ITT: We post our IQ and our crypto portfolio

ITT: We post our IQ and our crypto portfolio.

172 IQ
525,000,000 BitBean

Attached: 1533523134879.webm (794x720, 1013K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice larp

9999 IQ
21,000,000 BTC

Above average IQ
Why would I tell you my pick? You won’t listen

They never do

60 IQ
200,000 chainlink
600 BCH

162 SD 15
I don't own crypto, waiting for the next bull market to make my 1000% returns in 1 year trading BTC

Tree fiddy iqiyi and all in on sugmacoin

He thinks his IQ compensates his lack of emotional intelligence

Attached: pplaugh.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Iq 128 according to mensa testing
1100 link and 18 myst

if my mom didn't have cancer and I wasn't in debt to close relatives I would buy bitbean and steak as well, since it has a good return rate and actually pays.

Attached: 20180805_100734573.jpg (1080x1920, 1.02M)

>128 IQ
>cancer genes
>doesn't steak beans


Me wanted for but beans when they 3 sats because cutie bean guy but too stupid for new exhange

Got no money man, my mom's treatment costs an arm and a leg. Had to kill my pride and borrow money from relatives, even got fired because I took too many leaves from work, now working micro jobs from home. Have to clean up mom's vomit twice a day and work too. Wish I had the money to make passive income. When my mom gets better I will definitely do it.

Emotional intelligence isn't real

kek im only 55 IQ and own 250k LINK. how's it feel to be outdone by a "less smart" person

t. autist

4.5k COSS
14k GEM

500,000,000 BitConnects
We will rise again.

Attached: 1525406890021.jpg (710x823, 90K)

234000 XBY

>has trouble navigating behavioral or social situations
>limited ability to communicate
Might want to pick up some free meds for that user

Attached: 1486618004838.jpg (480x407, 20K)

You're probably going to suggest that I'm some right wing poltard next, so here's a huffpost article deconstructing the whole thing

no larp
>110 LINK
>12k bank account

I'm sure you're just as successful maneuvering people in real life as you are navigating Jow Forums lad.

Attached: 1493535289510.png (680x496, 675K)

120 IQ

stay jelly fags

One day you'll use that big brain and steak all the beans.

3700 link
2 eth in linkpool

godspeed my man. Hope your mom gets better.

138 IQ
100k qash

Thanks man.

1 bil XRP

50k link

When the singularity hits I will unironically buy up the entire supply of bcc just so I can dump it on the normies so they lose all hope yet again

Dudes I want to fuck her so much my god imagining my throbbing long one sandwiched between her luscious tits OMG HHHHNNNGGGGGGGG FUUCCKKKKK