Map thread

map thread

>the african market: Main source of imports (besides other african countries)
corea del sur = south korea
españa = spain

Attached: %C3%81frica-Econom%C3%ADa-Desarrollo-Comercio-China-Francia-Espa%C3%B1a-Portugal-Italia-Corea-del-Su (1310x928, 758K)

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Attached: DwgA4bTUwAAxx25.jpg (1200x1199, 140K)

How dare they don't import mainly from Germany? Why don't they care about strengthening my strong German economy? I guess it's time to get that place at the sun.

Attached: 220px-SouthAmerican_families_03.png (220x297, 53K)

>corea del sur
This is Jeff, born between Liberian mother and Korean father, who raped her and never came back. Say hello to him

Attached: 4DF34EBD-F1EC-4FBC-8F05-E113E28E2C58.jpg (1000x563, 55K)

Btw forgot to mention the map shows where indigenous languages are apparently still spoken.

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i like library

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i bet the arrests in USA are due to public drinking or wierd state laws

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It is our duty to repopulate EVROPA

Attached: mapeuropeabrate3big.gif (1900x1500, 238K)

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i never trust these maps and statistics, i've met far more families with 3-4 children than 1-2, i have 5 siblings, all of my friends have at least 2, only one or two of them have only 1 sibling, maybe city folk dont have kids?

Turks in Germany

Attached: 2018_09_Tuerkei_Deutschland_3_ukr_ssb.jpg (712x796, 239K)

>Colonies according to United Nations

Attached: Mundo-ONU-Pol%C3%ADtica-Historia-Territorios-pendientes-de-descolonizaci%C3%B3n-1310x928.png (1310x928, 776K)

What the fuck is going on in Lithuania

You forgett that there a ton of people who just dont have any Kids at all

Exports from Africa to China

Antemurale christianum you know what I mean

ah, i tend to forget about the drunk people behind the state monopoly alcohol shop, downies and infertile women

Attached: alk.jpg (2156x1512, 2.58M)

we conquer liberia?

Furry map

Attached: rx16ms342gi11.png (1584x898, 450K)

People in South Korea and Japan believe this retarded ABO blood type stereotypes. Unfortunately, Many of us take this autistic logic seriously. I do not know if other Asians believe this.

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What's wrong with Germany? Is it Russian diaspora?

>algerians are whiter than americans

if Jow Forums was counted, sweden and finlland would be Jow Forums xD

>Reddit is a social network platform

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>Spain is so poor that Dacia is one of the best selling brands

Attached: mapa-de-marcas-coche-mas-vendidas.jpg (600x420, 166K)

Redpill me on Westphalia

Population distribution

Attached: 1483351765-densidadpob.png (820x522, 78K)

Why is your own brand not popular?

Do you like French cars?

Word for the @ symbol in each language
>Arroba (@) was a weight measure in Spain and Portugal

Attached: Arroba.jpg (3403x3362, 784K)

it is still popular, they are still common but just not dominant
french cars are the most common here for sure

Attached: sabadoHalf.jpg (1625x1165, 475K)

Attached: Languages of Europe 1200 BC.jpg (960x820, 201K)

thats probably extremelly innacurate

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Attached: 20th century Polish settlement.png (3243x2501, 2.63M)

So why is it not dominant?

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chile looks so fucking wierd like how is that even a country
because other brands exist and we live in a free market
There were more foreign cars than local cars in 1991 for the first time as far as i remember
keep in mind that the """local""" company SEAT was originally created by the Spanish government and spent 25 years making FIAT rebrands before gettting baught by volkswagen and making volkswagen-platform cars

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They imported turks during the Wirtschaftswunder for mining jobs and shit. Most of those mines are in Westphalia. Once the turks weren't needed anymore, they put them on the streets and most of them never went back and stayed.

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whats with the swastika in russia?

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>New Zealand

Attached: soyvolution.jpg (680x479, 64K)

was for

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>NATO members picking Russia
>Europeans pretend they don't understand American frustration with NATO

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i fixed it for you

Attached: shithole.png (589x629, 360K)

shhhhh user

Attached: mapa.jpg (558x688, 93K)

wtf is wrong with the huns

Attached: maers.gif (1024x819, 447K)

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>Kenya has dropped from >8 children per woman to 3-4
>Chad has dropped from 7-8 to 6-7
Is it fair to say that Kenya has had much stronger economic growth?

Why is Czechia so atheistic?

Estonia confirmed for Bestonia

they focus on... other qualities

Attached: hIIrm.png (520x390, 29K)

I was wondering the same thing.

>Varg in Norway


Miukumauku :3

Then why are Americans afraid of more European co-operation?

We aren’t

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>Republika Slovenija
>About friendship
Is there a cuter country in europe?

Attached: india pop compared to other cunts.jpg (710x827, 64K)

Russian diaspora I assume

>Trajano and Hadrian were 2 of the greatest emperors on Roman History
feels good being a Hispaniard

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