Stellar (XLM) General

Wagie Ragie Edition - Stellar Network Information

Current Price: $0.235
ATH: $0.93 on January 4th, 2018
Current CMC Ranking: #6

What’s happening?

>COINBASE LISTING - Currently Pending
>STRONGHOLD USD - IBM building Stellar dependent “stablecoin” pegged to USD
> (Analytics)
> (Pending trading site)
> (Pending trading site)
> (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)
> (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)
> (Stellar for-profit unit)

Benefits of Stellar:

>ICOs and smart-contracts. Not Turing-complete like ETH, but far easier to use
>faster than all other networks (without pending lighting network integration)
>decentralized (in governance, coin distribution and validation)
>anyone can run a node
>war chest for developers and worldwide distribution
>transaction cost = effectively $0.00001
>strongly backed by IBM, Tempo
>Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx/s (global scale)
>Stellar forces the use of XLM as the cost for using the network
>1% annual inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (
>compatible with ledger (!/)
>LOBSTR mobile wallet for IOS and Android (

Popular ICOs on Stellar:
>Mobius (MOBI)
>Smartlands (SLT)
>Sureremit (RMT)

What’s the bottom line?
>Stellar has an opportunity to break out into the top 5 coins by being what Ripple was supposed to be. A fast, cheap and simple cryptocurrency that can function well for both fintech and everyday people. Stellar is ready to go right now. Not tomorrow, not in 2 years, and not hypothetically.

Attached: Ahhhhhhh.jpg (400x400, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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How sure are you? I’m all in xlm atm. Bought in stupidly at .26

remeber fairx? it was never released. doubt this stronghold shit will release either, its all pnd hype

Me? I'm very sure. Even if ETH "scales" it will still have speed issues. I think it will be used when you need a Turing system. XLM is going to match visa when lightning is implemented.

Attached: Itstime.jpg (350x200, 6K)

FairX is just one of many projects on Stellar. Its not required for success. The key to XLM is that unlike ETH, it's ready to go today. Real shit is being built. Not chinkcoins and shitty dapps.

Attached: Lumenautswillruletheworld.jpg (800x448, 83K)

Speed issues? ETH has pretty quick transactions already dude. When do you think we will see XLM moon? Hopefully soon. I have a sell at 4300 sats lol

All crypto is hype, hype is good

w-wakey snakey...

>by being what Ripple was supposed to be.
by trying to be what ripple is*

>what ripple is

Centralized for profit banker coin?


Attached: Nowtheresthreeofthem.jpg (300x225, 11K)

>stellar fag calling xrp centralized banker coin
this is how your "decentralized" network looks like, laughable

Attached: stellar nodes.png (1362x936, 97K)

pic related this is how xrp looks like
>implying stellar isnt a banker coin
just go to
and the first thing you read is
>Stellar is a platform that connects banks
really makes me think.jpg
you got memed into buying a "coin for the people" when in fact xlm tries to archieve the same thing as xrp

Attached: nodes updated.png (1720x784, 513K)

Attached: stellarfudisreal.png (1276x3207, 831K)

>a network of 30 or so equal nodes is centralized
>a network where 6 nodes control over 75% is decentralized
get your head checked user. Pic related.

Attached: u wot mate.jpg (1136x708, 78K)

Also network analysis laws strongly suggest that pic related is just fine for starting off. In fact, that's WAY BETTER than might be expected if something were wrong. Networks connect organically as they grow, and a big component starts to form eventually. The number of nodes in your big component is very large, and in fact it already implies that the multiple components that might have existed at one point already interconnected enough to form a single interconnected main component. With additional nodes added to the network, this will not result in additional disconnected components. Instead, the advantages for connecting to the main component will continue to increase...and the advantages of the main component will increase exponentially, not linearly, because that's how networks work. I literally know nothing about XLM but I do know about network dynamics and log node connections. your chart makes me want to invest in this. You are providing evidence against your hypothesis, not for it.

kek, that is bitcoin not xrp you absolute brainlet

Attached: 1519688449978.png (645x729, 105K)

so if bitcoin isn't a decentralized network, please name one :^)

>protip: Read what people say and quote, and dont extrapolate statements just because I replied to you

Attached: 1513658684851.jpg (640x640, 26K)


lol all those nodes are owned by ripple ya turd burglar

There is a difference between being a (((banker))) coin and a coin that can be used by banks.

Stellar isn't a coin for the people, it just fucking works

Attached: SereneStellar.png (161x196, 18K)

>You are providing evidence against your hypothesis
if you compare both pics, which looks more decentralized?
that was the point i was proving, user was defending xlm by calling xrp centralized
are you ignoring that user called xrp centralized to defend xlm? when in fact xlm is vastly more centralized than xrp
i never said bitcoin was decentralized, and by your pic, i would say it is not
it is very easy for you to just say "all the nodes are owned by ripple :^)"
but you didnt provide any source
the xrp network has 263 validators and only 16 are owned by ripple
slide the "default unl only" option

so if bitcoin isn't a decentralized network, please name one :^)

How the fuck is it a problem to distribute coins to individuals who are more likely to use them? To anyone honestly. People are more likely to use shit when they are given it. Fucking Wang and Chinua are not gonna buy stellar or any crypto when they dont know what the fuck they are.

That process is slow. They're not going to dump billions on the market at once.

Fucking Marta at the mexican market and hipster Matt are not going to use XLM unless they have a reason. Kali will those because he doesn't even have (((banks))).

Stellar is playing a long game. Not the type of bullshit long game that shitcoins make excuses for their work not getting done (mozarella), but an actual chance at worldwide adoption.

Other than that, FUD for Stellar consists of muh darkies using the coin. Nobody cares what some frogposting Jow Forums faggot thinks about that. KYS.

Attached: eoscentralization.jpg (940x1275, 133K)

It's a wealth redistribution scheme you retard. It's not an investment. The same reason it's bad to print money for welfare. Pic related

Attached: stellarcommunism.png (1670x234, 83K)

>Select default DNL
>20 nodes
>12 owned by Ripple

??? lol nigga the nodes have to be chosen by Ripple themselves. It's completely centralized. That's ok I'm because that's what ripple is. Trying to argue that it's decentralized is retarded.

Attached: Upandaway.png (800x600, 43K)

>stellar is a socialist conspiracy

Lol wealth distribution? There is no wealth in Stellar today brainlet.

It's called a customer acquisition cost. Giving Ahmed a couple of Lumens as an incentive to use the network and tell his friends is a shitload better strategy then fucking moonboys and "hype".

Stellar airdrop to BTC holders was extremely successful, note the ever increasing rank of the coin.

You should honestly go back to Jow Forums and kys. This is money, not your fucking race war fantasy you cocksucking faggot.

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default UNL*
the unl list is the list of *recommended* nodes to trust, validators that have been up for a while and have never proposed malicious transactions
any validator can pick the nodes they trust, no matter if the node is not in the validator list

>Giving Ahmed a couple of Lumens
80% of the total supply is not "a couple of Lumens" you fucking retard

>as an incentive to use the network
Niggers are not going to use the stallar network. They're going to market sell that shitcoin for something that they can actually spend in their local economy

>Stellar airdrop to BTC holders was extremely successful
The majority of the coins were unclaimed and returned to the stellar foundation. And there's a big difference between airdropping to relatively wealthy people who already understand how crypto works, and a bunch of 75 IQ monkeys in africa.

>You should honestly go back to Jow Forums and kys.
>hurrr everyone I don't like is Jow Forums
Enjoy your SJW welfare coin

>There is a difference between being a (((banker))) coin and a coin that can be used by banks.
the diference is that jed knew that advertising stellar as a coin for the people would get the support of the bitcoin community, as soon as stellar mooned and got some adoption the narrative changed


Those lumens are given to:

>Developers to develop
>Plebs (50-300 XLM)

All things that help the network grow.

>Niggers are not going to...

lol Jow Forums faggot. Jesus fucking Christ why would anyone take financial advice from a frogposting, basement dwelling NEET who can't get a Stacy?

This is the worst fud I've ever seen. You actually hate money because African people may use it.

Stay poor fag. You're not only going to die poor but die alone.

Attached: victory.gif (359x258, 86K)

So you're arguing with what their own website says? See:

>4 posts by this ID

>7 posts by this ID

Ripple fags everyone

Let's summarize their arguments:

>ripple is more decentralized
>we hate niggers
>it's a socialist conspiracy of wealth redistribution

Jesus no fucking wonder you're shit has been losing market share. Ripple : Stellar ratio

>September 2017 - 30:1
>November 2017 - 20:1
>January 2018 - 10:1
>May 2018 - 4:1
>August 2018 - 3:1

Ripple has been succumbing to Stellar for a fucking year at a steady rate. Fucking brainlets. Not only was Stellar a better hold, it's a better coin.

Attached: stellarsnake.jpg (1200x1047, 77K)

>implying I like cRipple
Both are shitcoins.

There own website says they give out small amounts of lumens to folks who can use them over a decade.

I have over 100k lumens. It's not gonna dilute my shit. I'm conservative about XLMs future, but even succeeding in a fraction of their ventures puts the coin well over $1. Maybe $5.

IBMs use case alone makes the give away neglible.

Attached: Pushit.jpg (1920x1200, 90K)

The success of the Stellar network does not mean that the value of Lumens will increase. Just look at USD adoption over the past two centuries relative to its gold value.

as a investor there is no reason to buy xlm
instead of directly answering the question they came up with some elaborated mental gymnastics to make you buy in this money redistribution scheme and move on, away from the unanswered question
>you may buy and use lumens to learn about cryptocurrency, experiment with operations

Attached: lumens.png (1429x516, 70K)

Ripple cope posters are the worst.
So btfo over coinbase never adopting them or any crypto hedgefunds. They don't want securities/lawsuits

Thanks for bumping this thread btw.

By providing Jow Forums-tier FUD, you've managed to give XLM daily even more exposure..

Attached: breakout.gif (400x300, 3.21M)

>USD has been greatly inflated theough printing, quantitive easing and counterfeiting

Hardly fucking compariable to a 1% inflation, no mining increasing the supply and a giveaway to expand adoption.

>as an investor there is no reason to buy XLM

XLM is now worth 1/3rd of Ripple. It was less than 1/30th a year ago

>Stellar about to be listed on coinbase
>ripple is not

That 1% inflation is on top of the 10% annually that they're giving away to niggers.

Why has this shit been sliding for the last week? Its about to under litecoin’s market cap

They don't call them pump and dumps for nothing, friend. No one is seriously investing in XLM right now.

I dumped my xlm for bat last night

lol fucking cripples

took the plunge and traded an ETH for XLM today. Wanted some exposure to this motherfucker.

litecoin isnt a scam, xlm is
lol dumbass nigger

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lol this stock photo makes me laugh everytime i see it

Let's go Stellar

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Hmm.. coinbase... san fransisco... stellar... san fransisco... hmmm...

heh, true, whodf made that. lift off.

When cripples come into the stellar thread

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