look at this bald cuck faggot his parasitic company will be irrelevant in less than 2 years
>custody Bacct and other reputable institutions will eat all the market share
>exchange same
>coinbase commerce Bakkt + Interledger
what's his legacy? multiple failed attempts to destroy Bitcoin (which would have destroyed crypto), screwing his customers constantly, bending over to IRS, ...etc
is there a more disgusting business person in crypto?
I have enough money to live happily until the day I die, if I ever have kids, they won't be ashamed to carry my name. No amount of money can't undo the fact that he tried to take over the human's first decentralized currency.
Can't wait for this abomination to be history. It has ZERO customer loyalty. Robinhood will steal retail investors and Bakkt will steal the institutional ones.
Noah Wilson
binance is my favorite.
fuck poloniex,shitbtc, bitrrex, and fuck kraken hardest of all.
Brody Wilson
>fuck kraken hardest of all
kraken's UX is terrible and the performance used to be shit, but the owner is based as fuck, he's a libertarian and doesn't take shit from the US government.
>doesn't require lots of data for small deposits and withdrawals >continues to list Tether despite all the allegations >tells NY attorney to audit the fed instead of chasing companies outside his jurisdiction