Damn, the Canadians are getting pummeled by China. They deserve it, though

Damn, the Canadians are getting pummeled by China. They deserve it, though.

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What's that? I couldn't hear you over your cries for help?

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CDN is literally 0.74 USD now.

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nothing new

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lol, the American soybean industry were massive traders with China and Trump's sanctions have left them gutted to the point of the government now injecting money to prevent it from collapsing. American soybean farmers have been becoming an hero thanks to Trump destroying their livelihoods.
Talk about ebin.

Xiang plz.

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Them faggots should diversify.

Back in the day the farm lobby were very big on wanting to sell grain to the Soviet Union, so don't think there hasn't always been a tendency here to want to do business with the enemy.

not the soy

1. China put tariffs on soybeans first, not us
2. The real problem is that world soybean prices are extremely low because the globe is flooded with soybeans in excess of what anyone can use. 2017 had a record soybean harvest and prices haven't been this low in more than a decade.

We really want you to be our masters but I guess you want us to turn to china

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those are the niggers that grow shit out in the desert with Lake Mead water and then sell it to ching chong ping pong to feed their psuedo farm animals that then eventually become fast food in burger joints all over France, Germany, etc.
check out google earth you'll see big green circles in the desert southwest that's them.
those guys aren't farmers, they are traitorous bolsheviki

he's right retard. I hate blind patriotism

litterally soy president, who would have thought

Trump authorised a 12 billion dollar bailout for the American soybean industry after his tradewar spat backfired. Look it up. Just fucking up any of this shit up you fucking ignorant cunt. Your own government is the body putting out this data. Your own fucking government.

>Your own fucking government.
well yeah. where else would the data come from

These soybean farmers are the same faggots who see nothing wrong with taking their kids along to spray their fields with glyphosate and then wonder why one of them came out half retarded.

>lol, the American soybean industry were massive traders with China and Trump's sanctions have left them gutted to the point of the government now injecting money to prevent it from collapsing. American soybean farmers have been becoming an hero thanks to Trump destroying their livelihoods.
The reason soybean was targeted by China was because China want to weaken Trump's support

>The real problem is that world soybean prices are extremely low because the globe is flooded with soybeans in excess of what anyone can use. 2017 had a record soybean harvest and prices haven't been this low in more than a decade.

>Introduce GMO crops
>Yield goes up

For reference the Soybean industry makes up 5% of Iowa's economy and has now been largely wiped out.

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>soybean farmers
ie. they're just robots working for a faceless agriculture megacorp
no honest farmer grows soybeans

thread about canadian farmers and burgers derail the thread to be about the US. everytime

Farmers don't exist anymore. It's just old people who pay illegals to pick everything on a field that they do not even own.

Field owned by Monsanto.

What is Trump thinking he is going to achieve with these tariffs

Break China over a rock. Good because they're fucking commies.

Haha this man sure is based and redpilled

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