
What could have been...

Attached: Polska_1386_-_1434.png (2977x2929, 2.14M)

Imagine the smell....

Butthurt incomming in 3.. 2...

GODS i was strong back then....aaaaaaagh damn it my back...i....i need to sit down...aaaaaaagh

couldn’t ever have lasted, goes against the geographic rules of geopolitics

Maahaaaaaa the French

Attached: Europe_1812_map_en.png (1280x842, 854K)

I like crows.


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Can Lithuanians explain to me how they held so much land and money yet every Lithuanian hates the commonwealth?

Would you want to share a country with poles?

Look at the map, it looks more like the Poles shared the country with Lithanians.

"It's a nice country, but it's filled with cunts"
t. Pilsudski on Boland

This was pre commonwealth. At the peak of our independent GRAND Duchy. We were strong back then. We joined with the poles and guess what, we actually LOST land and money, but that didn't matter. Who cares about that? Nations win some and then lose some, big deal, whatever. But the worst thing was not losing that. We lost our pride. And then we lost everything.

Average lithuanian knows fuckall about the commonwealth. All the asspain is caused almost entirely by the "polish" minority.

They were kind of forced into allying with us, as after conquering such a vast territory inhabited mostly by Ruthenians, they became minority in their own country and needed an ally against both Teutonic Order and Muscovy.

We kind of took advantage of that, by forcing them into unifying into one country and also taking Ukraine for them.

Also, after establishent of Commonwealth their nobility started to Polonize, so at the end of 18th century only Lithuanian peasents actually spoke Lithuanian. But this one isn't actually our fault, they did it willingly.

>by the "polish" minority.
what are you implying here

never again. Fuck this and fuck y*u

Look at it again, look at the population density.

Why do you think Teutonic Order was able to hold for so long against BOTH Poland and Lithuania? Real power is not only about territory, but most importantly about wealth (also sea access).

>We joined with the poles and guess what, we actually LOST land and money
Had you not join forces with us, you would get raped much faster, getting dicked by Poland from one side and by Muscovy from another. By allying with us, you were actually able to fare relatively well against Muscovy, even to point of conquering it for two years in 1610, and also, most importantly, we were able to end the threat of our biggest nemesis, Teutonic Order.

Sadly, the reason why our country had fallen was due to lack of strong central power and dumb oligarchs having more power than kings.

Was also for

That they've largely been bought out by Russia and are less polish than the sausage in my fridge.

France is too small in this desu senpai get rid of the confederations and kingdoms and it would be kino

He was talking about the three million parasites inhabiting it tho

Piłsudski was a cunt himself, killed and imprisoned skilled generals like Rozwadowski just so he could become dictator and doomed our country to lose the incoming war by putting his loyal retards in charge and having his military strategy stucked in 1920s.

Did you really expect more from a self loathing samogitian retard?

They were pretty damn influential but it was a mixed deal kind of thing, many of the wealthiest Polish-Lithuanian magnates originating from the lands of the duchy weren't even ethnically Lithuanian but rather Ruthenian, for example the Tyszkiewiczs, Ogińskis, Sapiehas, Chodkiewiczs etc. all had their ethnic origins somewhere in Belarus or Ukraine, and even princely Lithuanian families like the Jagiellons were somewhat mutted with Ruthenians. Some of these families even held estates in Lituania Propria, meaning Lithuanian core land, for example the Tyszkiewiczs held massive estates in Vilnius and Palanga.
So yeah while Lithuanians were extremely important for the development of the PLC, it's unfair to forget about the role of the Ruthenians. Modern day Lithuanian histography likes to pretend that the GDL was all Lith and that they're muh sole rightful descendands of it, but that's only half the story.

Poland gained the upper hand in the union because first of all it was the seat of the crown, i.e. the capital, second of all it was much more densely populated. Even though the GDL was by sheer size of territory considerably bigger than the kingdom of Poland, large portions of it were depopulated and not properly exploited. Because of this Poland generates more soldiers, more products, more artisans, etc. This can be seen to this day, Belarus is 2/3 as big as Poland, yet does not even have a tenth of its population.

*not even a quarter of its population
Sorry. Anyway, you get the point.

>Modern day Lithuanian histography
Bumblauskas, Nikžentaitis. Modern day lithuanian histography has absolutely no problem acknowledging ruthenian accomplishments.

You guys get pretty flustered whenever Belarus tries to bring up its GDL heritage, going all hurr Lithuania ruled the slavs and all that. Or saying that Lithuania built most of Belarus' history, such as the Mir and Nesvizh castles, which technically isn't true. I get it, Belarusians tend to twist history too by saying that they wuz da real Lithuania, but you can't deny that the issue of GDL history is a highly controversial topic on both sides of the border.

What I find interesting to this day is the issue or Navahrudak/Naugardukos/Nowogródek. The Bels like to say that it was the first capital of the GDL, Liths want to hear none of that. Tomas Veclova claims that it was for many centuries considered to be a part of Lituania Propria, but ceased being that at some point. So I wonder if it was ethnically Lithuanian or Ruthenian from the get go, if it changed over time, and if people in the early years of the duchy even cared about that.

It could not have possibly been the first capitol of Lithuania, because by the time it was acquired by Mindaugas he had been a king for like a decade already, if I'm remembering correctly.
Entire missunderstanding comes from our education having been sub par a couple of decades ago (although I've no idea if anything has changed in regards to school curricullum, desu) and Belarussian nationaliasts beign retarded and grasping at straws.