Are you embarrassed by linguistic relatives?



Finns are very "special". And Estonians are more bland than plain white bread with tapwater. Then we have some forest dwelling savages living in the Russian taiga as our closest cousins.
Just... yikes.

Attached: 1519751379299.jpg (618x597, 144K)

>check Jow Forums
>it's another Finland hate thread

isn't it interesting how nobody hates Canada or Italy for example?
you brought this on yourselves.

Everyone hates Canada dude

>how nobody hates Canada
leafs will get their rake soon enough.

Attached: ohcanada.jpg (1285x1055, 1.73M)

>Closest languages to English are Frisian, Dutch, and Afrikaans

I'm okay with this.

Attached: Ostfriesland-data[1].jpg (1280x853, 306K)

All our fellow Germanic speakers are autistic weirdos.

Yes, most of them are Europoors.

Orban Khan went to Kyrgyzstan once and wewuzzed how Hungarian is a peculiar turkic language despite being Ugric one.
Estonian is just spurdo-Finnish.

>nobody hates canada
get off your proxy zhang

Attached: 1558195663476.png (184x184, 57K)

english speakers can't really call germanic speakers their relatives anymore... english is like at best 56% germanic at this point

We're the bastard germanic language at least

Yes. Ukrainian sounds like an autistic version or Russian, Polish is, well, Polish, Czech is so distant from east slavic languages that I can't understand shit
Slovakian and Slovenian are based, Serbian is okay

Belarusian is a meme language btw

That's a stupid thing to be embarrased about.

Finland is so universally praised because of the epic winter war meme among others that the natural contrarian reaction is Finland hate threads. So really if you think about it Finland is only hated by a small minority of contrarians

Hungarians are East Baltic Race man

Attached: Hungarian East Baltic girl.png (308x473, 147K)

>at best 56% germanic
even lesser

Yes, araps are a fucking joke.
I wish I was born in another country even Asia or south America as long as it isn't Venezuela would be better

Everybody hates Canada and Italy. And you. We all hate Hungary. You failed slav. Keep walking cunt.

Attached: Trianon-map.jpg (740x490, 76K)

a bit, i wish we were all non wh*tes. you still aight for YTbois though

You're hated less globally than us, int posters are just obsessive I think Finnish is a cool language.

I never got why Austria would get land in the treaty of Trianon. It's not like they were a victim of Hungarian atrocities.

No. Italians, Tugas and Spaniards are all very accomplished groups and I have nothing but respect for them.
What's a Romanian?

Alpine Turk race