We're younger and richer than you

We're younger and richer than you.

Our gdp is literally more than Norway, Sweden and F*nland combined. We also beat all the shitty Euro countries like Lithuania and Greece. Deal with it Eurofags

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 2.01.41 am.png (653x419, 51K)

That looks like about to drop. It’s a deadcat bounce.

Just try and stay white and it will all be worth it

oh nonononononono

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>Mogs Australets

At least we're white

we grew by your total gdp in 10 years LMAO

You're just a source of raw materials for China. You make nothing. You are nothing.

I can't hear you over your housing crisis

Attached: beka.png (651x649, 39K)

yet we are 3 (THREE) times richer than Norway that do exactly the same thing

Australia has 5 million more people than Norway, Sweden and Denmark combined, retard.

China makes it rich.

>a country with 25 million people living in it got a higher total gdp than a country with 5 million people living in it


Piss off racist fuckwit.

Exports to China are a tiny part of our economy. You ignorant fuck.

But user, we all know that higher total gdp automatically means better standards of living. China is a better place to live than Sweden, just take a look at their total GDP numbers :^)

Spread over a massive area that doesn't have the benefit of having direct access to one of the largest established markets in the world. Europeans are fucking pathetic considering they spent hundreds of years raping the planet to get where they are and they can't even go a hundred years without trying to genocide their neighbours.
No innovation, the epitome of stolen old wealth, no wonder your neoliberal overlords are freaking out about China and India.



>can't even go a hundred years without trying to genocide their neighbours.

M8y just w8y until you open a book about Australian history.