Undeniable facts about Link

> Literally the Digibyte of 2018, but without pump

>Probably the first dump & dump in the history of crypto

>Almost 12 months crashing non stop

>Doesn't pump on news, partnership nor rebranding memes.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.

Attached: 1532851345370.jpg (216x240, 24K)

Bear market nigger, everything's been crashing.


were still #89 coin pretty good

If it was anything of importance it would've pumped independantly of Bitcoin.

But guess what - it's a shitcoin, like every other shitcoin.

Enjoy your dump & dump.

Why do you care like just ignore link threads nigger

I kinda want link to succeed, I just don't see it happening.


why not?

Nefarious market conditions and lack of a real product. Link won't happen this year

stop abusing the good name of Digibyte :(

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