12k usd cash
as of now, I lost zero, kek
im still up 20x but this still sucks
Bought the December top
$2000, which is a lot for me
I fell for the Biz shills
>it's just Chinese New Year
Still up 20x as well but at ATH I was up x100. I wanna die.
I haven't lost money just down from ATH. Couldn't tell you how much because I haven't checked this week.
Just set your DOGE 80 sats alarm, your micro cap alarms and stop obsessing over daily price.
Crypto only made me $2,300 because I fucked up.
I sold all my crypto on December 6th. Literally two days later, Litecoin (which I had a lot of) began to moon unstoppably.
Fucking 12 days after I sold at $98, it was at fucking $400.
That was the biggest boggening and JUSTening I have ever experienced, or will likely ever experience, in any market.
I was out for the crash, but I was also out for the altcoin grand finale. My feelings are... mixed.
Just about broke even, But any worse and I'll start going negative
I'm not selling until 2020 anyway, so fuck it
Entered in end December , 50% down on initial investment. 3k down the drain.
Fuck you REQ
Fuck you Nano
You both shitted the bed and lied to me.
Bags are (don't have btc):
Link neo LMC ltc strat kmd waves
I will hodl to 0 FUCK the banks
As in I've lost 500k so far
$7k USD
Not sure if that was you
I remember user posting his LTC sell and saying sth like I bet it will moon just when I sold
Literally a gangbang of green dildos 3 minutes right after
That thread was pure biz gold
$16k lost in profits
Glad to see there are some real men still around
I made 8k and got out literally after the first dip in January.
invested ~$3k and I'm down about $2k
I put in ~$150k (my sons college fund) into BTC and various alt coins in December 2017. I'm down to 10k... i feel like I've been scammed!
Initial was only 11k. But I averaged in more and day traded.
At my time of buy in, my current stack would have cost 50% more than my initial. Not cope. All that means is I chose a dogshit entry point and being a noob cost me dearly (mostly in purchasing power for a much better position) but I adjusted my timeframe and expectations, and every dollar I put in, I can afford to lose.
$40,000 USD
Lost $35,000 from jan until now.
Invested 15k
Currently at 40k
ATH 120k
Oh btw at 1.02 BTC value. ATH was 1.6.
It hurts mommy.
i've lost 4.5k
thats more money than ive ever even had in my bank account
Invested $700
ATH $14k
Now $2k
i'm crying
0. I'm still up x150 because I started in january 2017 right before the biggest bullrun in crypto history
But I'm down 70% from ATH and didn't cash out a single dollar
6.1 mil
>we will see 1mil$ btc
Invested: $10,000
ATH: $460,000
Now: $55,000
$45,000 above my initial investment...
But $405,000 down from my ATH.
Oops, should've sold in January. Sure could've used that 400k to buy a place or two and rent them out for passive income....
Put in about 4k, worth about 1.5k now
Invested 2k USD (literally my entire back account)
Lost about 0.75k so far
None because I haven't sold like a pussy low test faggot
Had $900k+ in Dec, currently at $85k. Initial investment of around $27k back in Feb 17.
36k initial
18k now
>Had $900k+ in Dec, currently at $85k. Initial investment of around $27k back in Feb 17.
Double this here.
Didnt cash out a thing man. Sigh. Even paying the high taxes I'd still have more fiat and crypto right now if I just fuking cashed out. God it stings.
Initially invested my entire net worth
down 60%
bold move
thanks friend, but I don't think it will be too hard to make up the $200 I've lost
i see what you did there
8k €
Only 1k bucks. Could have been much worse.
Still up 50%, I just hodl. Down 80% from ATH
Greed got the best of me in January, but that was a valuable lesson
initial investment 10k
Profit - less than 100k taken out
high point of portfolio - 4m
zero losses, 100-150k profit don't really keep track
>Didnt cash out a thing man. Sigh. Even paying the high taxes I'd still have more fiat and crypto right now if I just fuking cashed out. God it stings.
Same. The game isn't over tho, I'm still long. Just with a smaller fiat number
5k :( all in 0xbtc now win big or loose all fuck it
Initial investment: $370 in Nov 2017
ATH: 130k (very briefly)
Now: 25k
Its hard to be mad about that return but I'm a fucking idiot for still being down so much. I got too emotional when I started losing trades in the bear market then did dumber and dumber shit then lost a good bit on fucking bitmex using 50x leverage like a complete brainlet.