weeks

Nobody really cares cause its irrelevant to price action.

In five years 99.9% of crypto shit won't exist. If Holo ends because of massive Holochain adoption everyone who holds Holo now will have made it long before.

Not as dumb as the guy who will be buying holo for $1.75 later this year.


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should be a solid 10 cents by EOY