
>part of the 99% that look like shit shaven
>by the time BTC goes to $1,000,000 i will be an old cueball depressed fuck

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Correct. Life is shit and then you die.

Life's a bitch and then you die

but atleast you'll have 21 million dollars then :) you have your 21 BTC ready for the bullrun, right? we've been bear for long enough, if you haven't the golden 21 at this point you won't make it

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life sucks so much
wouldn't be surprised if BTC already reached it's maximum

You could always try to respawn with better genetics

>didn't hop on propecia + minox + nizoral the second he noticed thinning or recession
Zero sympathy for you

Odds of you respawning with better genetics are virtually nonexistent.
You'd probably respawn as some random mosquito in the middle of the amazon jungle. Maybe not even on this planet.

have fun losing your dick tho

yes....good goy....use our (((medical products))) to regrow your hair for vanity goy....who needs children anyways? gotta look good!

cmon OP its at $7k and you already are an old cueball depressed fuck

WIth enough money you can literally buy a full head of hair. Look at Elon Musk's old pictures and compare to how he looks now. Literally proceeding hairline

>btc 1 mil

in this life? lol

your hair wont matter when you've got 5 mil in the bank and can afford the best steroids and the best clothes

I was balding, I just went to the barber on a whim, after 3 years of dealing with looking like a balding retard, and asked them for a simple buzz, #3. I fucking love how I look now, I'm considering going full bald. Everyone thinks they'd look bad bald but often you look good. Plus, from now on I save money on haircuts, shampoo, and product.

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for at 3-6 months before you start seeing hair grow back

>what is topical fin
imagine thinking you'll make it in crypto when you unironically went bald because you didn't research hair loss treatments for more than 1 hour

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I was fucking obsessed with this for a whole year, i nearly went mad

>bought Kirklands Rogaine (minoxidil) it stops hairloss but you have to stay on it for life, or you'll lose your hairgains
>also started with Saw Palmetto, it's supposed to lower your DHT production by 30%. Semen got weird in the beginning but things normalized and i still fuck girls regularly

i don't have the balls to jump on fin, many dudes have lost their libido (permanently) and trannies take it to become more feminine. fuck that

nofap? does this work?

Start microdosing fin.
0.25 or .5mg every other day or every day, use a pill cutter or razor blade.
A topical anti androgen solution will be available in 4 years.

I'm currently on dutasteride + minoxidil + nizoral, since switching to dutasteride from /fin/ my hair thinned out more AND I lost my erections. Also I think it exacerbates my depression/OCD since I'm getting worked out over things that didn't make me so mad before.
Live is great boyos!

I have 1.4 BTC...

Even if you had 21 BTC, it would take you 5 to 10 years to be a millionaire, by that time I would be bald and too old to enjoy life

its over

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I've been using minox and fin on foam for the past 5 years and im still fucking balding

Also lol at falling for the "just 5 more years bro" meme

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Friendly reminder that only low T subhumans care about their hair

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Breezula in 4 years is guaranteed.

no, its a fucking meme

i actually do semen retention because I like to have the extra boost in hornyness, now that im a pathetic old 25+ yo man i dont have the power hornyness of a teenager so i have to

it does shit nothing

my only cope in this life is visiting a escort once a month or so, and i premature ejaculate anyway, just do it to get to touch and suck some titties and not go insane

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yes it will. lol at having to compensate by pinning shit on your ass.

>what is topical fin
something that doesn't work, used it for 5 years still balding

you'll do dutasteride at some point, just wait until you go past NW2

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Everyone on this board shilling against btc Is shilling their own lambo away for a couple 40 dollar paneet gains on some shitcodonkey protocol.

>bitcoin will never hit $1,000,000 in or out of your lifetime
>you die bald, broke and alone

Keep whining. You might have been too late because you'll be bald in 4 years.
Nobody should listen to you.

no it hasnt you dumb fuck, its going to $1,000,000

but it doesnt matter if you dont have hair

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The only thint that will go 100x is their regret when the finally realize unity one time across the board with the intellectuals could have dodged their fate bullet

Hows your little shitcoin mccrowdfund dev doing?

>want to make it in crypto
>go bald from the stress
>now need to make it in crypto
>lose everything and end up still bald

Money buys years off your life. Remember that!

Altcoiners dont realize i drink redbull.

If you know about shit like breezula, you are a hairloss nerd which means you are already balding, which means in 4 years it will be too late anyway, and it will be another flop like the italian lotion and the other endless retardoville "solutions".

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How does it feel there is more value in blizzard's WoW gold currency than your lil shitcoin with a gazillion possible pieces of pie

Lmao. Nah, that's why I'm not whining.
I got on fin because of misc and caught it early, before it was even visible.

>he didn't get married before age destroyed his looks.
>he didn't marry his virgin high school sweetheart


I'm 24 and do nofap to not kms because of my terrible job.. do you feel better after meeting escorts? i felt like shit and ashamed

semen retention has been studied and practiced forever, man
NoFap is not really going to do it. You can masturbate and have sex (even with orgasms) as long as you don't ejaculate. Your sexuality will actually improve if you train yourself to not waste your essence at every opportunity.
You should only ever ejaculate when you are trying to get your woman pregnant (time it with her ovulation).

did you experience any sides? long have you been on fin or duta?


>waste your essence
you mean energy?
and how do you orgasm without ejaculating

i got on topical fin and minox at nw 1.1

good for you, hope you dont get sides

i got no sides but it doesnt fucking work, oh well i got a side: my ejaculations are now pathetic

>get married before baldcuck
>get divorced because she cheats on you with chad

what options do i have?

nofap is fucking retarded unless you are discharging eventually on a hot female

see reply above

i practice that shit, does nothing with hair

probably makes me bald faster because probably DHT is at higher levels or something

but ejaculating at least once a month is desirable, some people got infections due edging and never cumming

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i premature ejaculate, i cant have sex

i actually put my blanket around my cock and balls and watch porn and thats how i edge

with escorts, last time i ejaculated while having an erection, she was sucking my d with no condom

i will try priligy pills, if they dont work im killing ymself

read about it
it's called a dry orgasm
you lose a shit ton of important stuff when you ejaculate (this should be obvious since it is potent enough to create life and you feel significantly weaker / less focused / less creative after ejaculating if you haven't done it for a while)

sounds .like you need to fap MORE

how long did you go without ejaculating? it takes months to even start seeing results

4 months its my record

seriously what kind of negative IQ you need to think you will save your hair doing that?

i have done periods of ejaculating daily, i did that throught my teens, it doesnt fucking matter, i cum too fast, i need priligy pills, like 100mg

you should fap like CRAZY for days on end...! and use painkillers before you fuck

it makes sence, i always go on a good streak during nofap

considering my hair was fine up until I started ejaculating 7+ times a week for 6 months straight (before I would usually only ejaculate once or twice a month), it is not a far stretch of logic by any means
it took 4 months of that before i actually noticed my hair thinning and falling, so I see no reason why it wouldn't take a long time of preserving my seminal fluid to regrow my hair (i'm only in 4 weeks so far and it's stopped falling out and I can run my fingers through my hair without pulling it out anymore)
There is a lot of literature on the topic of semen retention and its benefits.
There is of course, the possibility that your hair loss is caused by something else, but ejaculating unnecessarily is definitely not going to help you with anything. Retaining your semen is like having more testosterone, it just makes everything in your life better (not to mention it helps your t levels).

I don't fap to the point of ejaculation, but whenever I cum inside my girlfriend my workouts always suffer for about a week before they start returning to normal levels where I can actually drive the movements with full concentration

no i have tried that

i hada period last year where i fapped daily sometimes twice a day to discharge a lot after a long time of edging

it does nothing

i cum FAST you dont fucking understand it because you dont have premature ejaculation

i need priligy, its the last hope

if that works for you then you dont have male pattern baldness, most likely mineral deficiency or hormona unbalance or whatever

it will be sooner than you think

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you're telling me you've been ejaculating all the time and that your'e suffering from balding now but you won't even try semen retention for a year or two before you kys?

Haha, that meme pic might need a slight adjustment since there's no fucking way in hell that 100k is happening.

>old cueball depressed fuck
You're getting older and more cueball-esque by the moment.
You already are depressed and fuck.

I'd say Bitcoin should be about half-way to $1,000,000 within a year or two's time on this premise alone.

>100k is not happening

you are too dumb to undestand MPB. if never ejaculating didnt make you bald there wouldnt be bald tibetan monks

also only a massive autist would retain semen for an entire year

>bought Kirklands Rogaine (minoxidil) it stops hairloss but you have to stay on it for life, or you'll lose your hairgains
minoxidil doesn't stop loss. it does regrow miniaturized hair but that hair is still sensitive to DHT. you need to be on an anti-androgen otherwise you will continue to bald on minoxidil.

nofap does not work. you're either genetically sensitive to dht or you're not. period.

it's available right now and has been available for near a decade. RU, mixed with liquid minox.

stay with it, you should at the minimum maintain on that combo. the hair you lost was either shedding or it was toast to begin with.


hair alone takes me from a high 6/10 to a 9/10. it matters.

stress didn't make you bald bucko. it's all genes.

imagine getting your hair loss info from r/tressless and HLT, fucking pleb you're half a decade behind

bro science, the post


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guys, just bee yourself =)))
there is nothing wrong with being bald

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>you are too dumb to undestand MPB
says the guy claiming he'll kill himself if he can't fix his MPB

>there wouldn't be bald tibetan monks
You know they are required to all keep their heads shaven right? Surely, being an authority on the matter, you would know there are other things that can cause baldness right?

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im a hairloss expert dumbass

dut sides are 100% guaranteed

i will inject dut on my scalp not taking fucking pills if that dosent work im kms

RU will eventually make you balder due chronic antagonism of androgen receptors leading to massive upregulation

kys and enjoy your vesicular infection

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>stay with it, you should at the minimum maintain on that combo. the hair you lost was either shedding or it was toast to begin with.

nope, some people actually bald faster on fin/dut lmao

>hair loss expert
>can't fix his hair loss

>semen retention causes athlete's foot

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>on dut 1mg weekly since 2015. zero sides.
>took RU from 2013-2015 mixed with minox. still NW1
nice "expertise" faggot

you very clearly don't know shit

if he could fix it, he wouldn't be a hair loss expert, he'd be an expert at fixing hair loss

the difference is subtle but important

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what are you currently using and is it working??

generic dutasteride from inhousepharmacy. 60 pills for about 80 bucks. take 2 pills every 3-4 days. add minox and niz shampoo if you want to try for some regrowth.
been doing this particular regimen since 2015, haven't lost any ground, no sides. will stop taking it as soon as a better and safer treatment arrives but that could be 2025. i've been balding since 2002, i'm a nw1.5 because of meds. a cure has always been 5 years away.

why take any drugs? the tech is there to literally replace your hairline if you can afford it.

if you can't afford it, well then you have some serious issues given how easy money has come in crypto in the past 2-3 years

>replace hairline
>keep balding because you're not on drugs to stop balding
>run out of donor hair from the back
>look like a freak with an island of hair on the hairline and then completely bald behind it

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