How do you feel about being the wicked villain of every American Cold War movie? Do you side with the Americans?

How do you feel about being the wicked villain of every American Cold War movie? Do you side with the Americans?

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I'm ine with western movies having Russian villains. But can you please hire actors who are capable of learning 2-3 phrases in proper Russian? It really irks me when le ebil Ivan appears in front of the cameras and says something in broken Russian only to have his words "translated" into something meaningful via the subitles.

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>t. ivan vanko


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C u t e

Russians in American movies look cooler than Russians in Russian movies so I'm okay with it.

Russians in anime are still better though

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>Russians in anime are still better though
They're a bunch of homofags tho

As if it's something bad

We are still doing it though. It's not just a cold war thing. Slavs are freaky.

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Says the literal mongrel.

Russians are the good guys irl. I know this cause I was high when I thought about it. Its disappointing, not because they are the good guys but because we are the bad guys

Aren't slavs mongrels too? You look like asian white people.

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The only thing that triggered me in these movies when I was a girl were all these traitorous cunts like James Bond girlfriend typage and so on.
Why not squeeze his eyes out with hairpin when he sleeps or something, naaah, she would fall in love with some american pig and betray her nation. Absolutely disgusting, meh.

Russian men are okay though, and more handsome than in boring Russian movies where they like to depict all Russians as orcs.


Not more asian than every other evropean LOL

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No we aren't, unlike you we have ethnicity.

I don't even watch movies, so should I even care?

>good vs bad

Real life isn't as primitive as one of those crappy Marvel's movie where brave and noble american heroes fight against the evilest evil, irl there are no objectively "good guys" or "bad guys". There are only certain people or groups of people whose actions and ideas are violent and destructive for others (murderers, robbers, thieves and other criminals, religious fanatics, far-right and far-left extremists, etc).

Sean Connery was pretty terrible in Hunt for Red October.

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This desu. It's not even just in war movies anymore - if you want your crime movie or game to have villains that are more hardcore or brutal than the normal mafia, you break out the Bratva.

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Do they have such map for north africa admixture in Europe?

Russians are pests, they should be shot on sight.

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