I'm a straight white, non incel male who just bought 53k LINK


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not surprising

what color would you like your lambo?

congrats on your newly acquired incel status. Here's your complementary big mac and sex doll

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I had verizon for a long time but sprint saves me like $40/month for the exact same phone and plan. Service is fine. I'll take the extra $10/week

Not sure if I will buy lambo
Having my everyday bills paid and a shitbox, paid off car sounds comfy
Not having to wagecuck sounds comfy
Once I have enough for those things we'll see what's left
If 1k eoy then I guess I will buy a lambo, maybe with some sort of LINK themed color accents

I'm also straight white and fuck bitches and I have 80k. How will you cope with me having $300,000 more dollarinos than you?

You are a Chad.

Why did you choose to waste your precious BTC on Link?

Nice fud

Wouldn't it be ETH on Link?

When did you first delve into cryptocurrency?

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2013 actually but I fucked up and lost 30 btc gambling. Took a break and came back last summer. Rode 10k up to 100k, didn't sell anything. Now back near initial investment. Had 14k link but figured 53k is better so sold off some other alts and here I am.

Non incel cause i want celibate and hate vagina

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is that the anti jewish guy? I don't know what was his name Hitler Musolini I tihnk?

Sneaky FUD. More like 3kk$

Snekiest fud. Try $3kkk

Three K mafia bitch

The volume on binance charts, when I buy 1 btc worth of something does that count as 1btc in volume or 2btc from both the buy and the sell?


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2 because it's makes it looks like more

Kek I've held LINK in various amounts ranging from 1k to 14k since last summer. My first buy was on binance in the early days it got listed there
Unfortunately I used ED to buy req and not link so I got Req'd there but oh well

you're also clearly a beta, given how easily you were suckered into buying something you don't understand by peer pressure on Jow Forums of all places.

why did you decide to buy link? you seem like a gambling addict...are you desperate and hoping link is your last chance to make it?

Why do you hate money so much?

godspeed OP

Why so confident?

confident? it's more of a hail mary.

he's a gambler based on his past

How much LINK for a life-sized Sergey doll with an embedded fleshlight? Asking for a friend.

3 Bitcoin because the bots have to add up the differences

I can't imagine how much Sergey must hate us