could also be some pizzagate spinoff psyop branch
The bitcoin family
The father is fucking creepy. Who posts shit like this of their daughters?
just a kid chilling out, what's wrong with it?
>mutts once again cant into not sexualizing children
color me surprised
>look people, we sold all for bitcoin
>look people, we travel the world and we have so so fun
>look people, hidden pedo subliminals
sell all become pedo
>going on instagram
>sexualizing nonsexual images
>sexualizing nonsexual images of children
looks like the psyop worked
the bitcoin family instagram is basically james alefantis not on steroids
Only pedos are making a fuss.
so you are implying that this particular image will not evoke sexual fantasies in some while others (like me) can simply see what this children‘s exposure can trigger in other people (I just mentioned above). Interesting person tell me more.
so you know stuff about pedophilia? tell us more user.
I have kids. I wouldn't show this picture to extended family members, let alone post it on the internet. Not appropriate
Paid the dad a good bit for the pic. Enjoy!
I thought this was going to be a "white women are a bad investment in 2018" threads from the thumbnail
Nah, I'm implying that you're a pedo.
I wouldn’t take the fucking picture in the first place, Chester.
this, and I would tell her to shut her legs and don't do that again
What the fuck? I feel like this is something you would get in trouble for having saved on your computer. Definitely something going on there
That's overboard lmao
looks like YOU are reading something sexual into the situation
They’re from the Netherlands you illiterate dumbfuck euroshit