On the edge of fomo. Shill me this coin
fuk you fagot dyor
someone post the link dump
the trx/xvg of 2018. Buy in But i wouldnt buy in now xD
Exactly. You don’t get to be spoonfed on something like this. Make a fucking effort.
The lead on this coin itself is something to be kissing Laureli's feet in thanks.
$10 EOY 2085
Just confirmed they are working with Mozilla, no official announcements till later tho. My dick is wet , Mozilla and Holo are going to lead the decentralized web.
After main net token swap, they (the HOLO corporation, as a central authority) can burn and print as many extra token as they want, they are the only allowed to do so in exchange of fiat and other cryptos, and expect to keep a 1% of transaction fee "for further developments".
You know why Holo is the top coin? It's because everyone like me in Holo early understands the fundamentals of this coin. DYOR poors. In this crypto market there is nothing else that has any value whatsoever, and never has been. Holochain is literally the first cryptocurrency ever, and thousands of years from now, it will be the only one remembered. The rising price is the most natural thing ever, like breathing, like water flowing down the mountain. Holo will devour the wealth of the entire world, all economic activity will depend on it. Words cannot describe how revolutionary this is. Everyone who fails to understand, stay poor. Only you can prove what you deserve in life.
> be me, poorfag developer in mom's basement
> build cool dApp on holochain
> buy some holofuel from holo reserve account or secondary market
> offer to pay some holofuel to holohosts
> OP with a holoport makes some holofuel from me
> site starts to get traction and build up traffic
> update site so that partial revenue autobuys holofuel and bids for more hosting to scale traffic
> more holohosts see my hosting request on holoOS and want to earn holofuel
> OP cops more holoports and earns more holofuel too
> everyone cashes out holofuel for crypto and fiat from holo reserve account
> site traffic explodes, become next facebook
> explosion of holohosts automatically adding holoports and earn holofuel
> never worry or spend energy thinking about scaling or infrastructure issues
> become lambo-driving holo chad
this guy fucks
>Main concepts and ideas in the work for well over a decade
>Next generation *beyond* block chain protocol. DHT + Gossip + Neigborhood based consensus.
>Infinitely scale-able. No upper limit on Transactions per second.
>A decentralized internet hosted by the users where 99% of the profit goes to the users (Agents)
>Capable of doing what 95% of the crypto space is trying to do, but better and solving the problems blockchain struggles with.
>Capable of running ETH inside the Holo Network for a fraction of what we pay now.
>Actually decentralized. The more people that use it the more decentralized it becomes, much like BitTorrent
>Already a working alpha and a network that will launch soon.
>Already a working product that will help the network decentralize and earn you Holo fuel.
>Releasing a program soon that runs on your desktop to allow your PC to be a HoloPort when you're not using it.
>You will earn HoloFuel for the hosting your machine does.
>The current Holochain tokens are placeholders for a coming Holofuel that you will exchange for once their network is open to the public.
>Holofuel will be used to pay for the web hosting in the Holo ecosystem that allow the dApps to have web on-ramps for normies.
>99% of the hosting profits go back to the Agents, and 1% goes to the Holo Devs.
I was shilled this here when it launched on IDEX. I almost FOMO'ed at 50 gwei but I didn't know enough about the project. That night I researched 5+ hours, and the next day it was at 100 gwei. I fomo'ed in at 110 with almost everything I had NANO ($8 at the time I dumped NANO). I did MORE research, then I shilled it here for 3 weeks. 90% of the replies I got were "Pajeet" and "Feet". I understand people feel the need to tune out shilling to protect themselves, but do understand every major platform coin was shilled here... and Holo is doing almost the same shit EOS, TRX, and NANO did. DYOR or FOMO. But do NOT sleep on Holo.
Just fucking buy a couple hundred dollars worth. It's 10 sats ffs. Either you make few grand or lose $200.
Best shill here
Thats it boys, the new term is holochad
>lesbian feet
>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>think getting rich makes you evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo
I have 195k, am I going to make it?
1.7m to make it friend
you need some digits to back that up.
I-It's gonna dump, r-right guys?
I bought in at 40 vits, sold at 240, bought in at 137, sold at 200.
IT'S GOING TO DUMP, RIGHT GUYS? Getting hard to sleep but god damn I love this coin.
As an autist LISP appeals to me
Almost a billion buy orders at 11 sats, we gonna moon boys hold on tight
I have 7.5m, will I make it after I get greeked by capital gains tax?
just hodl
we talking EOS gains goys?
what kind of partnerships does holo have?
i will do some research when i get home from wagecucking.
I had 14 mil when it got listed on idex. Sold 11 mil at 200+ plus gwei. Are the 3 mil enough?
Nay bitch