Why is this shit global? Keep your propaganda inside your own shithole country

Why is this shit global? Keep your propaganda inside your own shithole country.

Attached: BBC.jpg (1200x630, 26K)

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Nobody forces you to use it

BBC world service's mission is provide reliable news to countries whose public broadcasters are too underdeveloped to provide extensive coverage on global issues.

yeah we need fox news global to learn how obama is really a somali inmigrant from sweden

i feel the same about americoons but you don't see me complaining

Then why am I seeing/hearing it in the US?

Because PBS is a fucking joke on par with public TV of an African shithole?

PBS is patrician

Attached: downton.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

world service was the comfiest shit imaginable. When I was in high school I listed to it to help my English but they killed their local service.
I still remember the "culture" program when this BBC chick went to Turkmenistan or something to hear folk singing. And it was basically a dude making ear-splitting banshee screams with no discernible words or melody. And then she says "bthse beautiful sounds are passed down from generation to generation..."

So patrician that they are buying their TV shows from the Brits directly instead of producing their own ones.

The USA is an underdeveloped shithole

We still have arte for this weird cultural shit:


it's in our nature to be polite, but a british person will notice the subtext

BBC makes good documentaries, though.

I'm not a regular viewer of BBC, but the information always seems slightly inaccurate when I see them report American stories. The other day, I watched a clip from the BBC website and the news presenter in the clip said something like, "Overturning Roe v Wade would ban abortion nationally".

They aren't as Impartial as they would like you to believe but they are 10* than shit like fox

>BBC world service's mission is provide reliable news to countries whose public broadcasters are too underdeveloped to provide extensive coverage on global issues.

>Why is this shit global?
Because Her majesty the queen chartered and have funded her royal broadcasting company to this day. Now go kill yourself

Josean restoration when?

I hope Germany+France make a world wide news network like BBC in English
it's always the US or UK

>I hope Germany+France make a world wide news network like BBC in English



Do those produce as good content as BBC?

I don't know if it's just their Bulgarian bureau but these guys are the worst faggot-supporting, tranny-enabling, America dick-sucking, refugee-welcoming, anti nationalist cunts in all our media