Fuck you Italy. The Americas should have been a British-Italian hybrid and you blew it

Fuck you Italy. The Americas should have been a British-Italian hybrid and you blew it.


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Simple solution, to me, just make anti-Colonizable countries

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what is this pseudo science negro on?

>making things up to seem smart on the internet
Do Americans really do this?

how is he pseudo science douchebag?

Who cares about a dead language
We were too busy fighting each other and to be honest not much has changed in the past 800 years

But in that simplistic way ignores all the historic process of exploration, the deal Portugal, Spain and the church did o difficult other countries to do the same and even how lunatic and dangerous was to make does explorations in that time, was more lucrative to ambush the Spanish and Portuguese fleet when they were getting to Europe and that was how England, France, Netherlands and other profited from the explorations for a huge time.
BTW, Italy wasn't even unified in the Age of Exploration.
So indeed, this tweet id idiotic.


Neil deGrasse Tyson is probably at least 100 times smarter than your Australian inbred ass.

>British-Italian hybrid

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There were many Italian explorers, John Cabot comes to mind. They just sailed under the flags of their various patrons.

Why does he act like he's an expert in everything he shots put on twitter? No one should take him seriously outside of astro-physics

>There were many Italian explorers

> Not citing Columbus.


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Jesus, this is literally "DUDE WEE LMAO: the Twitter account"

Why do Swedes act like they're experts in everything when they post online?

They should just shut up and stick to talking about cuckoldry since that's the only thing they're well-versed in

did I offend you?

It seems as though they've gone off Columbus now, the only time I ever hear his name is when it's someone trying to blow my mind by telling me what a bastard he supposedly was.

Calling Columbus a bastard and putting him in the same bag as Pol Plot is a tremendous logical jump that ignores various details and the course of history itself. I mean a lot of things did by him and the explores are condemned today, but due to a process why we challenged old convictions and got a better understand of things, you can call it moral relativism, even thou i don't like to use this terms for some disagreements I have with the idea.
And that do not erase his deeds, how brave and daring he is action were cause not only he was against nature, but a whole old view.
And well, can be egoistic but I'm thanks he got in America, I'm a product of mixing If he didn't came to America, Cabral as well, and did not made a chain of events that made Portuguese, Italians, Black, Poles, Spanish and natives get in here and mix all together I would not exist today.

This video is a good counter point for this idea of only evil Columbus:

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and well... Amerigo

By the time Italy became a unified country there was nothing left to explore.

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stop doing that

There's an american on Jow Forums who loses his shit every time someone banters Neil Degrasse Tyson, not sure why exactly

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Amerigo Vespucci and Verrazano were both really important and being in NYC he should know both names.

Amerigo Vespucci was the biggest liar, he never went to America, he did exactly this: And made a false voyage journal previous to the Columbus, and when Germs were meeting to give name to the continent they found the fake journal and named the continent as America. Unironically this continent should've being called Columbus, or anything else but America.
Amerigo Vespucci is one of the person i wanna find in hell and beat the crap out of him for the eternity.


Obsessed. Why do Americans always think about it

it's not Amerigo's fault tho that certain Germanoid autists read his letters first before they heard of Colombus

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>Neil deGrasse Tyson
>pseudo science

he has degrees, work experience, etc. the real deal. obviously for a long time he has done a more "educational job" which he is really good at and seems to enjoy, which is part of it being good. Gets people into science which is great

Indeed, this is hte problem he is talking about; italy itself wasn't really focusing on it so the sxplorers had to find patronage elsewhere and thus the italian language didnt really benefit, etc., etc.

He did it on purpose to surf on the cool explorer's wave to slay some pussy.
So yeah, it is.

One of the main reasons Spain and Portugal started conquering shit was to spread christianity, being insanely religious was one of the causes.
Columbus himself was Italian.
The states in Italy capable of exploration (Venice or Genoa) were content with Mediterranean trade and would've seen no real benefit in sending people off to random places.
Even when Europe did see the massive benefits Spain and Portugal were reaping only the big boys like England and France could even compete. If Venice or Genoa wanted a piece not only would they fail on their own merit but it would piss the Spaniards off, push too far and now they've lost access to the Western Mediterranean.
Spain actually controlled the south of Italy at the time.
Spain also has many cathedrals.
In conclusion I'm refuting a Tyson post from 2010 when we've all figured out long since then he should stick to space shit.

>"The Earth is pear shaped."

nice projection swede. swedes are faggots that love watching refugees fuck their women

pleas edo not insult black science man hes based
great vid, i remember watching it
in theory, spanish colonies werent colonies in the traditional sense, but rightful provinces of spain, equal by law
in practice, a lot of the sailors going there were illiterate brutes, just like you'd expect from most sailors and soldiers of fortune

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and those degrees are from universities ranked higher than anything in europe

and it's in astrophysics which is probably the most difficult fucking thing you can study. it's not exactly easy analyzing the spacetime distortion of a blackhole.

much respect to anyone who has a PhD in astrophysics

Not to mention that Italian explorers literally travelled up and down the Silk Roads, making it all the way to China and Japan. Spain was excluded geographically from exploring anywhere interesting, so they set into the ocean and hoped for the best

Yikes. Can't tell if you're ironic or just another cuckhold obsessed mutt

spain has like 1/100th of the scientific accomplishments italy has.

im a little baffled by why neil is doing this

Ironically Italian-Americans are the reason Columbus Day became a holiday here in the first place.

>later goes to pol and complains about the "dude i love science" crowd

a lot of triggered retards in here but you gotta admit neil is a lucky man.

he's a high iq astrophysicist, he's tall and he has a big black cock.

he won the genetic lottery

Um sweetie, he's been cancelled. Get with #TheCulture

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one thing mayonnaise, arabs and light-skinned latinos all have in common is this

they all get triggered by black men much more intelligent than them

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'Italy' was not even a government at the time. Objectively, it prioritized trade rather than churches.
>Not being catholic fanatics
Neil should never comment on things outside of astrophysics.

you're taking his tweets a little too seriously you retarded faggot.

why are Jow Forumscels so fucking stupid?

Please get off of Jow Forums, Neil.

Is he a retard?

are you?

BASED Amerigo

really milks my almonds

Wasn't most of italy under spain during the colonization?

It change nothing, Amerigo was still the first who undertsand that there was a new continent in the west of Europe. Unlike Colombus who was so shit in math that even on his deathbed was sur that he was on India.

the virgin bird hunter with 3 boats (lmao pussy)
the chad ocean pirate drifter title usurper

if columbus/vespucci did colonize the continent you would not be speaking my italian, because italian derives from fiorentino (tuscany)

in any case, consider that italian city state didn't have an army to defend large territories and to enforce long term contracts

What a fucking retard. Italy wasnt fucking united. The new world was only discovered because ottomans shut down the spice trade with venice. Spain was in no position to take the place of venice anyway so when venice couldnt provide spice the solution was to find a new route. For venice the easier solution is to restore relations to the ottomans.
He is portraying italy as a fundamentalist backwater when it was the center of the renaissance.

Columbus thought he landed on an undiscovered archipelago east of Japan

Le Science Negro should stick to physics. Whenever he opens his mouth about other subjects he turns into a retard.

Welp, you guys even got you asses kicked by Ethiopia the first time you tried to rule them.

It's probably Neil

Who the fuck cares what the affirmative action science guy thinks
What the fuck has ever contributed to the world? He just bitches about movies and NASA funding and is still making money off Carl Sagens corpse

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>Neil deGrasse Tyson browses Jow Forums

Explains why he's an idiot.



He's the smartest black man in the world. Of course he isn't retarded.

>the spanish were brave explorers seeking out new lands to spread civilization to
>the brits who did the same thing were evil wh*toid colonizers killing natives and sheeit we wuz kings

People in Latin America still complain about Spain.

>not an unified country
>doesn't face the open ocean
>often ravaged by war and subjugated by foreign powers, Spain included
It's not like they had a choice. That's like asking why Greece didn't colonize the New World.

Plus you were locked in the Mediterranean, focused on the silk route and you were trading with turks, which make Venetia rich and prosperous

the americas belong to the natives, or used to before y*ros genocided them
now its a wasteland of human trash

The only native majority country, Bolivia, sucks.

that is because of am*rimutt imperialism

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I do like that he's patriotic.

Italian city states valued sound public finances such as a funded public debt. Spain valued stupid wars and lost her European possessions as she fought countries with systems of war finance. Now Spain is a poor irrelevant shithole.

Objective of italians at that time:
Jew bucks

Objective of portuguese and spanish at that time:
Native indian pussy and spread christianity

>Spanish philosophers and mathematicians

>while spain valued gold and silver.

fixed for you

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Explorers shape the world more.

Because there were no italian explorers and there are no cathedrals in Spain.

Was this the mayo he rubbed on himself to make his skin lighter?


He's been cleared of all that.