$589 EOY
$589 EOY
0.00003 eoy
More like $2 EOY.
This is truly the American Hustle. Market a penny stock crypto and make a bunch of gullible suckers believe banks are using this crap. No banks are using it and no banks will.
Koreans bought up this shit and almost killed themselves when Ripple dumped billions on their dumb asses
Zero tomorrow
Holding untill a thousand. Why the FUCK is this coin number 3 and not worth thousands like bitcoin???
gif saved
threadly reminder to not reply to paid fudsters
they get paid by post and by replies
the fact that people pay for xrp fud is a indicator of sucess
kek, the marketcap would be hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Cause there's like a hundred trillion coins in circulation
1.5USD max.
$6-10 EOY
Will that make them the second trillion dollar market cap?
>trusting a Clinton
Top kekking kek
Based on?
>Source: his ass
absolute state of biz
At this point I want to see it happen just to see everyone lose their shit.