Just ordered 8 grams of #3 heroin

Just ordered 8 grams of #3 heroin

Attached: 1515975821758.jpg (253x229, 19K)

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Nice job, fren

Keep up the good work!


Why would you spend money on avoidable liabilities ?

Why #3

I love heroin

dutch heroin seems to be cheaper

It must be absolute euphoria if you're able to time your dose with a $400 upwards Bart

I can't tolerate opiates at all and just start puking my brains out. Definitely lucked out there.

wtf is #3 Heroin? Is this a grading system for purity?

>tfw not NUPPING

drugs are cool fren

Attached: A8C238F2-B208-400B-8161-A8FB1B3F7767.png (720x644, 67K)

Why not meth?
This ex addict made it sound like the best thing in the word, and greatly preferred it over heroin:

(Not personally condoning taking extremely addicting substances, though)

How can I do drugs without ruining my life and my looks? Any tips from repeat users?

drugs are a jewish trick. Shills are trying to derail your life by shilling fucked up lifestyles. Get a grip

what do you recommend?

Just use psychedelics and weed dont touch opiates

you cant
you're overheating the "engine" no matter what.

don't use them repeatedly

mushrooms vs lsd?

Take psychedelics instead of physically addicting drugs, and if you can control yourself, weed in moderation.

You could also take nootropics (aka smart drugs), which are used for productivity rather than getting fucked up.

>You could also take nootropics (aka smart drugs), which are used for productivity rather than getting fucked up.
Recommendations? I tried modafinil for a while which was fantastic but it fucked up my sleep schedule and I started getting headaches when I stopped which sucked

pretty much the same but shrooms make ur tummy hurt first hour

>pretty much the same
you're the first person I've seen say that

Actually, the common “drug addict/crack head” stereotype is just that. There are a lot of very successful drug users. If you’re not a fucking idiot to begin with you can very easily enjoy the benefits of illicit drugs, alcohol, nicotine, etc. and not fucking kill yourself or look like a shit head loser.

My sister ruined her life and lost everything with that one, bit I’m sure you’ll get your 1000x and cash out at the ath

Which drugs get a bad rap despite being fun/okay in moderation?

Don't have personal experience, sorry, but afinils are big ones, and I've heard phenibut does wonders for social anxiety.

>and I've heard phenibut does wonders for social anxiety.
it's an opiate basically
I have a bunch here and I take it when I have to engage in stressful social situations

it's like being drunk without the obvious physical symptoms--kind of dangerous

You’re sister probably would have ruined her life in other ways if she didn’t discover heroin. Her demise was in her decision making or lack thereof that lead her to ruin her life, heroin just facilitated those bad decisions.

never thought about it that way

yeah i went down that path for a long time. my advice: have a healthy lifestyle pretty much and keep your binges to weekends only, if you can, and with friends or for a reason, like a party or an event. dont just sit around candy flipping at your house because your bored one night, thats a bad habit to start. and finally stay away from heroin / meth at all costs, if the drug doesn't gross you out the people who do it should. junkies are the scum of the earth, worse than sober niggers for sure.

I like lsd because i have to order them from other country. Large amounts go through customs easily. I have very little experience from shrooms so cant compare effects.

>heroin doesn't ruin people's lives

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

All of them as far as I’m concerned. There is therapeutic and recreational applications for almost every drug (that I’m aware of). The problem is most people are pretty stupid and don’t have any discipline. The same goes for food, ALOT of people abuse sugar, fast food, etc. it’s not the candy bars fault somebody is fat and grotesque, it’s their personal hygiene and diet choices, ya dig?

Dangerous, how?

I know it lowers inhibitions, which is good, but do you actually feel intoxicated or anything? Because lower inhibitions without intoxication like alcohol doesn't sound all that dangerous if used responsibly. Am I missing something? Been thinking about trying it, but not commited to the idea yet.

>>I like lsd because i have to order them from other country. Large amounts go through customs easily
interesting, is the jar of peanut butter meme true?

Hope you OD degenerate scum