Based aussies

Based aussies

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I am half-Armenian.

scomo germbro

>the pro-CCP party gets shilled on 4chins because they are the most "right wing"
Jow Forumstards really are retarded, literally the same people who now attack Duerte because he is a left wing politician in flipland

Fuck this backwards country if they want to go backwards and have less rights and more corporate fucking so be it but I’m moving to Germany these people are beyond saving.

What does he support? I know fuckall about Aussie politics.

>seething leftist doesn't understand why right-wingers don't constantly purity test everything and everyone

This is why we keep winning. We don't eat ourselves.

based aussie

>I’m moving to Germany
Yeah, just like how my friend said he was moving to Canada.

That was 2.5 years ago, he still works at Best Buy here.

I'm still waiting for my mom to move to canada because bush was elected

You actually do attack and criticize yourselves a bunch, but unlike left-wingers you are capable of voting for and supporting anyone when push comes to shove. Having the Murdoch empire indoctrinating the boomers and uneducated into literal subhumanity also helps.

I honestly don't think we'll recover from this. We'll just be nanny state America.

>he hasn't taken the acceleration pill yet

Imagine unironically being afraid of collapse.

You don't like coal, massive deficits, endless screaming about scary wogs and tax cuts aimed at old wrinklies and corporations that don't care one bit about the average Australian?

All the people causing the collapsing will be too dead to experience and learn anything.

The only thing that happens when things start getting dicey is that humans become more cunty, stupid and short-sighted. If anything collapses, voters will respond by submitting to the most corrupt, shameless liars or any autocrat with enough guns and obedient minions.

the only accelerationism will be a economically disabled party being in charge if we get a recession from our housing bubble they created popping and then becoming Spain
i mean im for selling coal but when its mostly owned by foreign companies that hardly pay taxes and is fucking subsidised yeah nah maybe not.

If you are enough of a greedy, short-sighted cock to sell coal you deserve to be ripped off by right-wingers and their business friends.

Australian bros, how did this happen though? Every headline out of Australia for the last five years has been a nightmare.

How accurate is this?

We don't have industry if we don't sell shit then all our money will get sucked out by a huge trade deficit. Nationalise it and stop mining when its no longer profitable.

Everybody thinks both parties are the same and everybody fucking hates Labor so even though they would have been much better nobody actually voted for them and votes for meme people like one nation, fraser annings national,s clive palmer, were just votes for the liberals

Why does Australia have nuclear power stations? Don't they have massive uranium deposits and massive amounts of uninhabited land?

>everybody fucking hates Labor


my b

the right thinks they are SJW commies who want to import the third world
the left thinks they're just right wing and that both parties are the same and fuck the system

Sounds like you guys do need a Corbyn to rally the left

absolutely. A proper working class anti-globalist left guy. The funny thing is right wingers still have the whole victim complex anyway so not much to lose.

>why right-wingers don't constantly purity test
You are fucking retarded if you think that both parties in America do this constantly. Democrats are going through the same thing r*ghtoids went through in 2008. Remember Eric Cantor? He became the first sitting House Speaker to lose election since the position was created in 1899, because he wasn't Tea Party enough. Democrats were doing pretty good until 2012 because Republicans kept racing to the right to win the primary, only to lose in the general election when they chose an unelectable far-right zealot who resembled some kind of AnCap meme.
Now instead of Jim DeMint and Michelle Bachman on the right we have AOC and Talib on the left. God help us all.
Remember all the centrist Republicans that retired since 2018 because they fell afoul of Trump? Purity test, they were too centrist and "retired" because they knew they wouldn't win re-election in Trump country.
I could go on, but I want you to first apologize to everyone ITT for lying, and maybe do it again to yourself for being an unwitting partisan shill.

to reiterate
>Republicans don't have ideology tests
JFC your beliefs are your beliefs but please have some self-awareness. We're in the age of hyperpartisan politics, both parties have been doing purity tests for the past 15 years. 30 if you want to go back to Gingrich and the CwA. Just because you agree with it doesn't make you a centrist normie.

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because oil companies have successfully brainwashed most people into thinking nuclear energy is bad

the fukushima diaster didn't help either

>You are fucking retarded if you think that both parties [DON'T] in America do this constantly.
HA! HA! Time for more coffee

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>being this fucking mad
would be a danynigger too desu

Nah, I think says it better. Right-wingers have ideological differences because they want to win. Left wingers have ideological differences because they all think they're right.

>can't read
>won't refute anything
>calls me mad like a 12yo
Thanks for conceding friendo!

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Go back to Jow Forums, you retarded faggot.

seething leftoid

i bet you actually think we can stop climate change

purity is based

purity doesn't win

They all want to win. Thinking that they don't want to win or they're any less driven is tribalism nonsense. Politicians are politicians all over the world and since antiquity, they say and do whatever it takes to stay in power. Naive to think Democrats or Republicans are any different.

Republicans are simply better organized now because they had 8 years under Obama to implement and revise election strategies. That's almost a decade spent trying and failing and refining a message that works, a decade spent building grassroot networks and PACs. It landed them a majority of the governorships and control of state legislatures (not to mention all 3 federal branches).
Democr*ts got complacent and basically sent the only candidate who could lose against Trump, a corrupt wonk with three decades of baggage and the charisma of a lizard. But it has nothing to do with "think[ing] that they're right" or not wanting to win

> Left wingers have ideological differences because they all think they're right.
t. started watching politics after 2018

>post displays a profound lack of scientific education
Yep, it's a rightoid all right.

We can for sure and you're fucking retarded if you otherwise. As for if we will... probably, but half-assed and almost too late

>believing ((((((((((((((((((polls)))))))))))))))))))

>We can for sure
Even if we went carbon neutral back in 2016, we'd still be fucked. Climate change has tons of feedback loops, and the worst hasn't even begun yet.

The reality is, we won't reach carbon neutrality as a society until....shit, probably never.

We're fucked, dude. Just enjoy the ride. It's going to be fucking HOT this summer :)

You will be Romania tier if your housing market collapses.

>Liberals have basically one policy: reduce the debt
>Liberals increase the debt
>Aussies vote Liberal again anyway

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Kill yourself, Jow Forumsnigger.

>>Liberals increase the debt
what? theyve still been working down the shitfest from labor's spending for years now

one fucking budget which was in the green after 5 years right before the election

>being mad at facts

>center right
yeah great lmao who gives a shit

It's actually half due to the green movement. There have been several attempts to do so but they get shut down by leftists for the environment/war, and by rightists for favouring coal (and probably 'sustainables' in the future).

Are you an actual Aussie or a chink in Melborune?

If I win the lottery I'd move to Brisbane for a year, as Davin Lim lives there. Davin Lim is *the* leading dermatologist specialising in acne scar removal.

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I keep seeing these threads. Why are they based for voting in a shitty government?

>working down
Buy gutting things like education.
>labor's spending
On things the government should be fucking spending tax revenue on, such as education.

kek, ironic.

t. leftoid

incompetent right wingers > destructive left wingers

i dont care who wins as long as my family and other rich chinese are still able to buy property there

Destructive right wingers won

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>Every headline out of Australia for the last five years has been a nightmare.
Funny thing, that.

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>hurr durr both parties can't be shit

Why do Americucks defend 2 party systems?

You can’t change the climate dumbass, we had an Ice Age around 10,000 years ago despite no man-made carbon emissions.

what is this reddit shit? fuck off, faggot

Pretty much. The Libs, on Murdoch's order, sabotaged our national broadband infrasture upgrade. Since getting into power last time, they have managed to spend even more than the figures they were demonising the other party for projecting, all the while reusing technology that was out of date in other modern countries at least a decade ago.

Mate, best not to be calling anyone a dumbarse while making those sorts of claims.

oh okay, sorry

incompetent right winger > destructive left wingers > status quo maintaining centrist cuckolds

happy now, Nigel?

there's unironically a poster in /cum/ that has a sam hyde shirt and bragged about wearing it out

Of course they are retarded. It’d thr same how Jow Forums hates the Jews, but they love trump. Even to Trump literally has Jews in his family and loves Israel.

why are there so many americans shitting this thread up? guarantee most of you don't know the first thing about australian politics

The Americans in the thread haven't sperged out over the fact that our "Liberal party" is right wing, yet, so they probably know enough of what's going on.

Is it like our centre-right party, where there is almost no difference between them and the centre-left?

This isn't Jow Forums, retard. We actually kind of follow foreign politics here. Lurk more.

>being this much of a masochist

Aussies tried to tell us to vote for Hillary, they can't say shit.

half the americans here are talking about hillary and quintessentially american "talking points" such as climate change denial

>such as climate change denial
You know that's a huge topic in Australia right now, right? Laborfags are mostly butthurt that this means Australia will continue to not do shit about climate change.

>quintessentially american "talking points" such as climate change denial
Leave this fucking thread right now, dumb shit.

Have you even been paying attention? People have been actually protesting about climate change around the world at this point.
gee i wonder where australians might get that idea from

>climate change is an American talking point
How can one person be so retarded? Turn off your proxy, britcuck

climate change denial. the rest of the west accepts that it's real

>gee i wonder where australians might get that idea from

The coal companies literally brainwashing and lobbying their politicians?

Do you even know about the coal situation in Australia right now?

Australian politics is as irrelevant as it gets.

Australians are a bunch of bozos imho and nobody but nobody give a crap about

You fucking idiot. Australia is doing LESS than the US to lower CO2 emissions.

That's how fucked up they are right now. Not to mention they have a more coastal populace, thus having more to lose. And tourism.

Australians could elecct their first dog president (literal dog) and the world would be the exact same before and after

They're the "privatise everything on the cheap for my CEO mates" while the other party is "hey you know it wouldn't be a bad idea invest in public services" while doing a shitty job of it. I guess you could say that the coalition are generally more competent when it comes to strip mining the country and that Labor aren't as competent at stopping them from doing it.

Climate change is a global issue, senpai.

>gee i wonder where australians might get that idea from
From the huge resource industry leaders influencing politics and spreading propaganda here? Climate change has been a hot topic in Australia for years because, well, some of our most iconic natural ecosystems are dying from it.

Australia is not even a real continent, its stupid prison colony filled with kangeroos and drunkards.

If it disappared tomorrow nobody would notice but they would notice that Jow Forums is more tolerable board for some reason.

>Climate change is a global issue, senpai.
re-read my post. climate change /denial/ is a quintessentially american "talking point" that has leached into australian politics

see pic

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These are the sort of "high brow" hit pieces the Murdoch press have been desperately rolling out every few hours on the election run up. The conservatives in Australia are more concerned about the idea of lowering emissions having an impact on business than they are of the country being completely fucked beyond anything we can adapt to. There is so much money being poured into muddying the waters surrounding legislative action on addressing CO2 emissions, it makes televangelists look honest.

>climate change /denial/ is a quintessentially american "talking point" that has leached into australian politics
No, you're wrong.

How is it that our "small government" party still manages to churn out a nanny state