Is this the bottom?

Is this the bottom?

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>ywn be her

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imo 6.5

i want to stick my throbbing 4 inch penis into her

i wish i could buy some shiny pants.



7.5 -8.5 range

>not knowing anjelica/krystal boyd

where dafuq am i?


she's taken miles of giant bbc. it'll be more like throwing a tictac into the grand canyon. ignore these spent fake females.. get in early and deep on then travel the world and buy them up as they hit 18.

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fresh teenagers are discovering Jow Forums, those sluts are ancient

unironically yes

why is she massaging a neck pillow?

Little further

>4 inch penis

a literal DICKLET

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You realize that 4 inches is just barely under average, right?

Above average*

>4 inches
>thinks this is anywhere near average


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literally what the fuck is this shit. They should be jailed for this abuse

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no, 4 inches is right about the average

Soft or Hard?


four inches

Most women don't orgasm through penetration sex anyway. It's purely a man's enjoyment.

If 5'10" is average height this is equivalent to 4'2". It's not a little.

i was told it was average

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lol unless you're asian 4 inches is way below average.

i never realized biz was so full of literal fucking DICKLETS

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Isn't it common knowledge Indians have small penises?

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Don't feel bad, I think your penis is very cute!
:3 [spoiler]i'm a grill by the way[/spoiler]

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benis isn't supposed to be cute

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>caring if a women gets off


Sissy-clit then, whatever you want to call it, it's cute ;-P

Proof white women are the most aesthetic

i-it's not....
>tfw smol boi
why do you evoke these weird feelings
women are mean

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As hot as this seems initially, I feel sorry for the massive amount of straight women in porn who fell for the homosexuality is normal for women meme.

This is the most honest post I've ever seen on Jow Forums

It isn't? What's bad?

another great thread derailed

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Other than the marital/partner abuse.

>grill btw

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you never know user
I'm too shy to talk to girls irl, even to ones I know want me to ask them out
even to ones who held me hand
besides, I do like being called cute

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5.5" is average. 4" is >20% below average

I'd buy her bottom if ya know what I mean

I'm 6.5" and I feel small.

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well, you are

this is unsettling.

sounds like you have low test, maybe get that checked out.