The absolute state of normies

Remote year, a program where you can lose money and live with the worst most annoying shitheads on the planet. Unironically might do this when link hits $2500 per token and fuck all the stacies in the kitchen during the work day while the beta billies try to concentrate over the moaning they'll be making.

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Just backpack, that’s what I’ll be doing when I make it

sounds cool, you're just a miserable shut-in. go get some fresh air, stuffy faggot

Might do that too but imagine how fun it could be to infiltrate the normie system
>be me, /made it/
>first night in this gay ass travel program
>everyone takes turns saying what they do
>I answer “yeah I’m just a freelancer”
>spend all day outside while the wage cuçks slave their lives away
>”what did you do user”
>”oh you know, did this, did that, some crazy story, made friends, enjoyed life basically”
>”wow user,” Stacy plays with her hair
>pound Stacy into my bed when everyone else is cućked into volunteer work
>repeat until get kicked out of the program for doing something epic like bringing 20 prostitutes into the shared living space to party
>”you guys remember user? Man that guy knows how to live.”
Would be fun as hell

Do you ever read this to yourself and wonder why no woman wants to be anywhere near you? This is some major beta shit.

All these assholes do is create a comfy environment for normies who are too lazy to do it themselves. This is nothing you can't do by yourself.


Someone who just paid $1,200 to rent a house in Indonesia for a year.

travelling is such a fucking meme. everyone at work talks about how excited they are or how good their travel was but all im seeing is people wasting their hard earned money that they sacrificed countless hours for

>muh culture
> muh adventure
and then they post pictures of themselves infront of various buildings

Is this really the meaning of life? Everything theyre excited about just screams boredom to me or mybe im really just fking retarded

I know and I think that’s why it’s my fetish to cück the normies out of their comfort zone by living an awesome life right in front of their faces

Imagine losing your job a month into this program.

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Based and redpilled, but unironically

Life is largely about the memories we make. Traveling gives opportunities to build social capital through good stories. If you have good stories and learn to become a good storyteller people are entertained and it’s easy to break the ice with strangers. Entertainment is perceived value but it is still value at the end of the day even though it’s not quite that tangible and it’s easy for an incel to not get anything out of traveling.

>first night in gay travel program
>all gay guys
>OP and gay guys all do a chainlink the first night and every night thereafter for the whole program
>OP dies of AIDS

t. anime pro

this sounds fucking awesome

Wow, this is some incel shit right here. No gorls are gonna sleep with you bro.

Might do this honestly. Anyone here done remote year that can confirm it's okay?

>Based and redpilled, very ironically

this is levels of autism not seen for decades

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KEK. Also fucking true.

Cringed hard, the absolute state of stinkies.

The correlation between link bagholders and being autistic/retarded remains high.

This guy has never traveled for more than a week.

>I'll do normalfag things ironically lel!
You failed wannabe normies disgust me beyond words.
Worthless NPC sheep
Only one who gets it

>mfw I realize girls can read our minds and none of them will want sleep with me because my toxic personality

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go back to quora


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Do you ever read this to yourself and wonder why no woman wants to be anywhere near you? This is some major beta shit.

there are podcasts that will help you with that
i went from a 2/10 to a 5/10.
i was trying so hard, then I got laid, almost by accident.
then i stopped trying at all.
i realized money is so much more worth it, then when i have that figured out relationships will be worth it.

I met the remote year while travelling alone. You make much better friends just going by yourself