Do all American grown up to be fat, effeminate manchildren?

Do all American grown up to be fat, effeminate manchildren?

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a naive world view

the amish don't

Second guy from the right doesn't seem to have gotten heavy.
Also they all look like they've got kids of their own now so it's probably a literal dad joke at this point

It's called a beer gut.

Cope harder fat fuck

cute pic desu and they all look kinda hot

I don't drink and I am underweight, stop projecting.

man these sorts of pics hit you right in the feels, imagine the time elapsed in these sorts of pics, 20 years? ages in human terms but nothing in the grand scheme of things

>every single one became fat

fat people are so unnerving. how can someone let themselves turn into that, it's one of the slowest body changes that the human race can undergo
how can you not feel discomfort during all the million small changes trying to warn you something is wrong with your diet before you turn into that

>it's one of the slowest body changes that the human race can undergo
That's exactly it. It's slow that you won't notice till you are fat.

>tfw you were fat as a kid and you are now entry level lich mode

They’re fat and soft because they’ve never had to actually struggle
their life has been one milquetoast obstacle after another
They have no shame because they’ve never felt it, it’s a concept foreign to them
They’ve either gotten everything they’ve wanted or were too comfortable in their surroundings to even care
they’re the type of dudes that hang out in public wearing cargo shorts, sandals, and a graphic tee because those clothing items are comfortable to them. Looking presentable is the last thing on their list, feeling comfortable is first

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You don't believe this for a moment. in 2016 I lived by myself for more than half of the days of each month, my parents would travel a lot, and I was super lazy to cook (I was 21 back then) and I would order trash food every night I couldn't handle fasting. I noticed my belly started accumulating fat for the first time in all of my teenage years. I was kinda happy I always thought I had issues that would make it very difficult for me to gain body mass for all of my life. after the year was done I felt really shitty and started missing my thin lean waist that I once used to loathe. I quit my junk habits a few weeks later and never got back to it. I noticed these small changes with passing of each week, like you have to actively REFUSE looking in a mirror or at yourself at any moment you take your shirt off not to notice the smallest changes in your weight

All fat people are lazy

>keep in close contact with childhood friends
>probably live close to each other
>have good sense of humor
>most of them are probably employed, married and have children of their own
I wish my life was like theirs...

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Yes, they never grow up and all dress like they’re 14

this would be me but I moved away from them in middle school unvoluntarily haha..

No. I'm 6"3", 8% body fat, and make $93k per year.

wtf is wrong with Amerimuttt? why are they so fat and greasy?

at least you had childhood friends, I moved like every 5 months my entire youth

because we are what we eat

the saddest part about nearly everyone in this thread trying to shame fat people is they're probably all underweight and/or skinnyfat

fat people need to be shamed

that's more like 30 years ago, that pic was probably from the 80s

It's even worse than being lazy, there are more bad behaviors put into this. I'm a lazy bum and I weight 154lbs. Just the lack of exercise is not enough, now that I'm 24 I understand that the body will get fat way more easily with food by personal experience but you have to also be a self loather and not care about yourself in the slightest to keep poisoning your body day after day with bad food
There's laziness coupled with self-hate and total loss of control of your brain when it undergoes hedonistic activities

It's called obesity

>"Looking presentable is the last thing on their list, feeling comfortable is first"

Do you browse /fa/ or something you vile faggot. What you just posted makes them sound like a bunch of überchads

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Rather be an underweight skelly than a fattie.

what seems to be the issue for you with underweight boys? they're basically at the their starting point to bettering themselves. they're on base 0 while fatties are way past the point of redeeeming themselves, most of the times
thin people can do labor better than overweight people can. they lack all the bad traits that fat and lazy people have accumulated over the years
it's retarded that you would try to compare them equally, and if fat people don't get a wake up call they hardly do anything to change that. eating food because you're sad is a big lame meme. humans are resilient, nobody can justify overeating because at some point in their childhood a bully called them a bad word

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>beer and beard make jack a virile boy
bonus point for the Viking hair cut (an undercut but longer on the top to make a ponytail)

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oh the happy white trash neighbour

living by myself was the best thing for my health. after I moved from my parents I lost 50lb. This was because I had to cook my own food (lazy) and had a budget, so I figured eating little would not only make me lose weight but it would also make me have more money for drugs.

I returned to my parents for the holidays and after a week I had gained 10lb. I can't wait to go back home so I can go back to routine and be my skinny self

you were doing so well for the first half of your post
s m h

I'd rather be a skinny stoner than a fat fucking pathetic ass piece of shit fuck.

I'd rather be skinny and normal and age at a regular speed by opting not to use drugs

but whatever, weak people find those odd situations where they take a person who's sunk even lower than they have to justify their bad decisions

Nobody asked for your salary.

>drugs make you age faster
despite my food budget cuts, there's no way I could afford doing drugs more than every two months, not that I'd want to because it's dangerous and stupid. Only degenerates use hard-core drugs regularly. The only drug I'd use regularly was weed, which would be three or four times a week.

>when the 'big bones' excuse doesn't work

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make up your mind, is it twice a month or 4 times every week? cause then it's twice/sixteen occasions you're aging faster than normal, every month
and yes, I was referring mainly to weed, that's the drug that is normal between teens in the modern generation anyways
I purposefuly chose not to say anything about braincel decay and risk of schizophrenia in the long process because those are common known issues for every person, pothead or not

Are you joking? Underweight "men" are usually as strong if not weaker than women, fat people literally just have to stop eating as many calories for a couple months

fat people can't even bother lifting their own weight out of a sofa/chair
underweight people are agile and quick on their feet, and have impressive stamina for someone who's underfed. obviously the first and only thing your american brain would judge as fit to be useful is if "it" can lift heavy weight

weed 3-4 times a week, any other drug every two months. i think your argument that drugs make you "age faster" is kind of gay because it's not technically true. it does have negative effects, but it doesn't make you age faster

>are agile and quick on their feet
>impressive stamina
nice cope you fucking twink

Based. I'm 110 and took a 3 hour walk today, fatties can't compete

I'm far stronger than any woman out there in every category possible, get fucked.

No different in Australia where everyone is either a wannabe sickcunt or else a fucking fatcunt.

And lmao at Australians calling sharts feminine. The worst thing about Australians, the WORST thing is just how god damned fake you are. You all act like you are such fucking manly outback sickcunts and shit on "pooftahs" when you are actually all just limp wristed pooftahs with a nanny state and strict gun laws. Eeeek! A gun, mate? Get that away from us strewth cunt!^^ Wow so manly. At least Euros with the same don't posture much. Euros are slim, dress well and fuss about chocolate. They own their wussiness, which makes it less wussy. Not like fucking hypocrite Australians.

It is always the same with Australians . Some cunt who hides behind "banter" to mask his own idiocy, hypocrisy and insecurity.

so not only you want do deny that you are past the point of absurdity and need urgent help, you'll also go your way to deny basic logic of physic laws, all so that you can keep pretending there is some form of life that's sunken deeper than you have

Why are you hiding behind a proxy to say this? Are you ashamed of your real flag?

I'm a Burger and it is not a proxy. I'm military.

>I got fat from drinking beer that makes it more masculine and hence cool

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