Post your rooms

Post your rooms

I'll start

Attached: foto_no_exif-4.jpg (4032x1960, 2.17M)

Why would you not use the desk.
It's like 5 minutes to clean it up.

Going for a sort of Tracy Emin meets Scandinavian minimal thing, OP. Bold.

chair cant fit with it maybe
id post my bachelor pad but im lying in bed in the dark sorry user.

I wanted to use the higher desk so i am forced to be standing and not sitting while being in front of computer, so i am training my legs. But standing got boring after around 2 weeks so i added a chair


Here's mine.

Attached: IMG_20180806_141317~2.jpg (4608x2304, 1.94M)

These are the people shilling and fudding your shitcoins, Jow Forums.

Also, nice triple sevens, OP.

There ya go Opie

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no comfy slippers? newfag

Attached: IMG_3143.jpg (640x480, 67K)

didnt include them my own pic... ill kms now

/comfy/ slippers?
my feets are comfotable enough with socks...
the only comfy thing I have is HOT.
also, tiles in your room? disgusting

any room for improvement?

Attached: roomy.jpg (960x737, 92K)


Also OP, why the fuck aren't you using your desk, that piece of shit you have your set up on is way too high.
How dafuq does that even work? You're gonna get some serious neck and wrist problems

poor faggots omg. EVen if you make it u stay poor inside of ur faggotlifes

jus look at his mousepad lol

slavs don't use .t


Look up

The state of these rooms explains so much about Jow Forums

ikea countertop desk setup is what I got.

Attached: ikeadesk.jpg (1200x674, 123K)

Just don't tell the house owners that I'm here.

Attached: IMG_20180806_153102.jpg (1024x768, 212K)

Unironcially embarrassed to show my cesspool I call a room even on a anonymous Chinese flesh making image board

Jesus this is the only desk that's not used by a peasant.

Jesus biz... I mean .

What crypto is everybody in here all in on so I can avoid?

Nice lights, what are the name of those?


Fucking teenagers. Get a real place.

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nice condo wagie

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He ragie too.


Apartment in asia actually. Jellyboy.

My cozy hole.

Attached: desk.jpg (5312x2988, 531K)

Nice gentlemanly environment. Needs a whiskey bottle on the desk.

thinking of buying a new carpet

Attached: room.jpg (1024x768, 207K)
