Why can't more women look like this?
Why can't more women look like this?
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Because Hitler didn't win, unfortunately.
>I hate to tell you this....
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
>memeconservative tripshit acting tough on the internet
user that's a kid you sick fuck
Because you’re not in elementary school.
BAsed /tv/ posters
Because women look like women, not like little girls. You have a problem, get help.
why can't woman look like this?
jfc does she want skid marks on her panties?
What makes you think I'm a conservative?. I want to know what makes you want defend op's sick post?
in brazil and mostly all of south America
not burgers or beans
south America is exclusive to the best women
Adriana lima
this wave of reddit users using trips because it makes them feel more at home is getting silly now
little girls are the only creatures that look feminine in modern society faggot
White women drink, party, fuck numerous men yearly, and don't take care of their bodies. Also, 45% of all white women over the age of 18 have some strain of HPV, have fun with that.
I'm finishing my Master's this year then moving to Japan where women aren't used up princess-syndrome hambeasts.
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
Because nobody mews and rubs urine on their faces.
Twenty year old women could look like that.
venezuela and south America is the opposite
legal weed and blue eyes blondies
uruguay my fwen
Because we have to import third world shitskins to replace her
For me, it's Jane Levy
>hurrrr durrr everyone that isn't a pedophile is a reddit fag
Literally go fucking kill yourself. Jow Forums is an anti pedo board. You do not belong here you fucking scumbag.
its only Jow Forums that are antis and it seems you got yourself outside of your safespace
Seriously, what's with the sudden rise in pedoshits on here? Fuck off
friends can you please explain the jane levy steel reserve meme
please help i am dumb ok :\
whats up with redditfags all of a sudden? Been here on Jow Forums long before cryptos took over the board and anti cunny posters along with them
Kill yourself pedoshit
>its only the millionth time i heard that
Vitalik is probably monitoring this thread
Kill yourselves peds. You have nothing whatsoever to offer the world. Life will be much better on the other side.
emphatically this
calling you a dog would be a compliment. You should do everyone a favour and kill yourself. You make me sick
They are, but you stay in Jow Forums all day.
Also this is Business & Finance
Pedophiles are less than .1% of the population. Literally everyone, anywhere you go, will want you executed in public, in brutal fashion. Just lmfao if you've convinced yourself otherwise.
confirmed there are the same 20 faggots on Jow Forums that post the same shit and buy and sell each others bags.
I fucked a busty 13 year old in the ass when I was 16. How much rage consumes you knowing you will NEVER have what I once tasted? And I did it all without committing an act of pedophilia. Get fucked and then nek yourself
>Ugly, used-up roastie feels threatened by more attractive and younger women
Roastie detected
6'4, 130 IQ chad. You guessed wrong pedo faggot.
Chads will always, and have always, sought to exterminate pedophiles and protect children. Remember that lest you have a Freudian slip next time your Chad cousin is over for thanksgiving and he decides to gut you in front of the senpai.
>less than .1% of the white population
Exactly why you are all going extinct this century
Don't worry. Lots of white people are having a really shitty time in the West right now what with postindustrial degeneracy and all but soon a lot of shit is gonna hit the fan and reset everything and you'll see a white baby boom again.
t. Achmed
>I fucked a 13 year old!!!!
nice larp knowing you will never admit to anyone you know because you know you are called a pedo
>claims both a LARP and reality at the same time
Are you phase shifting or some shit? Or are you just retarded?
Fucking a 13 year old @ 16 isn't pedophilia you brain dead faggot. Keep mirin'
ah yes, fuck a 13 year old and then kill anyone that is a pedo like npc commonfolk, why not go get that (((hollywood))) job instead of talking to neets here consuming pizza like myself?
country will be a hot desert
burgers and land are done with unless you enjoy AC and heater life
Steel reserve kind of sucks
She’s still a cute
Objectively wrong
You're goddamn right
i dated a girl who looked exactly like her but she had roast beef vagina
You mean like children?
>tfw turned my SO into a pedo
Should have just downed a steel reserve any time you had to get in it.
Becasue thats not a woman, thats a child. you fucking pedo scumbag
lol german girls are ugly as fuck
What happened to this Jow Forums page? I thought this is full of wojaks (big black dark wojaks)
she's not a woman. she's a girl dammit
In Christ's time prepubescent marriage was commonplace you ignorant hypocrite.
It was the only way to ensure you had a pure, innocent wife.