How is he viewed in your cunt?

How is he viewed in your cunt?

Attached: Stalin_08.jpg (1346x2000, 575K)

Other urls found in this thread:

As a hero who died too soon

>Stalin? As a man that gave hope to millions of workers around the world

Attached: eDQvTAB.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

Russian Obama.

>He compares Stalin with a incompetent faggot

Based georgian men
Slayer of krauts , finns , japs , poles and russians

Like a hero

Not me, but a sizeable portion Americans do.

Hero who saved the world from the bad white who uses a buddhist symbol…

Attached: QXmZQB5.jpg (500x334, 24K)

he killed millions...

Hard times...

Are you sure? I remember seeing in the news that during the Prague Springs many members of the french communist party spoke agains't the soviets.

Uh who is that moustache man?
Better ask a professor!
Professor says:
Admirable dad and charming agrarian reformer

Everyone can agree that he defeated fascism save billions

to be fair, most brazilians don't even know that existed


they probably got upset since soviets executed many foreign antifascists and communists after they fled to USSR from france, germany, austria, italy and so on

Millions of criminals… saved the world… pois é…

Attached: QfD5UGw.jpg (805x805, 69K)

He was a BASED churka who genocided tens of millions of slavs in Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. He's now beloved by slavs for putting them in their place.

The H*hol slayer

Attached: Wew.jpg (1080x1184, 272K)

People forgot about him. Everyone sees the Iraq war as a colossal fuck up and Bush was the most hated political figure up until Trump announced his campaign in 2015. He deserved the rope though and it was worth ruining Iraq to watch Saddam hang.

Attached: saddam_statue.jpg (670x448, 102K)

I like him, but not because he was a communist

A hero who saved the world

This picture is unironically correct.

Based man. The g*rms/nips/capitalists bane.

by killing millions of his fellow russians and turning others into the cannon fodder. he only 'won' by brute force because germans ran out of bullets. and thanks to our $$$ too.

>American education

Attached: la carrera de las creaturas....png (900x466, 387K)

Please send me sources which shows he killed millions.

>his fellow russians
Nope. He was a GEORGIAN BVLL and he bended iron beams with his back just for fun.

Germans are not the problem. It's the bourgeoisie from imperialist countries that is the problem.
It just happens that Germany was a imperialist country.

As worse than Hitler or slightly better than Hitler. It depends on who you ask. Personally I think he was one of the greatest leaders and thinkers in all of human history.

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That's a justifiable sacrifice.
Hard times demand hard choices, you know.

American education strikes again

most people don't have an opinion/don't know who is he even

Image the Russians being a nation of cucks that allowed that illiterate criminal who barely spoke any Russian to rule them for decades and exterminate like half of them in the process.

Imagine being this american

gulag was based

t. Boomer

haha gomrade, upvoted

Would you like to elaborate on this? How is that American poster wrong?

Man, there are more people inprisoned in your country than in gulag for its whole existing time.

communist history is conveniently sidestepped here in education

>Image being a man so based that even after being a knownn illiterate criminal who barely spoke any Russian you rule for decades and exterminate like half of rusk*ids in the process.

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Read this book.


Funny enough not that negative at all. Its rather neutral I would say. In general people hate or at least pretend to hate Adolf Hitler much more.

yeah but why are rus*kies such sheep and boot lickers? they have always been ruled by angry manlets and they see nothing wrong with that.

Leftists can't meme...

t. guy who drew this

Attached: pepe paris.jpg (1300x2048, 272K)

reminder that most of these 'foreign flags' are butthurt russian shills.

Here, have this Stonetoss as compensation.

Attached: The Only Good Stonetoss Comic.png (1000x1000, 86K)

Communism was new and trendy just like fascism at that time. Nobody would've thought that it ends up being so bad.

But Stalin killed more Russians that Hitler.

>reminder that most of these 'foreign flags' are butthurt russian shills.

Attached: soyjack345.png (540x510, 124K)

lol what? Sources please?

Hilter wanted to kill even more


He really didn't though. He killed like 1 to 5 million and most were communist activists/politicians.

Attached: stalin cringing on some dudes chest.jpg (768x768, 115K)

Imagine drawning this lmao

That also probably drew a leftist because pepe is considered racist to begin with. Doesn't make sense that he becomes racist after notre dame.
Not every stonetoss comic is good, but some of it are. The one with the dogs for example.

>1 to 5
Do you understand how much it is?

The true iron man

My issue with Stonetoss is that he's way too much in your face most of the time and most of his comics boild down to"lol fugging leftists are so delusional and dumb" without being funny, subtle or self critical/aware at all.

I know and you'd think we should hate him since he was one of the main world police powerrangers during World War 2. Probably the worst too. But that is not the case at all. There are also no many that are positive towards him, its just fairly neutral.

>like 1 to 5 million

Nice dispersion you've got there.

Hitler killed more than 20 million Russians did he not?

If you're leftist yourself maybe. There are quite a lot that make leftists seethe with anger.

Yeah that was the second of the major splits in the communist parties in the West. The first was in 1956 with the invasion of Hungary. In France there was another schism between communists when the Gulag Archipelago was published, since it laid the blame for Soviet crimes at Lenin's feet and not Stalin's.

>Nobody would've thought that it ends up being so bad.
Mises,Hayek,Bohm-Bahwerk, Tocqueville had sad some insightfull stuff on pre marx socialism. plenty of economists saw where it would end up

Excuse me, but I do not remember addressing you. I was speaking to the Muslim man, not the Mexican.

le cannon fodder meme was only true in the first part of the war since the best generals had just been killed. In the last half or so of the war it wasn't really true.

I am not a leftist myself (why should I care about immigration or genetic differences between the races when they are not things that are importan to me in my daily life) they don't make me seethe or even angry, they just aren't funny or clever for me.

Whatever, just make these faggots write this shit without us.

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>racism is bad
>no it's not *wink*
Truly a genius. Leftards probably can't sleep because of him

Nope, that is soviet propaganda. Wikipedia says we killed around 4 million civilians. About 6 million russian soldiers died. Note however russians, not all of the soviet union. Excluding all these other countries.

Well there were no such statistics until the 1990's for obvious reasons and then the numbers according to various sources varied from like 10 to 30 million. But of course Putin's propaganda machine gradually re-wrote history and Stalin is a good guy now and he didn't do nothing. So I wouldn't be surprised that even as low as a million would be disputed by Putin's shills.

How are Americans this stupid?

Because its not, racism is natural. On itself it wouldn't be very funny because they are dependent on certain people. Leftists mainly.

See that dip around 1940-1945? That was 20 million people killed in WW2. Show me where else there was a dip in population like that.

Attached: ussr population.png (1200x800, 11K)

> then the numbers according to various sources varied from like 10 to 30 million.

American propaganda. Literally counted shifts in population growth as killing millions because babies that "would have been born" were not. It's complete garbage.

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a run of the mill dictator who is worshipped by burgoise teenagers and young people

>to 30 million.
Literally no serious source claims that.


Exactly. Half of those were the victims of Stalin's repressions, the Great Purge or whatever but all of those numbers were lumped together to try to hide the truth

>Putin's shills
Don't see how that would benefit Putin. If anything, making Stalin and commies look like the bad guys benefits him more.

He’s an evil bastard

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killed 60 guadrillions of people, most evilist of evil man.

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>10 to 30 million

Not really positive. Even our Flemish communist party denounced stalinism, most likely not to be viewed as extremist nutters but still.

He haunts holhol fascists (pictured) to this day.

Attached: stalin kills nazi435.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

He's worshiped by people with an actual brain

it's taught at schools
youngsters have some notion of him
is just that ww2/cold war is not important for peru so is told very veery briefly and broadly
in the countryside, older generations know even less as many of those areas are secluded as fuck, legit a lot of them don't know a thing about ww1/ww2, nor know they happened even

>its funny because it trigger le people

Epic, based, redpilled, etc

>proof that Stalin didn't do nothing is based on the statistics provided by Stalin's propaganda

Nice. Do you actually believe those statistics?
Of course Russia lost millions from 1930 to 1950 but a lot of them were killed by Stalin's Gulag machine.


And I used to think Germans were rational and straightforward before coming to Jow Forums, reality is so disappointing sometimes.

>By Stalin's own admission, "the war broke me." Sixty-five on V-E Day, he was getting older and gradually wearing out physically. He had a stroke that summer and another one in 1948. Stalin spent the fall of 1945 on vacation in the Black Sea, starting a postwar practice of taking almost half the year off. "Let [Molotov] run things, he is younger." he said. He also conducted few party meetings in the postwar years, instead holding bizarre dinner parties in his dacha with excesses of food and alcohol served. Party congresses were scheduled for every few years, but none were held between 1939 and 52.

>He also loved movies, having amassed a large film collection looted from Germany in the war. Historical epics, Westerns, and detective/gangster/crime movies were his favorites. Anything with love or romantic scenes he found disgusting--movies with kissing, sex scenes, or nudity infuriated him and he banned such films from circulation in the Soviet Union. Sometimes a movie hit too close to home, most notably a certain film about a deranged pirate captain who cut down his crew one-by-one only to be taken out himself.

>Stalin would point at a map with his pipe taking great pride in having restored all the territory that had been part of tsarist Russia. "Finland greatly wronged us, so we have rightfully moved the frontier further away from Leningrad. The Baltic states were part of Russia since ancient times, now we have them back as they should be. The Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Moldavians are all with us. All is ok with the west." Turning to the east, he remarked. "The Kurile Islands and Sakhalin, Mongolia, and China, all as it should be. The south I do not like at at all. The Dardanalles...I believe we also have a claim on Libya as well and Turkish territory."

jesus christ lmfao