Visited America and they weren't really doing it

>Visited America and they weren't really doing it.

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Stop lying, with your current economy, I doubt you can even eat at all, much less travel

you from Patagonia user? what's it like?


our life is a fucking lie i mean wtf


what's "it"?

is it true that in Argentina a xbox one costs as much as a car

Oh yeah of course you did. Everybody knows Americans really do.

Back to the cage monkey

That's the thing Americans do.

Don't Americans really?

Don't worry about it.

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why would one want an xbox

>tfw never been doing it in my life

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It's bigger than a car, nice if you have a family.

>He doesn't know

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They actually weren't doing it? This can't be real. Oh no no no no no LMAO AHAHAHAHAHA you can't make this shit up

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>he doesn't know

better than weebstation 4

we tried to tell you

why didnt you listen

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switch>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literally actual dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ps4=xbone

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