If a white person looked at me like this I would punch them in the face

if a white person looked at me like this I would punch them in the face

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Thank God I'm not white

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Ok, racist

Racist freak


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Stupid negro

same, fuck wh*Toids

Do it, please give me an excuse. Hope you have life insurance lol

Lucky for you there aren't whites in america

>he doesnt just punch wh*Tes on principle

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>I would punch them in the face

We already knew your kind were violent, no need to reiterate it.

What if they were listening to you talk while eating? Would you want them to chew with their mouth open? Wow, you're weird.

I feel you, coz. I would do the same. wh*Toids are way too weak to do anything in response anyway.

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I'm korean, no one thinks we're violent

Step it down with the racism

just try it whiteboi

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You wouldn't get close enough to hit me.

Learn CQC.

I get scared and relived every time I see a Caucasian.

yeah cause you whitebois be too short for my fists to reach you
ha haha GOTTEM




you would if they were 5'4 250lbs and ate your watermelon

blacks don't understand that you need way more than violence to brak the spirit of a white man

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fuck i did a typo you win this time black boys


what if a PoC does it?

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Kill all wh*toid

You would get shot one the spot by the police in America, so please go ahead and punch.
Or maybe we could sue hahahaha