Space AI is a meme and won’t be useful for a while. In the meantime there will be concerns for the safety of it in general and in specific applications (ie self driving cars that run people over). And of course the ongoing worry about singularity etc.
Space as is space tours/travel, like around the globe? Because if you are talking about Mars colonization it was determined recently that it cannot happen.
Jaxon Scott
Asteroid mining, now you're woke unless the retards at Jow Forums.
Isaac Collins
I think he means astroid mining
Kayden Stewart
Joshua Mitchell
Admittedly, its a lot harder to enter these markets than it was to enter btc
Dominic Davis
Tourism first, mining way off. The new vacation: your very own trip to space. Mining is a cool idea and worth a ton of money if you can pull it off. Give it 20 years to show signs of life
Jacob Lee
So the idea would be to bet on those who get into the game early and the tech ramifications. Any leads?
Graphene has been a thing for years but it hasn't take off yet, it's kinda stagnant.
I'm thinking about electric energy storage, the boom of the electric car industry depends 100% on it.
Easton Long
None of these markets are as easy to enter as BTC was in 2009. Give us something feasible.
Liam Brooks
Smart Contracts will be the next step. Chainlink is the way to invest in it since permissioned blockchains like hyperledger will be using it. After that if Bitcoin solves scaling and ETH as well, then those are gonna be big. After that crypto is dead as far as making money goes.
Ayden Robinson
They're not supposed to be easy, these sick ass gains are normally only reserved for the very rich that are legally allowed to invest in startups with their fancy accredited investor status.
Nicholas Stewart
Please GTFO
Yeah, it would be nice being able to participate directly, but that's the point of doing research, so we can bet on the ramifications of these industries.
Liam Miller
Well, anyone could invest in BTC back in 2009 because it was under $1 per coin. How the fuck am I going to invest in space mining or graphene? We want something as obscure but also as possible as BTC was.
Samuel Wood
Keep telling yourself crypto is dead
Jacob Cruz
Graphene companies. You'll have to wait for space kinng companies to go public but they exist. Why not try lithium mining companies? That's what Tesla use a lot of in their batteries.
Andrew Allen
Currently the closest thing that resembles a little bit what Bitcoin was in 2009 is ipfs. I even tried it once, it was really impressive but slow. If that thing gains popularity it could crash the internet storage industry, although I'm skeptical.
Look it up: ipsf
Dominic Carter
I bet you thought the internet was dead in 2000 huh?
Jackson Morales
*I meant ipfs lol
John Gomez
Gonna take a look, thanks user
Jordan Brown
np. Keep posting your guesses guys, what's the next big thing now that crypto is dead/hibernating?
Ryder Ross
But it's not something investable
Sebastian Jackson
>What's the next big thing Jow Forums? there has to be something as obscure as BTC in 2009. AI?
AI will be worth trillions or more. You can't invest in it because your government is protecting you.
Ryder Richardson
whats the next ecommerce variance of this solution like dropshippinh->private label-> ????
Jacob Richardson
Lmao what? You can buy google stock
Grayson Edwards
I've been in the AI field for a while. Being unable to invest in the field is what made me go all in on crypto.
Fuck these people. It's time to soldier up and invert the system. We have a time limit - decentralization before AGI. Otherwise the authoritarians get as powerful as god.
Thomas Campbell
Unironically shrimp farming.
Landon Walker
>Lmao what? You can buy google stock
Because that's like bitcoin in 2009?
Joseph Flores
Check my trips and hear me: all of you are brainlets. I’ve worked in a nanofab research lab and everyone thinks graphene won’t replace silicon. The fabrication has yet to scale, and electron mobility and power dissipation sucks ass. I’m currently working in computer vision. AI was overhyped but is still useful. Sentience/consciousness is a long ways off, but classifiers are a powerful thing with boundless applications. If you’re just thinking about investing in it, you’re probably too late. Space will be big, but it will take a long time. IPFS is free lmao, you’d have to invest in some startup building around it. If someone says quantum computing you’re still too early. The most immediate “next big thing” is unironically crypto.
Carter Foster
If you think AI is like btc in 2009 then you’re dumb.
Isaac Sanchez
what coins/companies?
Aaron Robinson
Nvidia, berkeley physics labs, and this isn’t a crypto shill thread lol
Matthew Peterson
Daqri does Magic Leaps job, but they have no public stocks yet
Jayden Murphy
>If you think AI is like btc in 2009 then you’re dumb.
Unsupervised and reinforcement learning are like btc in 2009
Nicholas Price
If you wanna be an early adopter or btc you buy it. If you wanna be an early adopter of a complex research topic, you hire engineers and scientists to the rnd department of your company, or you build a startup.