Was this the greatest pump & dump in cryptocurrency history?
Was this the greatest pump & dump in cryptocurrency history?
confido probably takes the cake.
This thing is starting to look viable again and could actually recover from a 51% attack.
Bonus for being an anonymity token.
just checked cmc and damn. rip bagholding retards buying just because pornhub shilled it
XRB prob wins ($0.20? to $30?)
Tron's up there too ($0.002 to $0.30)
Neblio was about $0.17 to $64
It can't and it isn't.
Yes. Also a very big outright scam. Told everyone he needed $75m to make an announcement. Gave 1 mil to Pornhub. 1 mil to his meth dealers. Kept 73 mil in his pockets.
Basically I have no idea how the cops aren't on this case. Maybe that's where another 10 mil went.
xrb was sub $0.1 to ATH of $40, heck it was even given for solving captchas and translation jobs
this shit was amazing to watch
>who cares it got hacked its going up anyway!!
Money went to courts, lawyers, etc.
Easily blind eye and immunity.
The world is a scam.
So did the hacking problem get sorted out yet
Lol. They asked 75M in VERGE. So at 3 cents / XVG that would only be 2.5M roughly.
CEO had 55M Verge and he sold about half at ATH, so yeah he made it but the other people working for XVG don't get paid shit.
WHP listing day:
from 0.01 bch to +4500%
WHP listing day +1:
announce that long term price target will be close to 0.01 bch
It will slowly bleed to death the next few years. 100 sats a year from now. Screenshot this.
And be aware that the funds wasnt even raised by the community. two thirds of that suddenly and magically appeared, given to them by a third party.
Gee... where could all that money have come from? The coin pouch hack that robbed thousands of holders from their verge maybe?