Ethnicity: Polynesian

>Ethnicity: Polynesian
I've never heard of that ethnicity before. What is a Polynesian and where are they located? What's their history? What are they like?

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>American Education

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>I've never heard of that ethnicity before. What is a Polynesian and where are they located? What's their history? What are they like?

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I'm being serious, guys.

If you're stupid enough not to use this thing called a fucking search engine, then you don't deserve to be here.

Hawaiian natives are polynesian

Polynesia is a geographic region that comprises thousands of small islands. Two of the more notable ones are American Samoa and Hawaii. Outside of those, there's Fiji, the Cook Islands, etc. It'd be easier for you if you just googled polynesia. First result will be a wikipedia article that explains everything for you.

dwane johnson is polynesian

>I'm being serious, guys

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People from the Polynesia region in Oceania

pretty embarassing considering hawaii is a us state.

>What are they like?
They're fat as fuck.

Free Hawaii

I can't even imagine being american, what do you learn in school or at all in your free time?

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My ancestor

What porn thing is this from?

>Americans have never heard about this:

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Tbf Polynesia is mostly irrelevent to the US.
Hawaii is obviously important, but it's covered as an independent island, not a small part of a larger geographical area.

As for A. Samoa that is never introduced.
And the Pacific War is covered as the entire Pacific, not just select geographic regions.

Nice trips, but stop embarrassing us plesse.

based retarded american

Hunie Pop two.
Ah, that explains it. They aren't called Polynesian in the US census. They get thrown into the "pacific islander" category.

They'll all be underwater soon thanks to global warming

A bunch of irrelevant islands in literally where

>pacific islander
Well, this category exist because not all pacific islanders are Polynesians.

In my school, we don't learn much about Hawaii or Alaska. All we learn is how we acquired it.
Are Maori Polynesians?

Huh? I'm confused again.

Really? I seem to recall learning at least about how Hawaii was basically controlled by foreign businessmen when it was an independent monarchy. Before it became part of America... so controlled by a foreign government.

I went to high school in Illinois by the way.

Polynesia is only a sub-region of Oceania.


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>I seem to recall learning at least about how Hawaii was basically controlled by foreign businessmen when it was an independent monarchy.
But that isn't even accurate. At least not until late late Hawaiian Kingdom

We learned the same thing, but they didn't use the word Polynesian.
Where's Hawaii?
What are they like?

Polynesians aren't descendants from Japanese. They are descendants of a group of people related to Taiwanese Aborigines (They also have Melanesian admixture)
>Where's Hawaii?
What do you mean where's Hawaii? It's above the name Polynesia

I know, I'm just saying a lot of the people on Hawaii are of Japanese descent.
>What do you mean where's Hawaii? It's above the name Polyn
Oh, I didn't see it.

10 second google search

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guys please don't be too hard on the guy, not everyone can use a search engine and it's not necessarily their fault, i mean this guy literally couldn't find hawaii on a map of the pacific so please be patient with the disabled and pray that he's only drunk or high and not actually retarded

No, I don't drink.

Do they teach racial theories in Canada?

Austronesian master race

>not everyone can use a search engine
>Posts on Jow Forums
How incongruous can you be

Polynesians are extremely Christian from what I've heard

This. Free Hawaii

>and where are they located?
Fucking americans

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I know, that's the problem.

They're Austronesian too..

Tbh, I couldn't find Spain on the map until recently. I always looked in South America and Africa.

please stop posting

Most of you retards don't know anything about Polynesia or the Pacific islands either. Stop acting so holy

t.John Smith

Is this from a recent game? We have a huge corruption case in Hawaii right now with our ex-police chief and his prosecutor wife who are called Kealoha.

I'm trying to find this specific article mentioning there were "talks" between the Johor Sultanate and the island kingdoms out east to form a super "Austronesian Empire", do you know what I'm talking about?

Swear I read it on wiki but I just can't find it

This just looks like a okinawan, Polynesian girls usually are built like tanks.

isn't Austronesian just a language?

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I know now, though.
Got an examples?

there's a genetic component to it, i guess
but polynesians are definitely not like malaysians and neither are malagasy

You have a fucking state in Polynesia

This, had a colleague that was xbox hueg and so was her husband, what happens there

I don't get it dude, all other countries also have geography but where we really get this from is an atlas. Did you guys in the US of A really never get that phase like "wow what else is there in the world" where you are glued to the atlas absorbing that knowledge? Here everyone from kids to elders will know Polynesia are Pacific islands and same throughout Europe except for half of UK which will know while the other half eats glue.

I don't get it. Do people in US, watching their documentaries and talking to people from the world, never fucking go like "hmm I'm going to check on my smartphone where that is..."

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Malagasys are on average 30-40% Austronesian and basically 100% of them speak Malagasy (actually "Malagasys" given that they are more than one language)

I can't speak for everyone in the US, but I never had that phase. I didn't really care or know about the world outside of the US until recently.

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So has anyone personally met Polynesians that aren’t Hawaiian? I never met a Samoan, Palauan, or Tongan

Why are Unitedstatesian different from everyone else lel

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I'm speechless

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There are alot in Australia and New Zealand so yes

how would you rate pacific islander diaspora
what do people usually think of them

In Australia their reputation is in the middle, below whites and asians but higher than arabs, africans or aboriginals. They're either thugs or really nice no inbetweens

Different continent and a global power.

Just imagine, in the times of the Roman Empire there were landmasses like New Zealand and Hawaii, completely uninhabited by humans, pristine lands untouched. And there were still moas roaming around. If only I could go back in time and slaughter all the retarded maori niggers.

You have more reason to care about Polynesia than we
We shouldn't give a fuck about anything outside central Europe, to follow your logic

Not really, most Americans cannot find Idaho on a map.

Why should we give a shit about you foreign freaks?

Americans are rampantly anti-intellectual, it's done on purpose by our (((media))) and (((education)))

Imagine SEA jungle niggers like Indonesians and Filipinos
That's what Polynesians are

Why are Americans this obsessed with ethnicity fucking stop

U S of A everyone

>A cup
As someone who's actually banged Fijian and Tahitian chicks, this is bullshit. They usually range from Cs to Ds.

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No-one asked for your opinion, Kike.

Is this thread just stealth marketing for Huniepop 2?


Where do you live? I'm in socal and know several polynesians. Hell, there's even a polynesian gang here.

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You own Hawaii and you don't know what is a Polynesian ?