Northeast brazil

Northeast brazil.
Africa tier shithole

Attached: nordestbosta.jpg (610x651, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-48.542348,313.05h,-24.39p,1z,-50.876457,275.96h,-3.08p,1z

Why Santa Catarina so low? I thought it was white and first world

northeatern migrants

>white and first world
it is very white, but not 100% white, and no place in Brazil is first world

yes, the northeast is poor, and???

>Santa Catarina
>First world


not him but it looks okay imo

Come to Bulgaria huezilians

The only first world places in Latin America are in Chile, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Most Chileans are still Mapuche mutts who speak autistic Spanish though, so don't get too uppity.

that favela looks pretty comfy

que lugar se supone que es primermundista en chile?

Valparaiso even has that Northern Euro fog and the existential dread such a thing generates, pretty first world if you ask me.,-50.876457,275.96h,-3.08p,1z

Not really, we also have 1st world places in Brazil too.

Cherrypicking doesn't count, Joao.

Rude, sobre todo considerando que los colombianos son mucho más marrones que nosotros y que junto a los venezolanos son fácilmente identificables por su piel negra o muy morena.

>colombianos son mucho más marrones que nosotros
Los agregados de los chilenos y los colombianos se parecen bastante en porcentaje de ADN europeo de hecho, la diferencia es que los colombianos tienen ADN subsahariano y los chilenos tienen más ADN nativo.

Valparaiso is literally one of the worse places lmao

Bueno y te lo digo porque veo colombianos a diario y nada más basta ver que es un poco más moreno para saber que lo es extranjero, por ejemplo un chileno del color de Arturo Vidal es muy raro.

que es*

Eso es falso. El chileno promedio es mas oscuro que el colombiano promedio, quizas no mas que el afrocolombiano promedio por obvias razones, pero incluso ellos son minoria aca

Porque la mayoria de los migrantes colombianos en Chile son de la costa (ya sea Caribe o Pacifica), una región con mucho más ADN subsahariano.

La mejor descripción para el color del piel del colombiano promedio de la región andina (quienes conforman la mayoría de la población del país) es gris o amarillo, con gente más marrón o blanca siendo también comunes.

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un afrocolombian en el interior del pais tambien se le nota a leguas que no es de la region, igual pasa con los venezolanos. Pic related Vidal con su novia colombiana

Attached: vidal_isaza.jpg_715985292.jpg (1425x720, 109K)

>del caribe
no, son del pacifico la gran mayoria, en especial de buenavuentura, tumaco y zonas marginales de violencia

Panama and Puerto rico are much ahead and even then they are far from being first world. There is not a place south the US that can be considered 1st world, so please stop licking boots

Outside of Panama City (which is very rich thanks to the canal) it's the same as the rest of Latin America.
>Puerto rico
It's part of the United States in all but name, of course it's gonna be well off.

I've been to Chile and Panama and I can assure you that neither are first world in any way. They both have rich zones and shitty zones, but the same could be said about this country or any latam country for that matter

your states names are pretty funny Jhoao.

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What's up with Amazonas flag lol

whats wrong?

nothing, it's not an offence, i just find them funny, maybe becuse i try to read them with a brazilian accent.

el colombiANO señores jajaja

northeast would be first world if the confederates won the war

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u high my dude? There's nothing funny about it. Brazilians trying to speak spanish, now that's some hilarious shit

>anywhere in Latin America
>first world

You can polish a turd but it's still a turd.

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>so low
nigga only the federal district and São Paulo are above, and the only reason são paulo is above is because of muh income meme
in reality it is a shithole

Only SP above, how is that low? DF doesn't count because only rich politicians live there.

Success breeds jealousy.

that's what I've been saying all along. sao Paulo concentrates the wealth of of your not so desely populated cunt. It's inflated af. Feel bad for Alagoas, hope the PT wins next elections so SP tards stop diverting so much resources away from the northeast

People say it's the best from Latin America but 10/14 Chilean Regions have a higher HDI. I expected it to be like 0.900 or maybe 0.850 atleast

SC countryside is mostly rural, I'd rather live there than anywhere in Chile desu

Attached: sau40_2.jpg (800x612, 57K)

once we get the northeastern invaders to be our slaves, we will RISE to be the greatest in the country again

Attached: MG.png (1200x979, 148K)

this, most of our countryside is simple so it makes the HDI artificially low