Is Mexico a potential super power?

Is Mexico a potential super power?

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it is


Yes but
>invaded us three times
>stole our corn, cowboys, poinsettias, etc and called them their own
>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us
>stole half of our country
>helped France the first time they tried to invade us
>helped our dictator in charge for over 30 years because he gave them all our resources
>tried to install a new dictator when we fought the one above
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries
>biggest consumers of drugs in the planet, and drugs are cultivated in south america so they NEED to go through mexico
>declare the “war on drugs” because they are puritan retards spreading their cancer around the world, and in the process mostly jail blacks and the mexicans they invited in a disproportionate manner, to the point they became the country with the most prisoners in the world
>make us start a war because they can't either stop consuming drugs nor legalize
>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA
>ask us to deport central americans; and then proceed to blame the central american immigration on us even when we deport more than 90% of them; to then pretend we not only don't deport them but help them reach the US because we are evil; while saying we are hypocrites because we do deport them. At the same time
>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
>made us their slave labor with nafta
>blame us for nafta as if it was a bad thing for them even though they gained over 4.2 million jobs because of it; obtained cheap things, while making our gdp per capita stagnate and destroyed our agriculture with their subsidized corn
>export their shit food culture and sugar infested garbage here

Unless it starts really pumping up that military, it will be a regional power at best.

You reside in the United States now, it's time to stop worshiping Mexico, José. My family came here from Wales and I couldn't care less about that place.


Not as long as the cartels are in control.


Then why some mutts who are part German worship Germany, or the mutts who are part Irish worship Ireland?

Mexico is our neighbor. It's good for us if they become Canada-tier.

Yes, and we'll be there to support them

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They should buy russian anti air missiles and let them place russian military bases on their soil.

shut the fuck up you fucking chicanonigger

Central America will fuck up your hopes.

He is not a chicano you dumb euromacaco

This. It's true for all of Central America. That means less people coming to the US so it can stay the same demographic ally.

I see mexico becoming more of a regional power which isn't as good as a superpower but it's still a huge improvement. As long as they get their shit together and try to end the cartels or at least use them strategically like legalizing drugs so americans have to go to Mexico and get tourism bux

Yes, but they're too fucking stupid to be one

>gringos wanna take our water

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pls neck yourself

Once the PRI boomers die Mexico will rise.

no because all the good mexicans leave the country

No. They are too corrupt and unorganized. Their people are unmotivated and defeatist by nature. They are only useful to the world as a Ford Motor Parts workshop.

Anyone can be a potential superpower. There is zero merit at becoming one.

As long as it has mexicans, it's going to be a shithole. They love being victims just for the sake of being one.

no, mexinigger IQ is too low for that to happen


Mexico is half European.

honestly, it's a big maybe, we have the territory and the population for it, but not the sufficient industry, nor is the population sufficiently educated, there's corruption and crime, and the poverty is rampant. thae main step would be a stable working class and good educative system
