Did anyone here actually get rich by following the advise on this board?

Did anyone here actually get rich by following the advise on this board?

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Fuck no. I already made it, so I mostly come here to shitpost on retards.

I use this site to get ideas where to invest, then researching and picking up the things that I personally like the best.

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I bought Ethereum in January 2017 based upon Jow Forums recommendation

No, I got rich by doing the opposite of what Jow Forums said.

You could have made $ following most of the advise up to the end of last year.

Same. Jow Forums went all downhill after that.

The only winner I found that I found on biz is link and I haven't even really gotten rich off that yet. My biggest gainers are stuff I found through painstaking research into shitcoin and ICO hell, spending more than 8 hours a day for months reading about and weeding out projects and doing extra diligence on the ones that stood out as potential gems, only to be left with a few of those as actual gems.

I made $40k but then lost it because I was stupid.

Yup that's how I got into it. Protip for newfags: watch out for coins that Jow Forums refuses to talk about and threads about obscure coins that slide off the front page quick. Those are the coins you should be looking into.

Biz hasn't gotten a single call right since Eth. Even then it wasn't their call, Jow Forums found it first.

This board would be better if you actually discussed stocks and starting businesses instead of these crackpot memecoin get rich quick scams.

i bought link a few months ago and so far nothing has happened im bored out of my mind

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given how all of the shitcoins being shilled are destined for zero in a few years, i wouldn't count on it. biz has picked up on coins only after the rest of the community and technical interest has picked up. when you see coins like chainlink being shilled this hard after being rejected by the technical community it's pretty clear whats going on

I'm a newfag and wish I had found out biz earlier got
BTC @ 3200-5900 sold the beginning of the dump at 15000
ETH @ 280 sold at 1200
LTC @ 70 and sold the top of the pump
DRGN @ 4.50 bagholding forever

overall pretty good, learned a lot in the process

Rejected by the technical community? Get the fuck outa here. Andreas "The mother fuckin' technical OG" A. and Gavin "Mr. Solidity" Wood write about Chainlink in Mastering Ethereum

andreas isn't technical, certainly not at the level required to understand all the easy pitfalls you run into trying to design an oracle in the way chainlink has.

gavin on the other hand is, but if you read what they wrote, it's more on a abstract level about oracles are their requirements for smart contract proliferation than any details or discussion on how chainlink operates on a deep technical level.

Found ANS (AKA NEO) from biztards....And my deluded arkie bags.


Got my only good call from Reddit. Raiblocks at 2.20

Ask this again in a year. Maybe then.

Ask me EOY

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just need to buy one thing, is imposible to lose

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Yep, made over 300k. I fucking love biz

I've made a bunch of money swing trading but I also got fucked by alts so its about even.

i made 600k thanks to this fucking site. got into crypto when ETH was small as fuck and these faggots got me into it and go all in.
now im just waiting for chainlink hoping they are right.

Someone shilled me Vertcoin and GRS right before they mooned. Made a killing and sold enough at the top I was able to ride out the bear without a care.

This board wouldn't be able to teach people to tie their shoes let alone become rich, pic very related

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yes. if you were a digimarine fromt he early days on here, then digibyte made you rich

rich? no
but I did get myself in a stable financial position for once

Eg stratis

Yeah I found ETH at 7 and EOS pre-ICO here

I also found Holochain and Constellation DAG here

that chart is looking bearish asf

tfw this was me three hours ago when i legit thought i could just hit the sell button on coinbase in order to get USD instantly