Look at this bald cuck faggot

look at this bald cuck faggot
his parasitic company will be irrelevant in less than 2 years

Bacct and other reputable institutions will eat all the market share


>coinbase commerce
Bakkt + Interledger

what's his legacy? multiple failed attempts to destroy Bitcoin (which would have destroyed crypto), screwing his customers constantly, bending over to IRS, ...etc

is there a more disgusting business person in crypto?

Attached: armstrong cuckbase.jpg (1200x697, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:


his net worth is still 100x more than yours ever will be,
whose actually irrelevant?

Yeah, coinbase will lose its dominance.

>his net worth is still 100x more than yours ever will be
so he's only worth $10,000, what a loser

>look at this bald cuck faggot
I bet my ass he has seen more pussy than you ever will.

Attached: 1b0.png (2516x1340, 381K)

triggered bald cucks detected

I have enough money to live happily until the day I die, if I ever have kids, they won't be ashamed to carry my name. No amount of money can't undo the fact that he tried to take over the human's first decentralized currency.


> tfw your a bald bitcoin millionaire

Actually feels pretty good lol


Attached: cuckbase armstrong 1.jpg (651x145, 16K)

What a pathetic cuck. this wasn't even the first fork attempt. ALL failed.

Attached: cuckbase armstrong 2.jpg (779x596, 57K)

>these people protect your bitcoin

Attached: 3f3a08e2-91b0-48e5-8063-62d5a7de8fe6.png (953x556, 955K)

>2016 attempt

just think how much money you would have lost if he had his way

Attached: cuckbase armstrong 3.png (607x457, 64K)

wew, i like Gemini even more now

americans are evil
everyone knows it
50% of white americans are jews

Attached: Photo le 06-08-2018 à 15.52.jpg (1080x720, 175K)

Can't wait for this abomination to be history. It has ZERO customer loyalty. Robinhood will steal retail investors and Bakkt will steal the institutional ones.

binance is my favorite.

fuck poloniex,shitbtc, bitrrex, and fuck kraken hardest of all.

>fuck kraken hardest of all

kraken's UX is terrible and the performance used to be shit, but the owner is based as fuck, he's a libertarian and doesn't take shit from the US government.

>doesn't require lots of data for small deposits and withdrawals
>continues to list Tether despite all the allegations
>tells NY attorney to audit the fed instead of chasing companies outside his jurisdiction

I doubt that he's even human.

Attached: kraken jess.jpg (800x800, 281K)

* N.Y. Attorney General

Kys. Kraken is fucking based.

oh I forgot

>one of the few exchanges that have never been hacked.

I trust Kraken more than my bank.

Also called out bloomberg on manipulating the futures market and made fun of coinbase's announcement on possible listings.

yeah, would totally suck his dick if I was gay.

>ethnically homogeneous
only from the white devil's perspective

cuckbase is one of the worst
fuck em


Zero fees
No tethered volume

Attached: own-1-link.png (537x257, 27K)

jesus christ, here, take my quarter and leave me thefuck alone